Build 1.00.6747

Posted on August 16, 2017

A new Murl Engine Build 1.00.6747Beta is available for download.


  • Added new "--prescale_divisor" command line parameter to the resource_packer tool, which is supposed to replace the existing (now deprecated) "--prescale_factor" parameter. When specifying "--prescale_factor 1" together with "--check_config", the resource_packer tool falsely includes all resources tagged with a prescale factor, instead only those for factor 1. For compatibility reasons, "--prescale_factor" still exists and behaves as before, but should be replaced with "--prescale_divisor" whenever possible.
  • Removed the legacy "armeabi" target on Android
  • Added Crashlytics to gradle release type task


  • Built with Android NDK 15.1.4119039
  • Added GetChildIndex(), GetParentIndex() and GetControllerIndex() methods to Graph::INode interface, to query the actual index of a given child/parent node or controller
  • Enabled tracker result queries for Graph::Controller classes
  • Updated Google Play IAP classes


  • Fixed a bug in Android::FileInterface which caused failures when repeatedly mapping/unmapping files
  • Fixed a startup crash on certain Android devices that do not support OpenGL|ES 3.0+
  • Fixed an iOS audio playback problem after system pause/continue events on certain devices/iOS versions

All changes can also be found in the change log.

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