Murl::System::CLib Namespace Reference

System C-runtime library functions. More...


using CompareFunctionType = SInt32(*)(const void *source1, const void *source2)
 Definition of the compare function. More...


String PrintToString (const Char *format,...)
 Print formatted variadic arguments into string. More...
String PrintToStringArg (const Char *format, void *vaListPtr)
 Print formatted variadic arguments into string. More...
SInt32 PrintToDebug (const Char *format,...)
 Print formatted variadic arguments to the system specific debug output. More...
SInt32 PrintToError (const Char *format,...)
 Print formatted variadic arguments to the system specific error output. More...
SInt32 PrintToWarning (const Char *format,...)
 Print formatted variadic arguments to the system specific warning output. More...
SInt32 PrintToCString (Char *targetString, UInt32 targetLength, const Char *format,...)
 Print formatted variadic arguments into a C-string. More...
SInt32 PrintToFile (const Char *fileName, const Char *format,...)
 Print formatted variadic arguments to file. More...
SInt32 PrintToStdOut (const Char *format,...)
 Print formatted variadic arguments to stdout. More...
SInt32 ScanString (const Char *stringToScan, const Char *format,...)
 Scan formatted string into variadic arguments. More...
void * Alloc (UInt64 byteSize)
 Allocate heap memory. More...
void Free (void *data)
 Free allocated heap memory. More...
void * MemSet (void *destination, UInt32 value, UInt64 byteSize)
 Fill memory with a value. More...
void * MemCopy (void *destination, const void *source, UInt64 byteSize)
 Copy non-overlapping memory. More...
void * MemMove (void *destination, const void *source, UInt64 byteSize)
 Copy overlapping memory. More...
SInt32 MemCompare (const void *source1, const void *source2, UInt64 byteSize)
 Compare memory. More...
void QuickSort (void *items, UInt32 numberOfItems, UInt32 itemByteSize, CompareFunctionType compareFunction)
 Quick sort items. More...
void * BinarySearch (const void *key, const void *items, UInt32 numberOfItems, UInt32 itemByteSize, CompareFunctionType compareFunction)
 Binary search an item. More...
void SRand (UInt32 seed)
 Seed the C-runtime library random number generator. More...
SInt32 Rand ()
 Get a random number form the C-runtime library random number generator. More...
SInt32 StrCmp (const Char *string1, const Char *string2)
 Compare C-strings. More...
UInt32 StrLen (const Char *string)
 Get the length of C-string. More...
Bool IsDigit (SInt32 characterCode)
 Check if a character is a numeric character. More...
Bool IsAlpha (SInt32 characterCode)
 Check if a character is an alphabetic character. More...
Bool IsAlphaNumeric (SInt32 characterCode)
 Check if a character is an alphanumeric character. More...
Bool IsPunctuation (SInt32 characterCode)
 Check if a character is a punctuation character. More...
Bool IsSpace (SInt32 characterCode)
 Check if a character is a spacing character. More...
Bool IsHexDigit (SInt32 characterCode)
 Check if a character is a hexadecimal character. More...
Bool IsControl (SInt32 characterCode)
 Check if a character is a control character. More...
String GetNormalizedFileSystemPath (const Char *nativePath)
 Get a normalized (UTF8) representation of a native file system path. More...
String GetNativeFileSystemPath (const Char *normalizedPath)
 Get a native representation of a normalized (UTF8) file system path. More...
Bool FileExists (const Char *path)
 Check if a file exists. More...
Bool DeleteFile (const Char *path)
 Delete a file. More...
Bool MoveFile (const Char *oldPath, const Char *newPath)
 Move/rename a file. More...
Bool FolderExists (const Char *path)
 Check if a folder exists. More...
Bool CreateFolder (const Char *path)
 Create a folder. More...
Bool DeleteFolder (const Char *path, Bool recursively)
 Delete a folder. More...
Bool MoveFolder (const Char *oldPath, const Char *newPath)
 Move/rename a folder. More...
Bool GetItemCreationTime (const Char *path, UInt64 &seconds, UInt64 &nanoSeconds)
 Get the creation time of a file or folder. More...
Bool GetItemModificationTime (const Char *path, UInt64 &seconds, UInt64 &nanoSeconds)
 Get the time a file or folder was most recently modified. More...
SInt32 LaunchShellCommand (const Char *commandLine)
 Launch a shell command if supported by the platform. More...
void Abort ()
 Call the C-runtime abort function.
void Exit (SInt32 exitCode)
 Call the C-runtime exit function. More...

Detailed Description

System C-runtime library functions.

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