Murl::IAppConfiguration Interface Referenceabstract

The application configuration interface defines the application-specific settings which can be modified during runtime. More...

#include "murl_i_app_configuration.h"

Inherited by Murl::Util::AppConfiguration.

Public Member Functions

virtual const IPlatformConfigurationGetPlatformConfiguration () const =0
 Get the const platform configuration object. More...
virtual const IEngineConfigurationGetEngineConfiguration () const =0
 Get the const engine configuration object. More...
virtual Bool HasChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check is any configuration setting has changed. More...
virtual Bool RegisterApp (const IApp *app)=0
 Register the app with this configuration. More...
virtual Bool UnregisterApp (const IApp *app)=0
 Unregister the app from this configuration. More...
virtual Bool IsUserConfigurationMatching (const String &userConfigId) const =0
 Check if the current user-defined configuration is matching a given ID. More...
virtual void SetWindowTitle (const String &title)=0
 Set the window title. More...
virtual const StringGetWindowTitle () const =0
 Get the window title. More...
virtual Bool HasWindowTitleChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the window title has changed. More...
virtual void SetLanguage (IEnums::Language language)=0
 Set the current language. More...
virtual IEnums::Language GetLanguage () const =0
 Get the current language. More...
virtual Bool IsLanguageMatching (IEnums::Language language) const =0
 Check if the current language is matching a given one. More...
virtual Bool HasLanguageChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the current language has changed. More...
virtual void SetCurrencySymbol (const String &currencySymbol)=0
 Set the current currency symbol. More...
virtual const StringGetCurrencySymbol () const =0
 Get the current currency symbol. More...
virtual Bool HasCurrencySymbolChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the current currency symbol has changed. More...
virtual void SetCurrencyCode (const String &currencyCode)=0
 Set the current currency code. More...
virtual const StringGetCurrencyCode () const =0
 Get the current international currency symbol. More...
virtual Bool HasCurrencyCodeChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the current currency code has changed. More...
virtual void SetDecimalSeparator (const String &decimalSeparator)=0
 Set the current decimal separator. More...
virtual const StringGetDecimalSeparator () const =0
 Get the current decimal separator. More...
virtual Bool HasDecimalSeparatorChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the current decimal separator has changed. More...
virtual void SetGroupingSeparator (const String &groupingSeparator)=0
 Set the current grouping separator. More...
virtual const StringGetGroupingSeparator () const =0
 Get the current grouping separator. More...
virtual Bool HasGroupingSeparatorChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the current grouping separator has changed. More...
virtual void SetAppRunState (IEnums::AppRunState appRunState)=0
 Set the current application run state. More...
virtual IEnums::AppRunState GetAppRunState () const =0
 Get the current application run state. More...
virtual Bool HasAppRunStateChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the current application run state has changed. More...
virtual void SetMemoryWarning (Bool warn)=0
 Set the memory warning state. More...
virtual Bool GetMemoryWarning () const =0
 Get the memory warning state. More...
virtual Bool HasMemoryWarningChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the memory warning state has changed. More...
virtual void SetAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabled (Bool enabled)=0
 Enable/disable automatic resource eviction. More...
virtual Bool IsAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabled () const =0
 Check if automatic resource eviction is enabled. More...
virtual Bool HasAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the automatic resource eviction property has changed. More...
virtual void SetMultiTouchActive (Bool enable)=0
 Activate the multi-touch functionality. More...
virtual Bool IsMultiTouchActive () const =0
 Check if the multi-touch functionality is activated. More...
virtual Bool HasMultiTouchActiveChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the multi-touch activation state has changed. More...
virtual void SetAccelerometerActive (Bool enable)=0
 Activate the accelerometer functionality. More...
virtual Bool IsAccelerometerActive () const =0
 Check if the accelerometer functionality is activated. More...
virtual Bool HasAccelerometerActiveChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the accelerometer activation state has changed. More...
virtual void SetAccelerometerFrequency (UInt32 frequency)=0
 Set the accelerometer frequency. More...
virtual UInt32 GetAccelerometerFrequency () const =0
 Get the accelerometer frequency. More...
virtual Bool HasAccelerometerFrequencyChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the accelerometer frequency has changed. More...
virtual void SetGyroscopeActive (Bool enable)=0
 Activate the gyroscope functionality. More...
virtual Bool IsGyroscopeActive () const =0
 Check if the gyroscope functionality is activated. More...
virtual Bool HasGyroscopeActiveChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the gyroscope activation state has changed. More...
virtual void SetGyroscopeFrequency (UInt32 frequency)=0
 Set the gyroscope frequency. More...
virtual UInt32 GetGyroscopeFrequency () const =0
 Get the gyroscope frequency. More...
virtual Bool HasGyroscopeFrequencyChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the gyroscope frequency has changed. More...
virtual void SetLocationActive (Bool enable)=0
 Activate the location functionality. More...
virtual Bool IsLocationActive () const =0
 Check if the location functionality is activated. More...
virtual Bool HasLocationActiveChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the location activation state has changed. More...
virtual void SetLocationDistanceFilter (Real meters)=0
 Set the location distance filter. More...
virtual Real GetLocationDistanceFilter () const =0
 Get the location distance filter. More...
virtual Bool HasLocationDistanceFilterChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the location distance filter has changed. More...
virtual void SetLocationAccuracy (Real meters)=0
 Set the location accuracy. More...
virtual Real GetLocationAccuracy () const =0
 Get the location accuracy. More...
virtual Bool HasLocationAccuracyChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the location accuracy has changed. More...
virtual void SetLocationPurpose (const String &purpose)=0
 Set the location purpose description. More...
virtual const StringGetLocationPurpose () const =0
 Get the location purpose description. More...
virtual Bool HasLocationPurposeChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the location purpose description has changed. More...
virtual void SetHeadingActive (Bool enable)=0
 Activate the heading functionality. More...
virtual Bool IsHeadingActive () const =0
 Check if the heading functionality is activated. More...
virtual Bool HasHeadingActiveChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the heading activation state has changed. More...
virtual void SetHeadingCalibrationAllowed (Bool enable)=0
 Allow the heading calibration alert. More...
virtual Bool IsHeadingCalibrationAllowed () const =0
 Check if the heading calibration alert is allowed. More...
virtual Bool HasHeadingCalibrationAllowedChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the heading calibration alert permission has changed. More...
virtual void SetAutoRotationActive (Bool enable)=0
 Activate the screen auto-rotation functionality. More...
virtual Bool IsAutoRotationActive () const =0
 Check if the screen auto-rotation functionality is activated. More...
virtual Bool HasAutoRotationActiveChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the screen auto-rotation activation state has changed. More...
virtual void SetAutoRotationDuration (Real duration)=0
 Set the duration of the screen auto-rotation animation. More...
virtual Real GetAutoRotationDuration () const =0
 Get the duration of the screen auto-rotation animation. More...
virtual Bool HasAutoRotationDurationChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the duration of the screen auto-rotation animation has changed. More...
virtual void SetOrientationActive (Bool enable)=0
 Activate the device orientation functionality. More...
virtual Bool IsOrientationActive () const =0
 Check if the device orientation functionality is activated. More...
virtual Bool HasOrientationActiveChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the device orientation activation state has changed. More...
virtual void SetAllowedScreenOrientations (IEnums::CombinedScreenOrientation orientations)=0
 Set the allowed screen orientations. More...
virtual IEnums::CombinedScreenOrientation GetAllowedScreenOrientations () const =0
 Get the allowed screen orientations. More...
virtual Bool HasAllowedScreenOrientationsChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the allowed screen orientations value has changed. More...
virtual void SetScreenOrientation (IEnums::ScreenOrientation orientation)=0
 Set the current screen orientation. More...
virtual IEnums::ScreenOrientation GetScreenOrientation () const =0
 Get the current screen orientation. More...
virtual Bool HasScreenOrientationChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the current screen orientation has changed. More...
virtual void SetDisplaySurfaceOrientation (IEnums::ScreenOrientation orientation)=0
 Set the display surface orientation. More...
virtual IEnums::ScreenOrientation GetDisplaySurfaceOrientation () const =0
 Get the display surface orientation. More...
virtual Bool HasDisplaySurfaceOrientationChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the display surface orientation has changed. More...
virtual IEnums::Orientation GetDisplayRendererOrientation () const =0
 Get the display-renderer orientation. More...
virtual Bool HasDisplayRendererOrientationChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the display-renderer orientation has changed. More...
virtual IEnums::CombinedOrientation GetPortraitOrientations () const =0
 Get the combined relative portrait orientations. More...
virtual IEnums::Orientation GetPortraitOrientation (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get a relative portrait orientation. More...
virtual Bool HasPortraitOrientationsChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the relative portrait orientations value has changed. More...
virtual IEnums::CombinedOrientation GetLandscapeOrientations () const =0
 Get the combined relative landscape orientations. More...
virtual IEnums::Orientation GetLandscapeOrientation (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get a relative landscape orientation. More...
virtual Bool HasLandscapeOrientationsChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the relative landscape orientations value has changed. More...
virtual void SetDisplaySurfaceSize (UInt32 sizeX, UInt32 sizeY)=0
 Set the display surface size. More...
