Murl::Logic Namespace Reference

Namespace containing logic related interfaces. More...


class  AnimationKey
 A template class to create key objects for the Animation class. More...
class  Animation
 A template class to create an ITimeline object with key animation capabilities. More...
class  BaseNodeObserver
 A helper class for simple use of the INodeObserver object. More...
class  BaseProcessor
 A helper class for simple use of the IProcessor object. More...
class  BaseStage
 A helper class for simple use of the IStage object. More...
class  BaseStageProcessor
 A helper class for simple use of the IStageProcessor object. More...
class  BaseStepable
 A helper class for simple use of the IStepable object. More...
class  BaseStepableObserver
 A helper class for simple use of the IStepableObserver object. More...
class  BaseTimeframe
 A helper class for simple use of the ITimeframe object. More...
class  BaseTimeline
 A helper class for simple use of the ITimeline object. More...
class  GraphInstanceObjects
 Template class controlling multiple replications created by XML <Instance> node. More...
class  GraphNodeT
 A template class for safe access of basic graph node properties and for easy use of the GraphObservableNode object in combination with a INodeObserver. More...
class  GraphObservableNode
 A template class to create an IObservableNode object for accessing a Graph node. More...
class  GraphPositionInstance
 Class controlling a position sub tree for GraphInstanceObjects usage. More...
class  GraphPositionObject
 Base class handling position for Graph::ITransform node. More...
class  GraphReplication
 Base class for a single replication required by Logic::GraphInstanceObjects. More...
class  GraphSoundInstance
 Class controlling a sound sub tree for GraphInstanceObjects usage. More...
class  GraphSoundObject
 Class handling the play state and volume of a Graph::ITimelineNode which is enclosing a Graph::IAudioSequenceNode node. More...
interface  IAppGraph
 The IAppGraph interface. More...
interface  IAppProcessor
 The IAppProcessor interface. More...
interface  IAppStage
 The IAppStage interface. More...
interface  IAppStepable
 The IAppStepable interface. More...
interface  IAppTimeline
 The IAppTimeline interface. More...
interface  IDeviceHandler
 The IDeviceHandler interface provides a collection of all engine's Input and Output device methods. More...
interface  IEngineFactory
 The IEngineFactory interface. More...
class  StaticEngineFactory
 The StaticEngineFactory class to create the IEngineFactory object. More...
interface  IEngineProcessor
 The IEngineProcessor interface. More...
interface  IEngineState
 The IEngineState interface. More...
interface  IFactory
 The IFactory interface to create logic classes. More...
interface  StaticFactory
 The StaticFactory class to create logic classes. More...
interface  INodeObserver
 The INodeObserver interface. More...
interface  IObservableNode
 The IObservableNode interface. More...
interface  IProcessor
 The IProcessor interface. More...
interface  IScrollProcessor
 The IScrollProcessor interface. More...
interface  IStage
 The IStage interface. More...
interface  IStageProcessor
 The IStageProcessor interface. More...
interface  IStageTimeline
 The IStageTimeline interface. More...
interface  IState
 The IState interface. More...
interface  IStepable
 The IStepable interface. More...
interface  IStepableObserver
 The IStepableObserver interface. More...
interface  ITimeframe
 The ITimeframe interface. More...
interface  ITimeline
 The ITimeline interface. More...
class  SoundFader
 Animation class for fading the volume of a GraphSoundObject. More...
class  StateMachine
 A template class to create a BaseStepable object with simple statemachine capabilities. More...
struct  EnumStateMachine
 Predefined StateMachine using an enumerated state data type. More...
class  Stepable
 The IStepable interface implementation. More...
class  Timeframe
 The ITimeframe interface implementation. More...
class  Timeline
 The ITimeline interface implementation. More...


