Murl::App Namespace Reference

Namespace for application development. More...


class  AppBase
 A helper class for simple use of the IApp object. More...


typedef AppReal Real
 Generic floating point data type for the Murl::App namespace.
typedef Math::Vector< RealVector
 Math::Vector data type for the Murl::App namespace.
typedef Math::StaticVector< RealStaticVector
 Math::StaticVector data type for the Murl::App namespace.
typedef Math::Quaternion< RealQuaternion
 Math::Quaternion data type for the Murl::App namespace.
typedef Math::Matrix< RealMatrix
 Math::Matrix data type for the Murl::App namespace.
typedef Math::Limits< RealLimits
 Math::Limits data type for the Murl::App namespace.


IAppCreateApp ()
 Global function to create an application. More...
void DestroyApp (IApp *app)
 Global function to destroy an application. More...
Bool CheckValidateReceipt ()
 Validation of the app-store copy protection, currently supported on MacOSX only. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for application development.

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