virtual UInt32 GetDisplaySurfaceSizeX () const =0
 Get the display surface width. More...
virtual UInt32 GetDisplaySurfaceSizeY () const =0
 Get the display surface height. More...
virtual Bool HasDisplaySurfaceSizeChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the display surface size has changed. More...
virtual void SetDisplaySurfaceSafeMargin (SInt32 x1, SInt32 y1, SInt32 x2, SInt32 y2)=0
 Set the display surface's safe margins. More...
virtual SInt32 GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginX1 () const =0
 Get the display surface's left safe area margin. More...
virtual SInt32 GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginY1 () const =0
 Get the display surface's bottom safe area margin. More...
virtual SInt32 GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginX2 () const =0
 Get the display surface's right safe area margin. More...
virtual SInt32 GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginY2 () const =0
 Get the display surface's top safe area margin. More...
virtual Bool HasDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the display surface's safe margins have changed. More...
virtual void SetWindowAspectRatio (Real ratio)=0
 Set the window aspect ratio. More...
virtual void SetWindowAspectRatio (UInt32 numerator, UInt32 denominator)=0
 Set the window aspect ratio by integer. More...
virtual Real GetWindowAspectRatio () const =0
 Get the window aspect ratio. More...
virtual UInt32 GetWindowAspectRatioNumerator () const =0
 Get the window aspect numerator. More...
virtual UInt32 GetWindowAspectRatioDenominator () const =0
 Get the window aspect denominator. More...
virtual Bool HasWindowAspectRatioChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the window aspect ratio has changed. More...
virtual UInt32 GetWindowSizeX () const =0
 Get the window width. More...
virtual UInt32 GetWindowSizeY () const =0
 Get the window height. More...
virtual Bool HasWindowSizeChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the window size has changed. More...
virtual void SetLockWindowAspectEnabled (Bool enable)=0
 Lock the window aspect ratio. More...
virtual Bool IsLockWindowAspectEnabled () const =0
 Check if the window aspect ratio is locked. More...
virtual Bool HasLockWindowAspectEnabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the window aspect ratio lock has changed. More...
virtual void SetMouseCursorHidden (Bool hide)=0
 Hide the mouse cursor. More...
virtual Bool IsMouseCursorHidden () const =0
 Check if the mouse cursor is hidden. More...
virtual Bool HasMouseCursorHiddenChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the mouse cursor is hidden status has changed. More...
virtual void SetMouseCursorDisabled (Bool disable)=0
 Disable the mouse cursor. More...
virtual Bool IsMouseCursorDisabled () const =0
 Check if the mouse cursor is disabled. More...
virtual Bool HasMouseCursorDisabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the mouse cursor is disabled status has changed. More...
virtual void SetMouseCoordinateClampingDisabled (Bool disable)=0
 Disable mouse input coordinate clamping. More...
virtual Bool IsMouseCoordinateClampingDisabled () const =0
 Check if mouse input coordinate clamping is disabled. More...
virtual Bool HasMouseCoordinateClampingDisabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the mouse input coordinate clamping status has changed. More...
virtual void SetCommandKeyDisabled (Bool disable)=0
 Disable the command-key. More...
virtual Bool IsCommandKeyDisabled () const =0
 Check if the command-key is disabled. More...
virtual Bool HasCommandKeyDisabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the command-key is disabled status has changed. More...
virtual void SetSyncLoadingTimeout (Double timeout)=0
 Set the synchronous resource initialization timeout. More...
virtual Double GetSyncLoadingTimeout () const =0
 Get the synchronous resource initialization timeout. More...
virtual Bool HasSyncLoadingTimeoutChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the synchronous resource initialization timeout has changed. More...
virtual void SetDisplayRefreshFrequency (UInt32 frequency, UInt32 forcedFrames=0)=0
 Set the desired display refresh frequency. More...
virtual UInt32 GetDisplayRefreshFrequency () const =0
 Get the display refresh frequency. More...
virtual UInt32 GetDisplayRefreshFrequencyForcedFrames () const =0
 Get the number of frames the frame duration is forced to the selected frame rate. More...
virtual Bool HasDisplayRefreshFrequencyChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the display refresh frequency has changed. More...
virtual void SetClockDeltaLimit (Double seconds)=0
 Set the internal clock's maximum frame delta limit. More...
virtual Double GetClockDeltaLimit () const =0
 Get the internal clock's maximum frame delta limit. More...
virtual Bool HasClockDeltaLimitChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the maximum frame delta limit has changed. More...
virtual void SetClockTimeBase (Double factor)=0
 Set the internal clock's time base factor. More...
virtual Double GetClockTimeBase () const =0
 Get the internal clock's time base factor. More...
virtual Bool HasClockTimeBaseChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the clock time base has changed. More...
virtual void SetClockAveragingFactor (Double factor)=0
 Set the internal clock's averaging factor. More...
virtual Double GetClockAveragingFactor () const =0
 Get the internal clock's averaging factor. More...
virtual Bool HasClockAveragingFactorChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the clock's averaging factor has changed. More...
virtual void SetRunLoopTriggers (IEnums::RunLoopTriggers triggers)=0
 Set run loop trigger hints. More...
virtual IEnums::RunLoopTriggers GetRunLoopTriggers () const =0
 Get run loop trigger hints. More...
virtual Bool HasRunLoopTriggersChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the run loop triggers have changed. More...
virtual void SetFullScreenEnabled (Bool enable)=0
 Enable the full screen display. More...
virtual Bool IsFullScreenEnabled () const =0
 Check if the full screen display is enabled. More...
virtual Bool HasFullScreenEnabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the full screen display status has changed. More...
virtual void SetIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenEnabled (Bool enabled)=0
 Enable or disable auto-hiding of the home indicator on iOS 11+ devices, if present. More...
virtual Bool IsIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenEnabled () const =0
 Check if auto-hiding of the home indicator is enabled. More...
virtual Bool HasIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if auto-hiding of the home indicator has changed. More...
virtual void SetIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures (IEnums::CombinedScreenEdges edges)=0
 Set screen edges with user gesture precedence over system gestures. More...
virtual IEnums::CombinedScreenEdges GetIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures () const =0
 Get screen edges with user gesture precedence over system gestures. More...
virtual Bool HasIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGesturesChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if user gesture precedence edges have changed. More...
virtual void SetAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarEnabled (Bool enabled)=0
 Enable or disable low profile mode for navigation bars on Android devices. More...
virtual Bool IsAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarEnabled () const =0
 Check if the low profile mode for navigation bars is enabled. More...
virtual Bool HasAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the low profile mode has changed. More...
virtual void SetAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyEnabled (Bool enabled)=0
 Enable or disable the hide navigation bar feature on Android devices. More...
virtual Bool IsAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyEnabled () const =0
 Check if the hide navigation bar feature is enabled. More...
virtual Bool HasAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the hide navigation bar feature has changed. More...
virtual void SetSystemDebugInfoEnabled (Bool enable)=0
 Enable the system debug-info display. More...
virtual Bool IsSystemDebugInfoEnabled () const =0
 Check if the system debug-info display is enabled. More...
virtual Bool HasSystemDebugInfoEnabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the system debug-info status has changed. More...
virtual void SetSystemDebugInfoScaleFactor (Real factor)=0
 Set the system debug-info scale factor. More...
virtual Real GetSystemDebugInfoScaleFactor () const =0
 Get the system debug-info scale factor. More...
virtual Bool HasSystemDebugInfoScaleFactorChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the system debug-info scale factor has changed. More...
virtual void SetSystemDebugInfoItems (UInt32 itemMask)=0
 Select which items to display in the system debug info display. More...
virtual UInt32 GetSystemDebugInfoItems () const =0
 Get the bit mask of displayed debug info items. More...
virtual Bool HasSystemDebugInfoItemsChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the system debug-info items have changed. More...
virtual void SetUserDebugInfoEnabled (Bool enable)=0
 Enable the user debug-info display. More...
virtual Bool IsUserDebugInfoEnabled () const =0
 Check if the user debug-info display is enabled. More...
virtual Bool HasUserDebugInfoEnabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the user debug-info status has changed. More...
virtual void SetUserDebugInfoScaleFactor (Real factor)=0
 Set the user debug-info scale factor. More...
virtual Real GetUserDebugInfoScaleFactor () const =0
 Get the user debug-info scale factor. More...
virtual Bool HasUserDebugInfoScaleFactorChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the user debug-info scale factor has changed. More...
virtual void SetDebugMouseEnabled (Bool enable)=0
 Enable the debug mouse pointer. More...
virtual Bool IsDebugMouseEnabled () const =0
 Check if the debug mouse pointer is enabled. More...
virtual Bool HasDebugMouseEnabledChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the debug mouse pointer status has changed. More...
virtual void SetDebugMouseScaleFactor (Real factor)=0
 Set the debug mouse pointer scale factor. More...
virtual Real GetDebugMouseScaleFactor () const =0
 Get the debug mouse pointer scale factor. More...
virtual Bool HasDebugMouseScaleFactorChanged (ChangeInspector &inspector) const =0
 Check if the debug mouse pointer scale factor has changed. More...
virtual void SetDebugOutputFunctionVerbosity (UInt32 itemMask)=0
 Set the trace/error items' verbosity bit mask. More...
virtual UInt32 GetDebugOutputFunctionVerbosity () const =0
 Get the trace items' bit mask. More...
virtual void SetDebugTraceLevel (SInt32 level)=0
 Set the global trace level used in MURL_TRACE macros. More...
virtual SInt32 GetDebugTraceLevel () const =0
 Get the global trace level used in MURL_TRACE macros. More...
virtual void SetTrackerTraceLevel (SInt32 level)=0
 Set the trace verbosity for scene graph tracker messages. More...
virtual SInt32 GetTrackerTraceLevel () const =0
 Get the trace verbosity for scene graph tracker messages. More...

