The IVertexBuffer video object interface. More...

#include "murl_video_i_vertex_buffer.h"

Inherited by Murl::Video::VertexBuffer.

Public Member Functions

virtual IObjectGetObjectInterface ()=0
 Get the mutable Video::IObject interface. More...
virtual const IObjectGetObjectInterface () const =0
 Get the constant Video::IObject interface. More...
virtual Bool Set (IProgram *currentProgram, SInt32 id, UInt32 unit)=0
 Attach the vertex buffer to the current GPU program. More...
virtual Bool SetDynamicBatchingAllowed (Bool allowed)=0
 Allow/disallow dynamic batching. More...
virtual Bool IsDynamicBatchingAllowed () const =0
 Check if the buffer allows for dynamic batching. More...
virtual Bool SetAccessMode (IEnums::BufferAccessMode mode)=0
 Set the access mode hint (read only or read/write). More...
virtual IEnums::BufferAccessMode GetAccessMode () const =0
 Get the access mode hint. More...
virtual Bool SetNumberOfBones (UInt32 numberOfBones)=0
 Set the number of bones affecting the vertex buffer. More...
virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfBones () const =0
 Get the number of bones affecting the vertex buffer. More...
virtual Bool SetVertexData (void *vertices, UInt32 maxNumberOfVertices, UInt32 byteStride)=0
 Assign a mutable source data storage. More...
virtual Bool SetVertexData (const void *vertices, UInt32 maxNumberOfVertices, UInt32 byteStride)=0
 Assign a constant source data storage. More...
virtual Bool SetNumberOfVertices (UInt32 numberOfVertices)=0
 Set the actual number of vertices used. More...
virtual Bool SetVerticesModified ()=0
 Mark the whole buffer as modified. More...
virtual Bool SetVerticesModified (UInt32 firstVertex, UInt32 numberOfVertices)=0
 Mark a sub-region of the buffer as modified. More...
virtual void * GetVertexData ()=0
 Get a pointer to the mutable source data, if available. More...
virtual const void * GetVertexData () const =0
 Get a pointer to the constant source data. More...
virtual void * GetVertexBufferData ()=0
 Get a pointer to the actual mutable buffer data. More...
virtual const void * GetVertexBufferData () const =0
 Get a pointer to the actual constant buffer data. More...
virtual UInt32 GetMaxNumberOfVertices () const =0
 Get the maximum number of vertices the buffer can hold. More...
virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfVertices () const =0
 Get the actual number of vertices used. More...
virtual UInt32 GetByteStride () const =0
 Get the byte stride, i.e. More...
virtual Bool AreVerticesModified () const =0
 Check if the buffer contents are modified. More...
virtual SInt32 AddAttribute (IEnums::AttributeItem item, IEnums::AttributeType type, UInt32 &byteOffset)=0
 Add a single predefined attribute variable. More...
virtual SInt32 AddAttribute (SInt32 id, IEnums::AttributeType type, UInt32 &byteOffset)=0
 Add a single custom attribute variable, by its unique integer ID in the renderer. More...
virtual SInt32 AddAttribute (const String &name, IEnums::AttributeType type, UInt32 &byteOffset)=0
 Add a single custom attribute variable, by its actual name. More...
virtual Bool RemoveAllAttributes ()=0
 Remove all present attribute variables from the buffer. More...
virtual SInt32 GetAttributeIndex (IEnums::AttributeItem item) const =0
 Get the index of a predefined attribute variable in the buffer. More...
virtual SInt32 GetAttributeIndex (SInt32 id) const =0
 Get the index of a custom attribute variable in the buffer, by its unique integer ID. More...
virtual SInt32 GetAttributeIndex (const String &name) const =0
 Get the index of a custom attribute variable in the buffer, by its actual name. More...
virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfAttributes () const =0
 Get the total number of individual attribute variables present in the buffer. More...
virtual IEnums::AttributeType GetAttributeType (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the data type of an attribute variable at a given index. More...
virtual IEnums::AttributeItem GetAttributeItem (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the predefined attribute variable item at a given index. More...
virtual SInt32 GetAttributeId (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the unique integer ID of an attribute variable at a given index. More...
virtual UInt32 GetAttributeByteOffset (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the byte offset of an attribute variable relative to the buffer start. More...
virtual IAttributeGetAttribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the generic attribute variable at a given index. More...
virtual IFloatAttributeGetFloatAttribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IFloatAttribute. More...
virtual IFloatVector2AttributeGetFloatVector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IFloatVector2Attribute. More...
virtual IFloatVector3AttributeGetFloatVector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IFloatVector3Attribute. More...
