Murl::Graph::IVideoSequence Interface Referenceabstract

The IVideoSequence graph node interface. More...

#include "murl_graph_i_video_sequence.h"

Inheritance diagram for Murl::Graph::IVideoSequence:

Public Member Functions

virtual INodeGetNodeInterface ()=0
 Get the mutable Graph::INode interface. More...
virtual const INodeGetNodeInterface () const =0
 Get the constant Graph::INode interface. More...
virtual IVideoSourceNodeTargetGetVideoSourceNodeTarget ()=0
 Get the mutable Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget container. More...
virtual const IVideoSourceNodeTargetGetVideoSourceNodeTarget () const =0
 Get the constant Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget container. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Murl::Graph::IPlayable
virtual Bool SetEndlessLoopEnabled (Bool enabled)=0
 Enable/disable endless looping. More...
virtual Bool IsEndlessLoopEnabled () const =0
 Check if endless looping is enabled. More...
virtual Bool SetTimelineStallingEnabled (Bool enabled)=0
 Enable/disable timeline stalling. More...
virtual Bool IsTimelineStallingEnabled () const =0
 Check if timeline stalling is enabled. More...
virtual Double GetTotalDuration () const =0
 Get the total duration of the playable. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Murl::Graph::IVisible
virtual Bool SetPixelFormat (IEnums::PixelFormat pixelFormat)=0
 Set the pixel format used for output. More...
virtual IEnums::PixelFormat GetPixelFormat () const =0
 Get the pixel format used for output. More...

Detailed Description

The IVideoSequence graph node interface.

A video sequence represents a single instance of a playable video object. It can reference any number of individual video source nodes that can be seamlessly played back in the order they are specified through the node's Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget.

Use the interface's Graph::IPlayable base to query the total duration, and set or query endless looping.

Use the interface's Graph::IVisible base to access the used pixel format.

See Graph::IVideoSource for defining individual video objects.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetNodeInterface() [1/2]

virtual INode* Murl::Graph::IVideoSequence::GetNodeInterface ( )
pure virtual

Get the mutable Graph::INode interface.

This method returns a mutable pointer to the node's Graph::INode interface, to be able to query or modify common node properties such as active state, visibility or ID.

The mutable Graph::INode interface, or null if not available

◆ GetNodeInterface() [2/2]

virtual const INode* Murl::Graph::IVideoSequence::GetNodeInterface ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the constant Graph::INode interface.

This method returns a constant pointer to the node's Graph::INode interface, to be able to query common node properties such as active state, visibility or ID.

The constant Graph::INode interface, or null if not available

◆ GetVideoSourceNodeTarget() [1/2]

virtual IVideoSourceNodeTarget* Murl::Graph::IVideoSequence::GetVideoSourceNodeTarget ( )
pure virtual

Get the mutable Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget container.

This method returns a mutable pointer to the node's Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget container, which allows to add, remove or query the video sequence's referenced sound objects.

The mutable Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget container, or null if not available

◆ GetVideoSourceNodeTarget() [2/2]

virtual const IVideoSourceNodeTarget* Murl::Graph::IVideoSequence::GetVideoSourceNodeTarget ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the constant Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget container.

This method returns a constant pointer to the node's Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget container, which allows to query the video sequence's referenced sound objects.

The constant Graph::IVideoSourceNodeTarget container, or null if not available

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
  • murl_graph_i_video_sequence.h

Copyright © 2011-2025 Spraylight GmbH.