Detailed Description

The application configuration interface defines the application-specific settings which can be modified during runtime.

(!) Specific platform implementations may not react on all modifications.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetPlatformConfiguration()

virtual const IPlatformConfiguration* Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetPlatformConfiguration ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the const platform configuration object.

The platform configuration object.

◆ GetEngineConfiguration()

virtual const IEngineConfiguration* Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetEngineConfiguration ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the const engine configuration object.

The engine configuration object.

◆ HasChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check is any configuration setting has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if any configuration setting has changed.

◆ RegisterApp()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::RegisterApp ( const IApp app)
pure virtual

Register the app with this configuration.

appThe app to register.
true if successful.

◆ UnregisterApp()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::UnregisterApp ( const IApp app)
pure virtual

Unregister the app from this configuration.

appThe app to unregister.
true if successful.

◆ IsUserConfigurationMatching()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsUserConfigurationMatching ( const String userConfigId) const
pure virtual

Check if the current user-defined configuration is matching a given ID.

userConfigIdThe ID of the user-defined config to check.
true if the current language is the language to check.

◆ SetWindowTitle()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetWindowTitle ( const String title)
pure virtual

Set the window title.

The window title is displayed on desktop platforms only. The window title can be modified during runtime.

The OSX platform uses the window title to replace "%@" in the interface builder's main window title.

The default window title is "Murl Engine". On OSX and iOS the window title is set to the CFBundleExecutable identifier.

titleThe window title string.

◆ GetWindowTitle()

virtual const String& Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetWindowTitle ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the window title.

The window title string.

◆ HasWindowTitleChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasWindowTitleChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the window title has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the window title has changed.

◆ SetLanguage()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetLanguage ( IEnums::Language  language)
pure virtual

Set the current language.

The current language can be modified during runtime.
The default current language is IEnums::LANGUAGE_ENGLISH.

languageThe current language.

◆ GetLanguage()

virtual IEnums::Language Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetLanguage ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the current language.

The current language.

◆ IsLanguageMatching()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsLanguageMatching ( IEnums::Language  language) const
pure virtual

Check if the current language is matching a given one.

languageThe language to check.
true if the current language is the language to check.

◆ HasLanguageChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasLanguageChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the current language has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the current language has changed.

◆ SetCurrencySymbol()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetCurrencySymbol ( const String currencySymbol)
pure virtual

Set the current currency symbol.

currencySymbolThe current currency symbol.

◆ GetCurrencySymbol()

virtual const String& Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetCurrencySymbol ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the current currency symbol.

The current currency symbol.

◆ HasCurrencySymbolChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasCurrencySymbolChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the current currency symbol has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the current currency symbol has changed.

◆ SetCurrencyCode()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetCurrencyCode ( const String currencyCode)
pure virtual

Set the current currency code.

currencyCodeThe current currency code.