virtual IFloatVector4AttributeGetFloatVector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IFloatVector4Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt8AttributeGetUInt8Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt8Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt8Vector2AttributeGetUInt8Vector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt8Vector2Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt8Vector3AttributeGetUInt8Vector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt8Vector3Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt8Vector4AttributeGetUInt8Vector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt8Vector4Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt8AttributeGetSInt8Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt8Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt8Vector2AttributeGetSInt8Vector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt8Vector2Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt8Vector3AttributeGetSInt8Vector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt8Vector3Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt8Vector4AttributeGetSInt8Vector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt8Vector4Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt16AttributeGetUInt16Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt16Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt16Vector2AttributeGetUInt16Vector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt16Vector2Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt16Vector3AttributeGetUInt16Vector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt16Vector3Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt16Vector4AttributeGetUInt16Vector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt16Vector4Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt16AttributeGetSInt16Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt16Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt16Vector2AttributeGetSInt16Vector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt16Vector2Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt16Vector3AttributeGetSInt16Vector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt16Vector3Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt16Vector4AttributeGetSInt16Vector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt16Vector4Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt8AttributeGetNormalizedUInt8Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt8Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt8Vector2AttributeGetNormalizedUInt8Vector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt8Vector2Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt8Vector3AttributeGetNormalizedUInt8Vector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt8Vector3Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt8Vector4AttributeGetNormalizedUInt8Vector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt8Vector4Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt8AttributeGetNormalizedSInt8Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt8Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt8Vector2AttributeGetNormalizedSInt8Vector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt8Vector2Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt8Vector3AttributeGetNormalizedSInt8Vector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt8Vector3Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt8Vector4AttributeGetNormalizedSInt8Vector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt8Vector4Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt16AttributeGetNormalizedUInt16Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt16Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt16Vector2AttributeGetNormalizedUInt16Vector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt16Vector2Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt16Vector3AttributeGetNormalizedUInt16Vector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt16Vector3Attribute. More...
virtual IUInt16Vector4AttributeGetNormalizedUInt16Vector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt16Vector4Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt16AttributeGetNormalizedSInt16Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt16Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt16Vector2AttributeGetNormalizedSInt16Vector2Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt16Vector2Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt16Vector3AttributeGetNormalizedSInt16Vector3Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt16Vector3Attribute. More...
virtual ISInt16Vector4AttributeGetNormalizedSInt16Vector4Attribute (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt16Vector4Attribute. More...
virtual Bool IsInVideoMemory () const =0
 Check if the actual buffer resides in video memory. More...
virtual UInt32 GetSignature () const =0
 Get the signature, obtained via IRenderer::AcquireVertexBufferSignature(). More...

