I saw one source code and I have one suggestion to the solution of this problem.
The SetRotationComponent(DataType angleX, DataType angleY, DataType angleZ) automatically uses the SetRotationComponentXYZ(DataType angleX, DataType angleY, DataType angleZ, IEnums::RotationOrder rotationOrder) because it wants to carries the other axes together. passing by default the axis rotation order IEnums::ROTATION_ORDER_ZYX
My suggestion is that you change the behavior of the method SetRotationComponent(DataType angleX, DataType angleY, DataType angleZ) to NOT carries the other axes together. like the behavior of SetRotationComponentX(DataType angleX) with Y and Z.
void SetRotationComponent(DataType angleX, DataType angleY, DataType angleZ)
SetRotationComponentXYZ(angleX, angleY, angleZ, IEnums::ROTATION_ORDER_ZYX);
The SetRotationComponent(DataType angleX, DataType angleY, DataType angleZ) automatically uses the SetRotationComponentXYZ(DataType angleX, DataType angleY, DataType angleZ, IEnums::RotationOrder rotationOrder) because it wants to carries the other axes together. passing by default the axis rotation order IEnums::ROTATION_ORDER_ZYX
My suggestion is that you change the behavior of the method SetRotationComponent(DataType angleX, DataType angleY, DataType angleZ) to NOT carries the other axes together. like the behavior of SetRotationComponentX(DataType angleX) with Y and Z.
✠ nnDnn ✠ The peace of Christ! ✠ nnDnn ✠