◆ GetCurrencyCode()

virtual const String& Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetCurrencyCode ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the current international currency symbol.

A country typically has a local currency symbol and an international currency symbol.
The local symbol is used within the country, while the international currency symbol is used in international contexts to specify that country’s currency unambiguously.

The current international currency symbol.

◆ HasCurrencyCodeChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasCurrencyCodeChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the current currency code has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the current currency code has changed.

◆ SetDecimalSeparator()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDecimalSeparator ( const String decimalSeparator)
pure virtual

Set the current decimal separator.

decimalSeparatorThe current decimal separator.

◆ GetDecimalSeparator()

virtual const String& Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDecimalSeparator ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the current decimal separator.

The current decimal separator.

◆ HasDecimalSeparatorChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasDecimalSeparatorChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the current decimal separator has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the current decimal separator has changed.

◆ SetGroupingSeparator()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetGroupingSeparator ( const String groupingSeparator)
pure virtual

Set the current grouping separator.

groupingSeparatorThe current grouping separator.

◆ GetGroupingSeparator()

virtual const String& Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetGroupingSeparator ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the current grouping separator.

The current grouping separator.

◆ HasGroupingSeparatorChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasGroupingSeparatorChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the current grouping separator has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the current grouping separator has changed.

◆ SetAppRunState()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAppRunState ( IEnums::AppRunState  appRunState)
pure virtual

Set the current application run state.

The current application run state is typically modified by the platform depending on the IEngineConfiguration::SetDeactivatedAppRunState().

Run state changes are reported to the application by calling the Logic::IEngineProcessor::RunStateChanged() method which calls Logic::IAppProcessor::OnRunStateChanged() for all child processors.

appRunStateThe current application run state.

◆ GetAppRunState()

virtual IEnums::AppRunState Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetAppRunState ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the current application run state.

The current application run state.

◆ HasAppRunStateChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAppRunStateChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the current application run state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the current application run state has changed.

◆ SetMemoryWarning()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetMemoryWarning ( Bool  warn)
pure virtual

Set the memory warning state.

The memory warning state is typically set by the iOS platform to signal low memory from ApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning. On Android this state is set/cleared if the ActivityManager.MemoryInfo() lowMemory member changes (updated each frame).

warnThe memory warning state.

◆ GetMemoryWarning()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetMemoryWarning ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the memory warning state.

true if the a memory warning occurred.

◆ HasMemoryWarningChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasMemoryWarningChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the memory warning state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the memory warning state has changed.

◆ SetAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabled ( Bool  enabled)
pure virtual

Enable/disable automatic resource eviction.

If enabled, all nodes in the scene graph for which automatic swapping is enabled (set via Graph::INode::SetAutomaticSwappingEnabled() or via the node's "enableAutomaticSwapping" XML attribute) will also try to evict any additional resources (e.g. texture memory surfaces) to save memory. However, when these nodes are restored later on, there may be an extra performance cost for re-creating these resources at run time. By default, automatic eviction is disabled; it is considered good practice to only enable it once a memory warning occurred (see GetMemoryWarning()). Note that when manual swapping is enabled on a node (via "enableManualSwapping" or Graph::INode::SetManualSwappingEnabled()), the engine always tries to evict the node's resources when manual swapping is triggered via Graph::IRoot::TriggerSwapping().

enabledIf true, automatic resource eviction is enabled.

◆ IsAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if automatic resource eviction is enabled.

true if enabled.

◆ HasAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAutomaticResourceEvictionEnabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the automatic resource eviction property has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if changed.

◆ SetMultiTouchActive()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetMultiTouchActive ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Activate the multi-touch functionality.

Activate to receive data by multiple Input::ITouchScreenDevice instances.

This feature is currently supported by iOS platform only. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime.

The default multi-touch activation state is true.

enabletrue to enable the multi-touch functionality.

◆ IsMultiTouchActive()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsMultiTouchActive ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the multi-touch functionality is activated.

true if the multi-touch functionality is activated.

◆ HasMultiTouchActiveChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasMultiTouchActiveChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the multi-touch activation state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the multi-touch activation state has changed.

◆ SetAccelerometerActive()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAccelerometerActive ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Activate the accelerometer functionality.

Activate to receive data by the Input::IAccelerometerDevice.

This feature is currently supported by iOS and Android platform. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime.

The default accelerometer activation state is false.

enabletrue to enable the accelerometer functionality.

◆ IsAccelerometerActive()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsAccelerometerActive ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the accelerometer functionality is activated.

true if the accelerometer functionality is activated.

◆ HasAccelerometerActiveChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAccelerometerActiveChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the accelerometer activation state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the accelerometer activation state has changed.

◆ SetAccelerometerFrequency()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAccelerometerFrequency ( UInt32  frequency)
pure virtual

Set the accelerometer frequency.

This feature is currently supported by iOS platform only. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime.

The default accelerometer frequency is 60.

frequencyThe accelerometer frequency in samples per second.

◆ GetAccelerometerFrequency()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetAccelerometerFrequency ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the accelerometer frequency.

The accelerometer frequency in samples per second.

◆ HasAccelerometerFrequencyChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAccelerometerFrequencyChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the accelerometer frequency has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the accelerometer frequency has changed.

◆ SetGyroscopeActive()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetGyroscopeActive ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Activate the gyroscope functionality.

Activate to receive data by the Input::IGyroscopeDevice.

This feature is currently supported by iOS and Android platform. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime.

The default gyroscope activation state is false.

enabletrue to enable the gyroscope functionality.

◆ IsGyroscopeActive()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsGyroscopeActive ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the gyroscope functionality is activated.

true if the gyroscope functionality is activated.

◆ HasGyroscopeActiveChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasGyroscopeActiveChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the gyroscope activation state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the gyroscope activation state has changed.

◆ SetGyroscopeFrequency()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetGyroscopeFrequency ( UInt32  frequency)
pure virtual

Set the gyroscope frequency.

This feature is currently supported by iOS platform only. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime.

The default gyroscope frequency is 60.

frequencyThe gyroscope frequency in samples per second.

◆ GetGyroscopeFrequency()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetGyroscopeFrequency ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the gyroscope frequency.

The gyroscope frequency in samples per second.

◆ HasGyroscopeFrequencyChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasGyroscopeFrequencyChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the gyroscope frequency has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the gyroscope frequency has changed.

◆ SetLocationActive()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetLocationActive ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Activate the location functionality.

Activate to receive data by the Input::ILocationDevice.

This feature is currently supported by iOS, OSX and Android platform. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime.

The default location activation state is false.

enabletrue to enable the location functionality.

◆ IsLocationActive()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsLocationActive ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the location functionality is activated.

true if the location functionality is activated.

◆ HasLocationActiveChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasLocationActiveChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the location activation state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the location activation state has changed.

◆ SetLocationDistanceFilter()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetLocationDistanceFilter ( Real  meters)
pure virtual

Set the location distance filter.

The minimum distance a device must move horizontally before an event is generated.

This feature is currently supported by iOS, OSX and Android platform. This value can be modified during runtime on iOS and OSX only.

The default value is zero, which reports all movements.

metersThe minimum distance in meters.

◆ GetLocationDistanceFilter()

virtual Real Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetLocationDistanceFilter ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the location distance filter.

The minimum distance in meters.

◆ HasLocationDistanceFilterChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasLocationDistanceFilterChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the location distance filter has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the location distance filter has changed.

◆ SetLocationAccuracy()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetLocationAccuracy ( Real  meters)
pure virtual

Set the location accuracy.

The receiver does its best to achieve the requested accuracy, however, the actual accuracy is not guaranteed. You should assign a value that is appropriate for your usage scenario. Determining a location with greater accuracy requires more time and more power.

This feature is currently supported by iOS and OSX platform. This value can be modified during runtime.

The default value is zero, which is the highest accuracy of the device.

metersThe location accuracy in meters, if the accuracy is negative the highest possible accuracy combined with additional sensor data is used. This level of accuracy is intended for use in navigation applications that require precise position information at all times and are intended to be used only while the device is plugged in.

◆ GetLocationAccuracy()

virtual Real Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetLocationAccuracy ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the location accuracy.

The accuracy in meters.

◆ HasLocationAccuracyChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasLocationAccuracyChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the location accuracy has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the location accuracy has changed.

◆ SetLocationPurpose()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetLocationPurpose ( const String purpose)
pure virtual

Set the location purpose description.

If the system needs to ask for the user’s consent to use location services, it displays the location purpose description which should explain why the application is using the location services.

This feature is currently supported by iOS and OSX platform. This value can be modified during runtime.

The default value is an empty string.

purposeThe location purpose description string.

◆ GetLocationPurpose()

virtual const String& Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetLocationPurpose ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the location purpose description.

The location purpose description string.

◆ HasLocationPurposeChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasLocationPurposeChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the location purpose description has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the location purpose description has changed.

◆ SetHeadingActive()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetHeadingActive ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Activate the heading functionality.

Activate to receive data by the Input::IHeadingDevice.

This feature is currently supported by iOS, OSX and Android platform. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime.

The default heading activation state is false.

enabletrue to enable the heading functionality.

◆ IsHeadingActive()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsHeadingActive ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the heading functionality is activated.

true if the heading functionality is activated.

◆ HasHeadingActiveChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasHeadingActiveChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the heading activation state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the heading activation state has changed.

◆ SetHeadingCalibrationAllowed()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetHeadingCalibrationAllowed ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Allow the heading calibration alert.

Allow to displays the heading calibration alert on top of the current window immediately if requested by the system.

This feature is currently supported by iOS platform only. This value can be modified during runtime.

The default value is true.

enabletrue to allow the heading calibration alert.

◆ IsHeadingCalibrationAllowed()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsHeadingCalibrationAllowed ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the heading calibration alert is allowed.

true if the heading calibration alert is allowed.

◆ HasHeadingCalibrationAllowedChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasHeadingCalibrationAllowedChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the heading calibration alert permission has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the heading calibration alert permission has changed.

◆ SetAutoRotationActive()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAutoRotationActive ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Activate the screen auto-rotation functionality.

Requires active orientation functionality SetOrientationActive(true).

This feature is currently supported by iOS and Android platform. This value can be modified during runtime.

The default screen auto-rotation activation state is false.

enabletrue to allow the screen auto-rotation functionality.

◆ IsAutoRotationActive()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsAutoRotationActive ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the screen auto-rotation functionality is activated.

true if the screen auto-rotation functionality is activated.

◆ HasAutoRotationActiveChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAutoRotationActiveChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the screen auto-rotation activation state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the screen auto-rotation activation state has changed.

◆ SetAutoRotationDuration()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAutoRotationDuration ( Real  duration)
pure virtual

Set the duration of the screen auto-rotation animation.

Describes the duration of a screen rotation by 90 degrees, if rotating by 180 degrees the time is doubled.
A duration of zero means no animation.

This feature is supported by iOS platform only. This value can be modified during runtime.

The default screen auto-rotation duration is 0.3 seconds.

durationThe screen auto-rotation duration in seconds.

◆ GetAutoRotationDuration()

virtual Real Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetAutoRotationDuration ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the duration of the screen auto-rotation animation.

The screen auto-rotation duration in seconds.

◆ HasAutoRotationDurationChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAutoRotationDurationChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the duration of the screen auto-rotation animation has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the screen auto-rotation duration has changed.

◆ SetOrientationActive()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetOrientationActive ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Activate the device orientation functionality.

Activate to receive data by the Input::IOrientationDevice.

This feature is currently supported by iOS and Android platform. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime.

The default device orientation activation state is false.

enabletrue to enable the device orientation functionality.

◆ IsOrientationActive()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsOrientationActive ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the device orientation functionality is activated.

true if the device orientation functionality is activated.

◆ HasOrientationActiveChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasOrientationActiveChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the device orientation activation state has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the device orientation activation state has changed.

◆ SetAllowedScreenOrientations()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAllowedScreenOrientations ( IEnums::CombinedScreenOrientation  orientations)
pure virtual

Set the allowed screen orientations.

Predefined values are IEnums::SCREEN_ORIENTATIONS_PORTRAIT, IEnums::SCREEN_ORIENTATIONS_LANDSCAPE or IEnums::SCREEN_ORIENTATIONS_ALL. Alternatively the IEnums::ScreenOrientation values can be binary or'ed.

This feature is currently supported by iOS and Android platform. This value can be modified during runtime.

The default allowed orientations is IEnums::SCREEN_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT.

orientationsThe allowed screen orientations.

◆ GetAllowedScreenOrientations()

virtual IEnums::CombinedScreenOrientation Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetAllowedScreenOrientations ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the allowed screen orientations.

The allowed screen orientations.

◆ HasAllowedScreenOrientationsChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAllowedScreenOrientationsChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the allowed screen orientations value has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the allowed screen orientations value has changed.

◆ SetScreenOrientation()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetScreenOrientation ( IEnums::ScreenOrientation  orientation)
pure virtual

Set the current screen orientation.

The current screen orientation defines the screen's orientation relative to the device.

The engine adjust's the rendering output and the input device coordinates depending on the current screen orientation.

The current screen orientation is typically set by the platform's screen auto-rotation feature, see SetAutoRotationActive().

The default screen orientation is IEnums::SCREEN_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT.

orientationThe current screen orientation.

◆ GetScreenOrientation()

virtual IEnums::ScreenOrientation Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetScreenOrientation ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the current screen orientation.

The current screen orientation.

◆ HasScreenOrientationChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasScreenOrientationChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the current screen orientation has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the current screen orientation has changed.

◆ SetDisplaySurfaceOrientation()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDisplaySurfaceOrientation ( IEnums::ScreenOrientation  orientation)
pure virtual

Set the display surface orientation.

The display surface orientation defines the display's rendering surface orientation relative to the device.

This is typically set by the platform implementation, applications should not modify this setting.

The default display surface orientation is IEnums::SCREEN_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT.

orientationThe current screen orientation.

◆ GetDisplaySurfaceOrientation()

virtual IEnums::ScreenOrientation Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplaySurfaceOrientation ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display surface orientation.

This is typically set by the platform implementation, applications should not depend on this setting.

The display surface orientation.

◆ HasDisplaySurfaceOrientationChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasDisplaySurfaceOrientationChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the display surface orientation has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the display surface orientation has changed.

◆ GetDisplayRendererOrientation()

virtual IEnums::Orientation Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplayRendererOrientation ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display-renderer orientation.

The display-renderer orientation is the relative rotation for video rendering depending on the SetScreenOrientation() and the SetDisplaySurfaceOrientation() setting.