Detailed Description

The IVertexBuffer video object interface.

This interface represents a buffer containing geometry vertices.

Used internally by various geometry graph nodes, such as Graph::PlaneGeometry, Graph::ResourceMeshGeometry and others.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetObjectInterface() [1/2]

virtual IObject* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetObjectInterface ( )
pure virtual

Get the mutable Video::IObject interface.

The IObject interface.

◆ GetObjectInterface() [2/2]

virtual const IObject* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetObjectInterface ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the constant Video::IObject interface.

The IObject interface.

◆ Set()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::Set ( IProgram currentProgram,
SInt32  id,
UInt32  unit 
pure virtual

Attach the vertex buffer to the current GPU program.

currentProgramThe current GPU program.
idThe unique integer ID of the vertex buffer in the renderer.
unitThe vertex buffer unit.
true if successful.

◆ SetDynamicBatchingAllowed()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::SetDynamicBatchingAllowed ( Bool  allowed)
pure virtual

Allow/disallow dynamic batching.

allowedIf true, dynamic batching is allowed.
true if successful.

◆ IsDynamicBatchingAllowed()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::IsDynamicBatchingAllowed ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the buffer allows for dynamic batching.

true if dynamic batching is allowed.

◆ SetAccessMode()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::SetAccessMode ( IEnums::BufferAccessMode  mode)
pure virtual

Set the access mode hint (read only or read/write).

modeThe access mode.
true if successful.

◆ GetAccessMode()

virtual IEnums::BufferAccessMode Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAccessMode ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the access mode hint.

The access mode.

◆ SetNumberOfBones()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::SetNumberOfBones ( UInt32  numberOfBones)
pure virtual

Set the number of bones affecting the vertex buffer.

numberOfBonesThe number of bones needed.
true if successful.

◆ GetNumberOfBones()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNumberOfBones ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the number of bones affecting the vertex buffer.

The number of bones needed.

◆ SetVertexData() [1/2]

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::SetVertexData ( void *  vertices,
UInt32  maxNumberOfVertices,
UInt32  byteStride 
pure virtual

Assign a mutable source data storage.

verticesA pointer to the mutable buffer holding the source vertices.
maxNumberOfVerticesThe maximum number of vertices the buffer can hold.
byteStrideThe buffer stride, i.e. the size of a single vertex entry in bytes.
true if successful.

◆ SetVertexData() [2/2]

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::SetVertexData ( const void *  vertices,
UInt32  maxNumberOfVertices,
UInt32  byteStride 
pure virtual

Assign a constant source data storage.

verticesA pointer to the constant buffer holding the source vertices.
maxNumberOfVerticesThe maximum number of vertices the buffer can hold.
byteStrideThe buffer stride, i.e. the size of a single vertex entry in bytes.
true if successful.

◆ SetNumberOfVertices()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::SetNumberOfVertices ( UInt32  numberOfVertices)
pure virtual

Set the actual number of vertices used.

numberOfVerticesThe actual number of vertices. Must be less or equal than the maximum number defined via SetVertexData().
true if successful.

◆ SetVerticesModified() [1/2]

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::SetVerticesModified ( )
pure virtual

Mark the whole buffer as modified.

true if successful.

◆ SetVerticesModified() [2/2]

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::SetVerticesModified ( UInt32  firstVertex,
UInt32  numberOfVertices 
pure virtual

Mark a sub-region of the buffer as modified.

firstVertexThe first modified vertex in the buffer.
numberOfVerticesThe number of modified vertices.
true if successful.

◆ GetVertexData() [1/2]

virtual void* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetVertexData ( )
pure virtual

Get a pointer to the mutable source data, if available.

If the source data storage was defined using a constant pointer, this method returns null.

A pointer to the mutable source data, or null if the source is immutable.

◆ GetVertexData() [2/2]

virtual const void* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetVertexData ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a pointer to the constant source data.

A pointer to the source data.

◆ GetVertexBufferData() [1/2]

virtual void* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetVertexBufferData ( )
pure virtual

Get a pointer to the actual mutable buffer data.

A pointer to the actual buffer data.

◆ GetVertexBufferData() [2/2]

virtual const void* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetVertexBufferData ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a pointer to the actual constant buffer data.

A pointer to the actual buffer data.

◆ GetMaxNumberOfVertices()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetMaxNumberOfVertices ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the maximum number of vertices the buffer can hold.

The maximum number of vertices.

◆ GetNumberOfVertices()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNumberOfVertices ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the actual number of vertices used.

