Murl::Logic Classes

Logic helper classes and templates. More...

Collaboration diagram for Murl::Logic Classes:


class  Murl::Logic::AnimationKey< DataType >
 A template class to create key objects for the Animation class. More...
class  Murl::Logic::Animation< DataType >
 A template class to create an ITimeline object with key animation capabilities. More...
class  Murl::Logic::GraphInstanceObjects< InstanceObjectType >
 Template class controlling multiple replications created by XML <Instance> node. More...
class  Murl::Logic::GraphNodeT< NodeType >
 A template class for safe access of basic graph node properties and for easy use of the GraphObservableNode object in combination with a INodeObserver. More...
class  Murl::Logic::GraphObservableNode< NodeType >
 A template class to create an IObservableNode object for accessing a Graph node. More...
class  Murl::Logic::GraphPositionInstance
 Class controlling a position sub tree for GraphInstanceObjects usage. More...
class  Murl::Logic::GraphPositionObject
 Base class handling position for Graph::ITransform node. More...
class  Murl::Logic::GraphReplication
 Base class for a single replication required by Logic::GraphInstanceObjects. More...
class  Murl::Logic::GraphSoundInstance
 Class controlling a sound sub tree for GraphInstanceObjects usage. More...
class  Murl::Logic::GraphSoundObject
 Class handling the play state and volume of a Graph::ITimelineNode which is enclosing a Graph::IAudioSequenceNode node. More...
class  Murl::Logic::StaticEngineFactory
 The StaticEngineFactory class to create the IEngineFactory object. More...
class  Murl::Logic::SoundFader
 Animation class for fading the volume of a GraphSoundObject. More...
class  Murl::Logic::StateMachine< StateType, HashFunc >
 A template class to create a BaseStepable object with simple statemachine capabilities. More...
struct  Murl::Logic::EnumStateMachine< EnumStateType >
 Predefined StateMachine using an enumerated state data type. More...
class  Murl::Logic::Stepable
 The IStepable interface implementation. More...
class  Murl::Logic::Timeframe
 The ITimeframe interface implementation. More...
class  Murl::Logic::Timeline
 The ITimeline interface implementation. More...
interface  Murl::Logic::StaticFactory
 The StaticFactory class to create logic classes. More...


using Murl::Logic::AnimationVector = Animation< Vector >
 Predefined Animation using a Vector data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationVectorKey = AnimationVector::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a Vector data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationColor = Animation< Color >
 Predefined Animation using a Color data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationColorKey = AnimationColor::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a Color data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationReal = Animation< Real >
 Predefined Animation using a Real data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationRealKey = AnimationReal::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a Real data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationUInt32 = Animation< UInt32 >
 Predefined Animation using a UInt32 data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationUInt32Key = AnimationUInt32::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a UInt32 data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationSInt32 = Animation< SInt32 >
 Predefined Animation using a SInt32 data type.
using Murl::Logic::AnimationSInt32Key = AnimationSInt32::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a SInt32 data type.
using Murl::Logic::IntStateMachine = StateMachine< SInt32 >
 Predefined StateMachine using an integer state data type.
using Murl::Logic::StringStateMachine = StateMachine< String >
 Predefined StateMachine using a string state data type.

Detailed Description

Logic helper classes and templates.

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