The display-renderer orientation.

◆ HasDisplayRendererOrientationChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasDisplayRendererOrientationChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the display-renderer orientation has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the display-renderer orientation has changed.

◆ GetPortraitOrientations()

virtual IEnums::CombinedOrientation Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetPortraitOrientations ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the combined relative portrait orientations.

The combined relative portrait orientations.

◆ GetPortraitOrientation()

virtual IEnums::Orientation Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetPortraitOrientation ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get a relative portrait orientation.

indexThe index in range [0 .. 1].
The relative portrait orientation.

◆ HasPortraitOrientationsChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasPortraitOrientationsChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the relative portrait orientations value has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the relative portrait orientations value has changed.

◆ GetLandscapeOrientations()

virtual IEnums::CombinedOrientation Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetLandscapeOrientations ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the combined relative landscape orientations.

The combined relative landscape orientations.

◆ GetLandscapeOrientation()

virtual IEnums::Orientation Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetLandscapeOrientation ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get a relative landscape orientation.

indexThe index in range [0 .. 1].
The relative landscape orientation.

◆ HasLandscapeOrientationsChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasLandscapeOrientationsChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the relative landscape orientations value has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the relative landscape orientations value has changed.

◆ SetDisplaySurfaceSize()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDisplaySurfaceSize ( UInt32  sizeX,
UInt32  sizeY 
pure virtual

Set the display surface size.

The display surface size defines the video rendering size and the initial window size.

The default display surface size is set by the platform to the full screen resolution of the primary monitor.

The application can modify this setting prior to starting the engine only, e.g. IApp::Configure(). Setting the size is not supported on Android devices.

sizeXThe display surface width in pixels.
sizeYThe display surface height in pixels.

◆ GetDisplaySurfaceSizeX()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplaySurfaceSizeX ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display surface width.

The display surface width in pixels.

◆ GetDisplaySurfaceSizeY()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplaySurfaceSizeY ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display surface height.

The display surface height in pixels.

◆ HasDisplaySurfaceSizeChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasDisplaySurfaceSizeChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the display surface size has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the display surface size has changed.

◆ SetDisplaySurfaceSafeMargin()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDisplaySurfaceSafeMargin ( SInt32  x1,
SInt32  y1,
SInt32  x2,
SInt32  y2 
pure virtual

Set the display surface's safe margins.

On devices with a notched display and/or overlaid virtual system controls (e.g. iPhone X), this specifies the margins relative to the display surface's four edges making up the area that can be safely used to display relevant content and/or input elements without being obscured.

The value for x1 stores a positive offset from the left edge of the surface, defining the leftmost pixel column to use. Likewise, y1 stores a positive offset from the bottom edge for the bottommost row. (In fact, as the surface always starts at 0/0, the values for x1 and y1 represent the actual left and top pixel coordinate of the safe area).

The values for x2 and y2 store negative offsets from the right and top edges, respectively.

Calculating the actual coordinate values can be done this way: x1 = GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginX1(); y1 = GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginY1(); x2 = GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginX2() + GetDisplaySurfaceSizeX(); y2 = GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginY2() + GetDisplaySurfaceSizeY();

Devices without a notch or virtual controls have all four values set to zero. The actual values are defined by the platform implementation.

x1The left offset of the safe area in pixels.
y1The bottom offset of the safe area in pixels.
x2The right offset of the safe area in pixels.
y2The top offset of the safe area in pixels.

◆ GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginX1()

virtual SInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginX1 ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display surface's left safe area margin.

The left margin in pixels.

◆ GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginY1()

virtual SInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginY1 ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display surface's bottom safe area margin.

The bottom margin in pixels.

◆ GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginX2()

virtual SInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginX2 ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display surface's right safe area margin.

The right margin in pixels.

◆ GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginY2()

virtual SInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginY2 ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display surface's top safe area margin.

The top margin in pixels.

◆ HasDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasDisplaySurfaceSafeMarginChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the display surface's safe margins have changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the display surface's safe margins have changed.

◆ SetWindowAspectRatio() [1/2]

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetWindowAspectRatio ( Real  ratio)
pure virtual

Set the window aspect ratio.

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

ratioThe window aspect ratio (width / height).

◆ SetWindowAspectRatio() [2/2]

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetWindowAspectRatio ( UInt32  numerator,
UInt32  denominator 
pure virtual

Set the window aspect ratio by integer.

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

numeratorThe window aspect numerator value.
denominatorThe window aspect denominator value.

◆ GetWindowAspectRatio()

virtual Real Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetWindowAspectRatio ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the window aspect ratio.

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

The window aspect ratio (width / height).

◆ GetWindowAspectRatioNumerator()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetWindowAspectRatioNumerator ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the window aspect numerator.

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

The window aspect numerator value.

◆ GetWindowAspectRatioDenominator()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetWindowAspectRatioDenominator ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the window aspect denominator.

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

The window aspect denominator value.

◆ HasWindowAspectRatioChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasWindowAspectRatioChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the window aspect ratio has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the window aspect ratio has changed.

◆ GetWindowSizeX()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetWindowSizeX ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the window width.

The initial window width is set to the size passed to SetDisplaySurfaceSize().

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

The window width in pixels.

◆ GetWindowSizeY()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetWindowSizeY ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the window height.

The initial window height is set to the size passed to SetDisplaySurfaceSize().

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

The window height in pixels.

◆ HasWindowSizeChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasWindowSizeChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the window size has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the window size has changed.

◆ SetLockWindowAspectEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetLockWindowAspectEnabled ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Lock the window aspect ratio.

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

enabletrue to lock the window aspect ratio.

◆ IsLockWindowAspectEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsLockWindowAspectEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the window aspect ratio is locked.

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

true if the window aspect ratio is locked.

◆ HasLockWindowAspectEnabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasLockWindowAspectEnabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the window aspect ratio lock has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the window aspect ratio lock has changed.

◆ SetMouseCursorHidden()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetMouseCursorHidden ( Bool  hide)
pure virtual

Hide the mouse cursor.

The mouse cursor is supported on desktop platforms only.

hidetrue to hide the mouse cursor.

◆ IsMouseCursorHidden()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsMouseCursorHidden ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the mouse cursor is hidden.

The mouse cursor is supported on desktop platforms only.

true the mouse cursor is hidden.

◆ HasMouseCursorHiddenChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasMouseCursorHiddenChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the mouse cursor is hidden status has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the mouse cursor is hidden status has changed.

◆ SetMouseCursorDisabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetMouseCursorDisabled ( Bool  disable)
pure virtual

Disable the mouse cursor.

If the mouse cursor is disabled no mouse coordinates are generated but mouse movement can be accessed by Input::IRawMouseDevice. When disabling the mouse cursor typically SetMouseCursorHidden(true) should be called too.

The mouse cursor is supported on desktop platforms only.

disabletrue to disable the mouse cursor.

◆ IsMouseCursorDisabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsMouseCursorDisabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the mouse cursor is disabled.

The mouse cursor is supported on desktop platforms only.

true the mouse cursor is disabled.

◆ HasMouseCursorDisabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasMouseCursorDisabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the mouse cursor is disabled status has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the mouse cursor is disabled status has changed.

◆ SetMouseCoordinateClampingDisabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetMouseCoordinateClampingDisabled ( Bool  disable)
pure virtual

Disable mouse input coordinate clamping.