The actual number of vertices.

◆ GetByteStride()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetByteStride ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the byte stride, i.e.

the size of a single vertex entry in bytes.

The byte stride.

◆ AreVerticesModified()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::AreVerticesModified ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the buffer contents are modified.

true if modified.

◆ AddAttribute() [1/3]

virtual SInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::AddAttribute ( IEnums::AttributeItem  item,
IEnums::AttributeType  type,
UInt32 byteOffset 
pure virtual

Add a single predefined attribute variable.

itemThe predefined item.
typeThe attribute data type.
byteOffsetThe offset in bytes of the attribute's location within the actual buffer data.
The zero-based index of the attribute in the buffer, or -1 if failed.

◆ AddAttribute() [2/3]

virtual SInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::AddAttribute ( SInt32  id,
IEnums::AttributeType  type,
UInt32 byteOffset 
pure virtual

Add a single custom attribute variable, by its unique integer ID in the renderer.

idThe attribute's unique integer ID.
typeThe attribute data type.
byteOffsetThe offset in bytes of the attribute's location within the actual buffer data.
The zero-based index of the attribute in the buffer, or -1 if failed.

◆ AddAttribute() [3/3]

virtual SInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::AddAttribute ( const String name,
IEnums::AttributeType  type,
UInt32 byteOffset 
pure virtual

Add a single custom attribute variable, by its actual name.

nameThe attribute variable name.
typeThe attribute data type.
byteOffsetThe offset in bytes of the attribute's location within the actual buffer data.
The zero-based index of the attribute in the buffer, or -1 if failed.

◆ RemoveAllAttributes()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::RemoveAllAttributes ( )
pure virtual

Remove all present attribute variables from the buffer.

true if successful.

◆ GetAttributeIndex() [1/3]

virtual SInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAttributeIndex ( IEnums::AttributeItem  item) const
pure virtual

Get the index of a predefined attribute variable in the buffer.

itemThe attribute item to query.
The zero-based index of the attribute, or -1 if not found.

◆ GetAttributeIndex() [2/3]

virtual SInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAttributeIndex ( SInt32  id) const
pure virtual

Get the index of a custom attribute variable in the buffer, by its unique integer ID.

idThe unique integer ID of the variable to query.
The zero-based index of the attribute, or -1 if not found.

◆ GetAttributeIndex() [3/3]

virtual SInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAttributeIndex ( const String name) const
pure virtual

Get the index of a custom attribute variable in the buffer, by its actual name.

nameThe attribute variable name to query.
The zero-based index of the attribute, or -1 if not found.

◆ GetNumberOfAttributes()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNumberOfAttributes ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the total number of individual attribute variables present in the buffer.

The number of attribute variables present.

◆ GetAttributeType()

virtual IEnums::AttributeType Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAttributeType ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the data type of an attribute variable at a given index.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable data type, or IEnums::ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UNDEFINED if the index is out of range.

◆ GetAttributeItem()

virtual IEnums::AttributeItem Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAttributeItem ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the predefined attribute variable item at a given index.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The predefined variable item, or IEnums::ATTRIBUTE_ITEM_CUSTOM if the index is out of range.

◆ GetAttributeId()

virtual SInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAttributeId ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the unique integer ID of an attribute variable at a given index.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The unique ID, or -1 if the index is out of range.

◆ GetAttributeByteOffset()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAttributeByteOffset ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the byte offset of an attribute variable relative to the buffer start.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The byte offset, or 0 if the index is out of range.

◆ GetAttribute()

virtual IAttribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetAttribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the generic attribute variable at a given index.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range.

