31 Jul 2013, 11:54
Android has changed the button order on the AlertDialog with API level 11.
On devices prior to HONEYCOMB, the button order (left to right) was POSITIVE - NEUTRAL - NEGATIVE.
On devices using HONEYCOMB or later, the button order (left to right) is now NEGATIVE - NEUTRAL - POSITIVE.
We will reverse the button order of the ISystemDialog on Android in our next release to guarantee that on dialoges with more than 1 button the negative button is always button 0 across all platforms.
The documentation will be revised: The button order is platform dependet but it is ensured that the negative button is always button 0 on dialoges with more than 1 button.
Therefore on Android
- if the Android OS Version is prior to HONEYCOMB or
- if the TargetSdkVersion of the App is prior to HONEYCOMB
the order in the dialog will be (left to right)
POSITIVE - NEUTRAL - NEGATIVE resp. Button 2 - Button 1 - Button 0.
Otherwise on Android the order will be (left to right)
NEGATIVE - NEUTRAL - POSITIVE. resp. Button 0 - Button 1 - Button 2.
On devices prior to HONEYCOMB, the button order (left to right) was POSITIVE - NEUTRAL - NEGATIVE.
On devices using HONEYCOMB or later, the button order (left to right) is now NEGATIVE - NEUTRAL - POSITIVE.
We will reverse the button order of the ISystemDialog on Android in our next release to guarantee that on dialoges with more than 1 button the negative button is always button 0 across all platforms.
The documentation will be revised: The button order is platform dependet but it is ensured that the negative button is always button 0 on dialoges with more than 1 button.
Therefore on Android
- if the Android OS Version is prior to HONEYCOMB or
- if the TargetSdkVersion of the App is prior to HONEYCOMB
the order in the dialog will be (left to right)
POSITIVE - NEUTRAL - NEGATIVE resp. Button 2 - Button 1 - Button 0.
Otherwise on Android the order will be (left to right)
NEGATIVE - NEUTRAL - POSITIVE. resp. Button 0 - Button 1 - Button 2.