By default, input mouse coordinates are clamped to the range [-1.0 .. 1.0], which represents the actual screen bounds in view space.

disabletrue to disable the coordinate clamping.

◆ IsMouseCoordinateClampingDisabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsMouseCoordinateClampingDisabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if mouse input coordinate clamping is disabled.

true if disabled.

◆ HasMouseCoordinateClampingDisabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasMouseCoordinateClampingDisabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the mouse input coordinate clamping status has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if changed.

◆ SetCommandKeyDisabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetCommandKeyDisabled ( Bool  disable)
pure virtual

Disable the command-key.

Disabling the command-key suppresses the functionality of the windows-key.

This feature is supported on windows platforms only.

disabletrue to disable the command-key.

◆ IsCommandKeyDisabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsCommandKeyDisabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the command-key is disabled.

This feature is supported on windows platforms only.

true the command-key is disabled.

◆ HasCommandKeyDisabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasCommandKeyDisabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the command-key is disabled status has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the command-key is disabled status has changed.

◆ SetSyncLoadingTimeout()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetSyncLoadingTimeout ( Double  timeout)
pure virtual

Set the synchronous resource initialization timeout.

Is used only if SetAsyncLoadingEnabled() is set to false. The timeout specifies the maximum time to use for initializing multiple graphic objects before the next frame is rendered. At least one object is initialized each frame which can take more time than the timeout depending on the complexity of the object.

The default timeout is 0.005 seconds.

timeoutThe loading timeout in seconds.

◆ GetSyncLoadingTimeout()

virtual Double Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetSyncLoadingTimeout ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the synchronous resource initialization timeout.

The synchronous resource initialization timeout.

◆ HasSyncLoadingTimeoutChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasSyncLoadingTimeoutChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the synchronous resource initialization timeout has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the synchronous resource initialization timeout has changed.

◆ SetDisplayRefreshFrequency()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDisplayRefreshFrequency ( UInt32  frequency,
UInt32  forcedFrames = 0 
pure virtual

Set the desired display refresh frequency.

This feature is currently supported by the iOS and Android platforms only. This feature can be activated / deactivated during runtime. The default desired display refresh frequency is 60 frames per second.

frequencyThe display refresh frequency in frames per second.
forcedFramesThe number of frames to subsequently force the internal clock's frame duration to the value calculated from the desired frame rate, or 0 if forcing should not be done.

◆ GetDisplayRefreshFrequency()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplayRefreshFrequency ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the display refresh frequency.

The display refresh frequency in frames per second.

◆ GetDisplayRefreshFrequencyForcedFrames()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDisplayRefreshFrequencyForcedFrames ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the number of frames the frame duration is forced to the selected frame rate.

The number of frames to apply forcing.

◆ HasDisplayRefreshFrequencyChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasDisplayRefreshFrequencyChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the display refresh frequency has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the display refresh frequency has changed.

◆ SetClockDeltaLimit()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetClockDeltaLimit ( Double  seconds)
pure virtual

Set the internal clock's maximum frame delta limit.

The default limit is 1.0 seconds.

secondsThe upper frame duration limit in seconds.

◆ GetClockDeltaLimit()

virtual Double Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetClockDeltaLimit ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the internal clock's maximum frame delta limit.

The upper frame duration limit in seconds.

◆ HasClockDeltaLimitChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasClockDeltaLimitChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the maximum frame delta limit has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the limit has changed.

◆ SetClockTimeBase()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetClockTimeBase ( Double  factor)
pure virtual

Set the internal clock's time base factor.

The default time base factor is 1.0.

factorThe time base factor.

◆ GetClockTimeBase()

virtual Double Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetClockTimeBase ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the internal clock's time base factor.

The time base factor.

◆ HasClockTimeBaseChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasClockTimeBaseChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the clock time base has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the time base has changed.

◆ SetClockAveragingFactor()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetClockAveragingFactor ( Double  factor)
pure virtual

Set the internal clock's averaging factor.

The default averaging factor is 0.1.

factorThe averaging factor.

◆ GetClockAveragingFactor()

virtual Double Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetClockAveragingFactor ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the internal clock's averaging factor.

The averaging factor.

◆ HasClockAveragingFactorChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasClockAveragingFactorChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the clock's averaging factor has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the factor has changed.

◆ SetRunLoopTriggers()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetRunLoopTriggers ( IEnums::RunLoopTriggers  triggers)
pure virtual

Set run loop trigger hints.

triggersA combination of IEnums::RunLoopTrigger values.

◆ GetRunLoopTriggers()

virtual IEnums::RunLoopTriggers Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetRunLoopTriggers ( ) const
pure virtual

Get run loop trigger hints.

A combination of IEnums::RunLoopTrigger values.

◆ HasRunLoopTriggersChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasRunLoopTriggersChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the run loop triggers have changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if changed.

◆ SetFullScreenEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetFullScreenEnabled ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Enable the full screen display.

The full screen display is a border-less window which covers the entire screen of the window's current monitor.

The default full screen display state is enabled. Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

enabletrue to enable the full screen display.

◆ IsFullScreenEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsFullScreenEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the full screen display is enabled.

Windows are supported on desktop platforms only.

true if the full screen display is enabled.

◆ HasFullScreenEnabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasFullScreenEnabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the full screen display status has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the full screen display status has changed.

◆ SetIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenEnabled ( Bool  enabled)
pure virtual

Enable or disable auto-hiding of the home indicator on iOS 11+ devices, if present.

If enabled the home indicator will automatically be hidden when there is no user input for a certain amount of time.

This option is only available on devices that do not have a physical home button and show a virtual home indicator instead, such as iPhone X/XS/XR etc. On all other devices, setting this option has no effect.

The default value is true.

enabledtrue to enable.

◆ IsIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if auto-hiding of the home indicator is enabled.

true if the feature is enabled.

◆ HasIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasIosHomeIndicatorAutoHiddenChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if auto-hiding of the home indicator has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the setting has changed.

◆ SetIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures ( IEnums::CombinedScreenEdges  edges)
pure virtual

Set screen edges with user gesture precedence over system gestures.

This option is only available for iOS 11+ devices. On all other devices, setting this option has no effect.

The default value specifies all edges.

edgesA bit mask of preferred edges.

◆ GetIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures()

virtual IEnums::CombinedScreenEdges Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures ( ) const
pure virtual

Get screen edges with user gesture precedence over system gestures.

A bit mask of preferred edges.

◆ HasIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGesturesChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasIosPreferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGesturesChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if user gesture precedence edges have changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the setting has changed.

◆ SetAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarEnabled ( Bool  enabled)
pure virtual

Enable or disable low profile mode for navigation bars on Android devices.

If enabled the navigation bar will switch to (dimmed) low profile mode.

This option is only available on devices where the Android API level is greater than or equal to 14 (Android 4.0 ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH). Enabling this feature will have no effect on devices with API level smaller than 14.

The default value is false.

enabledtrue to enable.

◆ IsAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the low profile mode for navigation bars is enabled.

true if the feature is enabled.

◆ HasAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAndroidLowProfileNavigationBarChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the low profile mode has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the setting has changed.

◆ SetAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyEnabled ( Bool  enabled)
pure virtual

Enable or disable the hide navigation bar feature on Android devices.

