Resource Packer

Resource Binary Packer

The Resource Binary Packer is a command-line tool.


resource_packer <param 1> <param 2> ...


  • --input_package or -ip, mandatory: The input package file or directory to convert.
  • --output_package or -op, optional (1) : The output package file to convert.
  • --output_hex or -oh, optional (1) : The optional file name for the output package hex dump.
  • --check_config or -cc, optional, switch : If set, only those resources that match a given configuration are included in the output packages.
  • --make_default or -md, optional, switch : If set, only the first resource that matches a given configuration is included, and set as the default resource in the output package.
  • --user_config or -uc, optional, multiple : The user-defined configurations to include in the output packages.
  • --language or -lang, optional, multiple : The languages to include in the output packages.
  • --target_class or -tc, optional, multiple : The target classes to include in the output packages.
  • --target_device or -td, optional, multiple : The target devices to include in the output packages.
  • --operating_system or -os, optional, multiple : The operating systems to include in the output packages.
  • --gpu or -gp, optional, multiple : The GPU types to include in the output packages.
  • --video_api or -va, optional, multiple : The video APIs to include in the output packages.
  • --audio_api or -aa, optional, multiple : The audio APIs to include in the output packages.
  • --prescale_factor or -pf, optional, multiple : The prescale factors to include in the output packages.

(1) Either parameter -op or parameter -oh must be specified.

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