◆ GetFloatAttribute()

virtual IFloatAttribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetFloatAttribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IFloatAttribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetFloatVector2Attribute()

virtual IFloatVector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetFloatVector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IFloatVector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetFloatVector3Attribute()

virtual IFloatVector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetFloatVector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IFloatVector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetFloatVector4Attribute()

virtual IFloatVector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetFloatVector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IFloatVector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetUInt8Attribute()

virtual IUInt8Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetUInt8Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt8Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetUInt8Vector2Attribute()

virtual IUInt8Vector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetUInt8Vector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt8Vector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetUInt8Vector3Attribute()

virtual IUInt8Vector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetUInt8Vector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt8Vector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetUInt8Vector4Attribute()

virtual IUInt8Vector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetUInt8Vector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt8Vector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetSInt8Attribute()

virtual ISInt8Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSInt8Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt8Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetSInt8Vector2Attribute()

virtual ISInt8Vector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSInt8Vector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt8Vector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetSInt8Vector3Attribute()

virtual ISInt8Vector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSInt8Vector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt8Vector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetSInt8Vector4Attribute()

virtual ISInt8Vector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSInt8Vector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt8Vector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetUInt16Attribute()

virtual IUInt16Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetUInt16Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt16Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetUInt16Vector2Attribute()

virtual IUInt16Vector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetUInt16Vector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt16Vector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetUInt16Vector3Attribute()

virtual IUInt16Vector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetUInt16Vector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt16Vector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetUInt16Vector4Attribute()

virtual IUInt16Vector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetUInt16Vector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an IUInt16Vector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetSInt16Attribute()

virtual ISInt16Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSInt16Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt16Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetSInt16Vector2Attribute()

virtual ISInt16Vector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSInt16Vector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt16Vector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetSInt16Vector3Attribute()

virtual ISInt16Vector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSInt16Vector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt16Vector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetSInt16Vector4Attribute()

virtual ISInt16Vector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSInt16Vector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as an ISInt16Vector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedUInt8Attribute()

virtual IUInt8Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedUInt8Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt8Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedUInt8Vector2Attribute()

virtual IUInt8Vector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedUInt8Vector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt8Vector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedUInt8Vector3Attribute()

virtual IUInt8Vector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedUInt8Vector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt8Vector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedUInt8Vector4Attribute()

virtual IUInt8Vector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedUInt8Vector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt8Vector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedSInt8Attribute()

virtual ISInt8Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedSInt8Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt8Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedSInt8Vector2Attribute()

virtual ISInt8Vector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedSInt8Vector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt8Vector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedSInt8Vector3Attribute()

virtual ISInt8Vector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedSInt8Vector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt8Vector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedSInt8Vector4Attribute()

virtual ISInt8Vector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedSInt8Vector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt8Vector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedUInt16Attribute()

virtual IUInt16Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedUInt16Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt16Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedUInt16Vector2Attribute()

virtual IUInt16Vector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedUInt16Vector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt16Vector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedUInt16Vector3Attribute()

virtual IUInt16Vector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedUInt16Vector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt16Vector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedUInt16Vector4Attribute()

virtual IUInt16Vector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedUInt16Vector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized IUInt16Vector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedSInt16Attribute()

virtual ISInt16Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedSInt16Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt16Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedSInt16Vector2Attribute()

virtual ISInt16Vector2Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedSInt16Vector2Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt16Vector2Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedSInt16Vector3Attribute()

virtual ISInt16Vector3Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedSInt16Vector3Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt16Vector3Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ GetNormalizedSInt16Vector4Attribute()

virtual ISInt16Vector4Attribute* Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetNormalizedSInt16Vector4Attribute ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the attribute variable at a given index as a normalized ISInt16Vector4Attribute.

indexThe index of the variable to query, from 0 to GetNumberOfAttributes()-1.
The variable, or null if the index is out of range or the variable has a different data type.

◆ IsInVideoMemory()

virtual Bool Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::IsInVideoMemory ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the actual buffer resides in video memory.

true if in video memory.

◆ GetSignature()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Video::IVertexBuffer::GetSignature ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the signature, obtained via IRenderer::AcquireVertexBufferSignature().

The buffer signature.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
  • murl_video_i_vertex_buffer.h

Copyright © 2011-2025 Spraylight GmbH.