The new Murl Engine Build 1.00.2194Beta is available.
- Enabled dynamic geometry batching if possible. Can be controlled using the "allowDynamicBatching" attribute or the SetDynamicBatchingAllowed() interface method on PlaneGeometry, GenericGeometry and other nodes.
- Updated WebP library to v0.3
- Added optional vertex attributes for PlaneSequenceGeometry and PlaneGeometry: Normal/Binormal/Tangent and TexCoord1
- Added Graph::NinePatchPlaneGeometry node
- Added Graph::BoundingBox node
- Added the Win32 implementation of the IPreferencesControl interface
- Introduced the "parentTextId" target attribute for TextGeometry nodes
- Added the "allowNpotTexture" attribute for TextGeometry nodes
- Added a blur option for TextGeometry and FlatTextTexture nodes
- Added the "enableContainerFitting" attribute for TextGeometry nodes
- Enabled separate blend functions/equations on GLES 1.1
- Added OutCoord range for Graph::IButton and InCoord range for Graph::IFrameBuffer
- Added "vertexColoringEnabled" attribute for FixedProgram node
- Added Util::Timeline
- Added "activeFaces" attribute for Button nodes
- Misc improvements on timelines and logic sound objects
- Misc optimizations
- Fixed a crash in Graph::Aligner when activated
- Fixed Graph::Controller incorrectly evaluating at time -1.0
- Fixed a socket address issue on OSX
- Fixed children error checking for Reference and ReferenceTransform nodes
- Misc minor fixes in GLES and DX9 renderers
- Misc logic fixes