If enabled the app will hide the navigation bar and set the Immersive_Sticky_Flag. When system bars are hidden in immersive mode, they can be revealed temporarily with system gestures, such as swiping from the top of the screen. These transient system bars will overlay app’s content, may have some degree of transparency, and will automatically hide after a short timeout.

This option is only available on devices where the Android API level is greater than or equal to 18 (Android 4.4 KITKAT). Enabling this feature will have no effect on devices with API level smaller than 18.

The default value is false.

enabledtrue to enable.

◆ IsAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the hide navigation bar feature is enabled.

true if the feature is enabled.

◆ HasAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasAndroidHideNavigationBarImmersiveStickyChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the hide navigation bar feature has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the setting has changed.

◆ SetSystemDebugInfoEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetSystemDebugInfoEnabled ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Enable the system debug-info display.

The system debug-info display is available if the built-in "debug" resource package is loaded.

The default system debug-info state is enabled.

enabletrue to enable the system debug-info display.

◆ IsSystemDebugInfoEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsSystemDebugInfoEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the system debug-info display is enabled.

true if the system debug-info display is enabled.

◆ HasSystemDebugInfoEnabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasSystemDebugInfoEnabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the system debug-info status has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the system debug-info status has changed.

◆ SetSystemDebugInfoScaleFactor()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetSystemDebugInfoScaleFactor ( Real  factor)
pure virtual

Set the system debug-info scale factor.

The system debug-info display is available if the built-in "debug" resource package is loaded.

The default system debug-info scale factor is 1.

factorThe system debug-info scale factor.

◆ GetSystemDebugInfoScaleFactor()

virtual Real Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetSystemDebugInfoScaleFactor ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the system debug-info scale factor.

The system debug-info scale factor.

◆ HasSystemDebugInfoScaleFactorChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasSystemDebugInfoScaleFactorChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the system debug-info scale factor has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the system debug-info scale factor has changed.

◆ SetSystemDebugInfoItems()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetSystemDebugInfoItems ( UInt32  itemMask)
pure virtual

Select which items to display in the system debug info display.

This method can be used to manually select which debug info should be displayed. The itemMask parameter represents a bit mask of individual IEnums::StatisticItem values.

itemMaskThe bit mask of items to display.

◆ GetSystemDebugInfoItems()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetSystemDebugInfoItems ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the bit mask of displayed debug info items.

The bit mask of displayed items.

◆ HasSystemDebugInfoItemsChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasSystemDebugInfoItemsChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the system debug-info items have changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the system debug-info items have changed.

◆ SetUserDebugInfoEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetUserDebugInfoEnabled ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Enable the user debug-info display.

The user debug-info display is available if the built-in "debug" resource package is loaded. The user debug-info can be set by Logic::IState::SetUserDebugMessage().

The default user debug-info state is enabled.

enabletrue to enable the user debug-info display.

◆ IsUserDebugInfoEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsUserDebugInfoEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the user debug-info display is enabled.

true if the user debug-info display is enabled.

◆ HasUserDebugInfoEnabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasUserDebugInfoEnabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the user debug-info status has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the user debug-info status has changed.

◆ SetUserDebugInfoScaleFactor()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetUserDebugInfoScaleFactor ( Real  factor)
pure virtual

Set the user debug-info scale factor.

The user debug-info display is available if the built-in "debug" resource package is loaded. The user debug-info can be set by Logic::IState::SetUserDebugMessage().

The default user debug-info scale factor is 1.

factorThe user debug-info scale factor.

◆ GetUserDebugInfoScaleFactor()

virtual Real Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetUserDebugInfoScaleFactor ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the user debug-info scale factor.

The user debug-info scale factor.

◆ HasUserDebugInfoScaleFactorChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasUserDebugInfoScaleFactorChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the user debug-info scale factor has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the user debug-info scale factor has changed.

◆ SetDebugMouseEnabled()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDebugMouseEnabled ( Bool  enable)
pure virtual

Enable the debug mouse pointer.

The debug mouse pointer is available if the built-in "debug" resource package is loaded.

The default debug mouse pointer state is disabled.

enabletrue to enable the debug mouse pointer.

◆ IsDebugMouseEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::IsDebugMouseEnabled ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the debug mouse pointer is enabled.

true if the debug mouse pointer is enabled.

◆ HasDebugMouseEnabledChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasDebugMouseEnabledChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the debug mouse pointer status has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the debug mouse pointer status has changed.

◆ SetDebugMouseScaleFactor()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDebugMouseScaleFactor ( Real  factor)
pure virtual

Set the debug mouse pointer scale factor.

The debug mouse pointer is available if the built-in "debug" resource package is loaded.

The default debug mouse pointer scale factor is 1.

factorThe debug mouse pointer scale factor.

◆ GetDebugMouseScaleFactor()

virtual Real Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDebugMouseScaleFactor ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the debug mouse pointer scale factor.

The debug mouse pointer scale factor.

◆ HasDebugMouseScaleFactorChanged()

virtual Bool Murl::IAppConfiguration::HasDebugMouseScaleFactorChanged ( ChangeInspector inspector) const
pure virtual

Check if the debug mouse pointer scale factor has changed.

inspectorThe change inspector.
true if the debug mouse pointer scale factor has changed.

◆ SetDebugOutputFunctionVerbosity()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDebugOutputFunctionVerbosity ( UInt32  itemMask)
pure virtual

Set the trace/error items' verbosity bit mask.

The itemMask parameter represents a bit mask of individual values from the IEnums::DebugOutputFunctionItem enumeration, which can be used to select individual items to trace for each function/method call.

itemMaskThe trace item bit mask.

◆ GetDebugOutputFunctionVerbosity()

virtual UInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDebugOutputFunctionVerbosity ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the trace items' bit mask.

The trace item bit mask.

◆ SetDebugTraceLevel()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetDebugTraceLevel ( SInt32  level)
pure virtual

Set the global trace level used in MURL_TRACE macros.

When running a debug build, only those trace messages are printed whose trace level is equal or below the value specified using this method. In a release build, all calls to MURL_TRACE macros are removed, so no tracing occurs at all. By default, the trace level is set to 1, which enables basic engine traces. Increase the level to get more detailed traces from the engine, currently the most detailed level is 3. The default application trace level is 0, so a value of 0 disables all engine traces and only prints app-specific messages. To further filter app traces, the level can also be set to negative values. The trace level can also be changed at run-time, so it is possible to only activate more detailed traces when a specific (user-defined) condition is met.

levelThe global trace level.

◆ GetDebugTraceLevel()

virtual SInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetDebugTraceLevel ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the global trace level used in MURL_TRACE macros.

The global trace level.

◆ SetTrackerTraceLevel()

virtual void Murl::IAppConfiguration::SetTrackerTraceLevel ( SInt32  level)
pure virtual

Set the trace verbosity for scene graph tracker messages.

A level <= 0 disables both errors and warnings, a level of 1 enables only errors and a level >= 2 enables both. By default, in release builds a trace level of 1 is set, and for debug builds a level of 2.

levelThe tracker trace level.

◆ GetTrackerTraceLevel()

virtual SInt32 Murl::IAppConfiguration::GetTrackerTraceLevel ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the trace verbosity for scene graph tracker messages.

The tracker trace level.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
  • murl_i_app_configuration.h

Copyright © 2011-2025 Spraylight GmbH.