XML Resource Object Attributes
Class Murl::Addons::Lua::ResourceScriptFile

enableCompression="false" [Bool]

If set to true, the script gets compressed.

enableEncryption="false" [Bool]

If set to true, the script gets encrypted.

Class Murl::Resource::DdsImage

matteColor="0f,0f,0f,0f" [Color]

The matte color to use for the image. If specified, the image is processed during loading to replace all color values whose alpha value is equal or below a given threshold (see the matteThreshold attribute below) with the given color value. See Murl::IVideoSurface::ApplyMatte().

matteThreshold="8" [UInt32]

The matte threshold to use, if the matteColor attribute above is specified.

Class Murl::Resource::FileArchive

enableEncryption="false" [Bool]

If set to true, the archive gets encrypted.

Class Murl::Resource::GlslShader

enableOptimization="false" [Bool]

If set to true, the shader is being optimized before it gets compiled.

Class Murl::Resource::Image

outputStreamFormat="DEFAULT" [IEnums::VideoStreamFormat]

The optional output stream format. If the format is set to some specific value (e.g. "PNG" or "WEBP"), the given image is encoded using that format when it is included in a binary resource package using the resource_packer tool, otherwise the input format is used. Note, that the image is NOT re-encoded during loading, to maintain reasonable loading time of a package. This has the effect that, when e.g. recoding a PNG image as JPG, any possible visual artifacts due to the lossy nature of the output format are only visible when loading the binary package. Note also that not all input formats (such as ETC1 or PVRTC) allow for recoding to a different format.

outputPixelFormat="DEFAULT" [IEnums::PixelFormat]

The optional output pixel format. If the pixel format is set to some specific value, the resource packer tool tries to re-encode the given image using that format, if possible. See also the outputStreamFormat attribute above.

outputCompressionType="DEFAULT" [IEnums::CompressionType]

The optional output compression type. Supported by the "WEBP" outputStreamFormat, this attribute specifies which compression type to use, either "LOSSLESS" or "LOSSY". Supported by the "PNG" outputStreamFormat, this attribute specifies which compression type to use, either "DEFAULT" or "BEST".

outputCompressionQuality="90.0" [Real]

The optional output compression quality/size, in the range from 0.0 (lowest/smallest) to 100.0 (highest/largest). Currently only supported by the "WEBP" outputStreamFormat, this attribute specifies the actual compression qualits if "LOSSY" is specified for outputCompressionType.

Class Murl::Resource::Instance

graphResourceId="" [String]

The ID of the graph resource to auto-create. This ID must match the ID of a valid graph resource from within the same package.

scriptResourceId="" [String]

The ID of the script resource to auto-create. This ID must match the ID of a valid script resource from within the same package.

parentNodeId="" [String]

The optional ID of a Murl::Graph::INode already present in the engine's master scene graph. If given, the newly created sub-graph instance will be attached to the list of children of the node referenced by the given path. If not specified, the new instance is attached to the scene graph root.

replications="1" [UInt32]

The number of replications to create.

excludeForX="" [String]

Exclusion conditions. See Murl::Resource::Object

includeForX="" [String]

Inclusion conditions. See Murl::Resource::Object

Class Murl::Resource::KtxImage

matteColor="0f,0f,0f,0f" [Color]

The matte color to use for the image. If specified, the image is processed during loading to replace all color values whose alpha value is equal or below a given threshold (see the matteThreshold attribute below) with the given color value. See Murl::IVideoSurface::ApplyMatte().

matteThreshold="8" [UInt32]

The matte threshold to use, if the matteColor attribute above is specified.

Class Murl::Resource::Object

id="" [String]

The ID of the resource object. If a graph node accepts a resource object as an input attribute (e.g. "imageResourceId"), this resource must be specified in the form "<Package ID>:<Resource ID>".

type="DEFAULT" [IEnums::ResourceType]

The optional specific resource type.

fileName="" [String]

The actual file name of the resource on disk. Sub-directories can be included in the file name; the specified path is relative to the directory where the "package.xml" file is placed.

excludeForX="" [String]

A comma-separated list of enumeration values, to specify for which configuration(s) this resource should be excluded. See the "includeForX" attribute below.

includeForX="" [String]

A comma-separated list of enumeration values, to specify for which configuration(s) this resource should be included. Resources in a package that have one or more condition attributes are evaluated in a top-down manner until the first match is found for the specified inclusions and/or exclusions. Possible values for X (e.g. "includeForLanguages") and their data types:

Class Murl::Resource::PngImage

matteColor="0f,0f,0f,0f" [Color]

The matte color to use for the image. If specified, the image is processed during loading to replace all color values whose alpha value is equal or below a given threshold (see the matteThreshold attribute below) with the given color value. See Murl::IVideoSurface::ApplyMatte().

matteThreshold="8" [UInt32]

The matte threshold to use, if the matteColor attribute above is specified.

Class Murl::Resource::Shader

shaderType="UNDEFINED" [IEnums::ShaderType]

The shader type, either VERTEX or FRAGMENT. If not defined, the resource loader tries to auto-detect the actual type.

defines="" [String]

A comma-separated array of strings defining preprocessor definitions.

constants="" [String]

A comma-separated array of strings defining constant variable values.

attributeItem.N="" [IEnums::AttributeItem]

The predefined item for attribute N.

attributeType.N="" [IEnums::AttributeType]

The data type for attribute N.

varyingName.N="" [String]

The name for varying variable N.

varyingType.N="" [IEnums::VaryingType]

The data type for varying variable N.

textureSemantic.N.C="" [IEnums::TextureSemantic]

The semantic for texture sampler N and color channel C (r, g, b or a).

textureSemanticIndex.N.C="0" [UInt32]

The semantic index for texture sampler N and color channel C (r, g, b or a).

textureType.N="FLAT" [IEnums::TextureType]

The sampler type for texture sampler N.

Class Murl::Resource::Text

id="" [String]

The ID of the text resource. If a graph node accepts a text resource as an input attribute (e.g. "textResourceId"), this resource must be specified in the form "<Package ID>:<Resource ID>".

value="" [String]

The actual text value.

excludeForX="" [String]

Exclusion conditions. See Murl::Resource::Object

includeForX="" [String]

Inclusion conditions. See Murl::Resource::Object

Class Murl::Resource::TgaImage

matteColor="0f,0f,0f,0f" [Color]

The matte color to use for the image. If specified, the image is processed during loading to replace all color values whose alpha value is equal or below a given threshold (see the matteThreshold attribute below) with the given color value. See Murl::IVideoSurface::ApplyMatte().

matteThreshold="8" [UInt32]

The matte threshold to use, if the matteColor attribute above is specified.

Class Murl::Resource::WebpImage

matteColor="0f,0f,0f,0f" [Color]

The matte color to use for the image. If specified, the image is processed during loading to replace all color values whose alpha value is equal or below a given threshold (see the matteThreshold attribute below) with the given color value. See Murl::IVideoSurface::ApplyMatte().

matteThreshold="8" [UInt32]

The matte threshold to use, if the matteColor attribute above is specified.

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