FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Please read this FAQ before posting questions to the forum or sending us emails.

Will advertisements be shown in my application?

Is it possible to switch between Free License and Premium License as necessary?

Is the Murl Engine Open Source?

Is it possible to license the source code?

Which support can I expect?

Are there any reference applications?



Will advertisements be shown in my application?

No, the multimedia framework does not show any advertisements. The only exception is the "powered by Murl Engine" notification overlay upon application startup when using the "Free Licensing Profile".

Is it possible to switch between Free License and Premium License as necessary?

For every application any license offered can be chosen. Upgrading a license is possible at any time, e.g. from "Free License" to "Basic License". However, downgrading a license is not possible, e.g. from "Pro License" to "Basic License".

Is the Murl Engine Open Source?

No, although many parts of the framework are delivered with source code. The actual scene graph framework, however, is closed source.

Is it possible to license the source code?

Yes. If you are interested in a source code license, please contact us via email at office(at)murlengine.com.


Which support can I expect?

Don’t panic! We will not let you down, if you need our support or help. The first place to go for free support requests is our forum. Members of our community and developers of the Murl Engine will try to answer any questions at their best and as soon as possible. However, we ask for your understanding that not every request can be fulfilled and that a high workload may cause delays. Additionally, we offer Premium Support for a fee.


Are there any reference applications?

Some reference applications can be found in the gallery section.


Still have a question or want to give some feedback? Use our forum or send us a note to office(at)murlengine.com.

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