Murl::Util::AttributesBase Member List

This is the complete list of members for Murl::Util::AttributesBase, including all inherited members.

AddAttribute(const String &fullName, const String &value)=0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
AddDefaults(const IAttributes *defaultAttributes)=0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
Clear()=0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
EvaluateParameters(const IAttributes *params, String &value, Bool &error) constMurl::Util::AttributesBase
EvaluateParameters(const IAttributes *params, String &value, Result &result) constMurl::Util::AttributesBase
GetAngleValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Double &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Double &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, DoubleArray &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, FloatArray &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, DoubleArray &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, FloatArray &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Double *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Double *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAngleValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAttributeHash(UInt32 index, UInt32 level=0) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAttributeIndex(const char *name) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAttributeLevel(UInt32 index) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAttributeName(UInt32 index, UInt32 level=0) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAttributeParent(UInt32 index) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetAttributeValue(UInt32 index, UInt32 level=0) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetBitsToSetByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, UInt32 &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetBitsToSetByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, UInt32 &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetColorValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetColorValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetDefaults(UInt32 index) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetEnumBitsToSetByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, UInt32 &value, Bool &error) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumBitsToSetByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, UInt32 &value, Result &result) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumBitsToSetByName(const Char *name, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, UInt32 &value, Bool &error) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumBitsToSetByName(const Char *name, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, UInt32 &value, Result &result) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, EnumType &value, Bool &error) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, EnumType &value, Result &result) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValueByName(const Char *name, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, EnumType &value, Bool &error) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValueByName(const Char *name, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, EnumType &value, Result &result) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, Array< EnumType > &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, EnumType *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, Array< EnumType > &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, EnumType *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValuesByName(const Char *name, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, Array< EnumType > &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetEnumValuesByName(const Char *name, const IAttributes *params, const Enum< EnumType > &enumClass, Array< EnumType > &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) constMurl::IAttributesinline
GetFullAttributeIndex(const char *fullName) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetFullAttributeName(UInt32 index) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetFullAttributeValue(UInt32 index) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetNumberOfAttributes() const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetNumberOfDefaults() const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetNumberOfUnusedAttributes() const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetUnusedAttributeNames(StringArray &names) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, String &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Bool &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, UInt32 &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, SInt32 &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Double &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Color &value, Bool &error) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, String &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Bool &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, UInt32 &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, SInt32 &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Double &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValueByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Color &value, Result &result) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, StringArray &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, BoolArray &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, UInt32Array &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, SInt32Array &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, DoubleArray &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, FloatArray &values, Bool &error, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, StringArray &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, BoolArray &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, UInt32Array &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, SInt32Array &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, DoubleArray &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, FloatArray &values, Result &result, Bool clear=true) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, String *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Bool *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, UInt32 *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, SInt32 *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Double *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float *values, UInt32 maxValues, Bool &error, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, String *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Bool *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, UInt32 *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, SInt32 *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Double *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
GetValuesByIndex(UInt32 index, const IAttributes *params, Float *values, UInt32 maxValues, Result &result, UInt32 *numValues=nullptr) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
HasAttributeValue(UInt32 index) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
IsAttributeUsed(UInt32 index) const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
SetAllAttributesUsed() const =0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
SetAttribute(const String &fullName, const String &value)=0Murl::IAttributespure virtual
~AttributesBase() overrideMurl::Util::AttributesBase

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