using AnimationVector = Animation< Vector >
 Predefined Animation using a Vector data type.
using AnimationVectorKey = AnimationVector::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a Vector data type.
using AnimationColor = Animation< Color >
 Predefined Animation using a Color data type.
using AnimationColorKey = AnimationColor::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a Color data type.
using AnimationReal = Animation< Real >
 Predefined Animation using a Real data type.
using AnimationRealKey = AnimationReal::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a Real data type.
using AnimationUInt32 = Animation< UInt32 >
 Predefined Animation using a UInt32 data type.
using AnimationUInt32Key = AnimationUInt32::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a UInt32 data type.
using AnimationSInt32 = Animation< SInt32 >
 Predefined Animation using a SInt32 data type.
using AnimationSInt32Key = AnimationSInt32::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a SInt32 data type.
using AnimationUInt64 = Animation< UInt64 >
 Predefined Animation using a UInt64 data type.
using AnimationUInt64Key = AnimationUInt64::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a UInt64 data type.
using AnimationSInt64 = Animation< SInt64 >
 Predefined Animation using a SInt64 data type.
using AnimationSInt64Key = AnimationSInt64::Key
 Predefined AnimationKey using a SInt64 data type.
using NamespaceNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::INamespace >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::INamespace interface.
using AlignerNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IAligner >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IAligner interface.
using AnchorNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IAnchor >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IAnchor interface.
using AnchorStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IAnchorState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IAnchorState interface.
using AnchorStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IAnchorStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IAnchorStateCopy interface.
using AttachmentNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IAttachment >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IAttachment interface.
using AudioSequenceNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IAudioSequence >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IAudioSequence interface.
using AudioSourceNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IAudioSource >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IAudioSource interface.
using BallJointNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBallJoint >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBallJoint interface.
using BodyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBody >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBody interface.
using BoneNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBone >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBone interface.
using BoneConstraintNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBoneConstraint >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBoneConstraint interface.
using BoneIkConstraintNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBoneIkConstraint >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBoneIkConstraint interface.
using BonePathConstraintNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBonePathConstraint >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBonePathConstraint interface.
using BoneStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBoneState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBoneState interface.
using BoneStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBoneStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBoneStateCopy interface.
using BoneTransformConstraintNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBoneTransformConstraint >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBoneTransformConstraint interface.
using BoundingBoxNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IBoundingBox >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IBoundingBox interface.
using ButtonNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IButton >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IButton interface.
using CameraNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICamera >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICamera interface.
using CameraStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICameraState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICameraState interface.
using CameraStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICameraStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICameraStateCopy interface.
using CameraTransformNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICameraTransform >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICameraTransform interface.
using ClipNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IClip >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IClip interface.
using ClipGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IClipGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IClipGeometry interface.
using ClipSequencerNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IClipSequencer >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IClipSequencer interface.
using ClipTransitionNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IClipTransition >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IClipTransition interface.
using CloneTransformNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICloneTransform >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICloneTransform interface.
using ColliderNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICollider >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICollider interface.
using ComplexTransformNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IComplexTransform >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IComplexTransform interface.
using ConstantBufferParameterNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IConstantBufferParameter >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IConstantBufferParameter interface.
using ConstantBufferParameterGroupNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IConstantBufferParameterGroup >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IConstantBufferParameterGroup interface.
using ConstantBufferParametersNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IConstantBufferParameters >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IConstantBufferParameters interface.
using ContactNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IContact >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IContact interface.
using CubeColliderNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICubeCollider >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICubeCollider interface.
using CubeGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICubeGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICubeGeometry interface.
using CullerNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICuller >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICuller interface.
using CullerStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICullerState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICullerState interface.
using CullerStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ICullerStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ICullerStateCopy interface.
using FieldNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IField >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IField interface.
using FixedParametersNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IFixedParameters >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IFixedParameters interface.
using FixedProgramNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IFixedProgram >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IFixedProgram interface.
using FrameBufferNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IFrameBuffer >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IFrameBuffer interface.
using GenericGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IGenericGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IGenericGeometry interface.
using GenericParameterNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IGenericParameter >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IGenericParameter interface.
using GenericParameterGroupNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IGenericParameterGroup >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IGenericParameterGroup interface.
using GenericParametersNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IGenericParameters >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IGenericParameters interface.
using HeightFieldNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IHeightField >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IHeightField interface.
using HingeJointNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IHingeJoint >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IHingeJoint interface.
using InstanceNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IInstance >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IInstance interface.
using IslandNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IIsland >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IIsland interface.
using IslandStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IIslandState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IIslandState interface.
using IslandStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IIslandStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IIslandStateCopy interface.
using JointNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IJoint >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IJoint interface.
using LayerStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ILayerState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ILayerState interface.
using LazyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ILazyNode >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ILazyNode interface.
using LightNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ILight >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ILight interface.
using LightStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ILightState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ILightState interface.
using LightStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ILightStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ILightStateCopy interface.
using LightTransformNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ILightTransform >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ILightTransform interface.
using ListenerNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IListener >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IListener interface.
using ListenerStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IListenerState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IListenerState interface.
using ListenerStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IListenerStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IListenerStateCopy interface.
using ListenerTransformNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IListenerTransform >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IListenerTransform interface.
using MaterialNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IMaterial >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IMaterial interface.
using MaterialStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IMaterialState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IMaterialState interface.
using MaterialStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IMaterialStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IMaterialStateCopy interface.
using NinePatchPlaneGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::INinePatchPlaneGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::INinePatchPlaneGeometry interface.
using NinePatchPlaneSequenceGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::INinePatchPlaneSequenceGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::INinePatchPlaneSequenceGeometry interface.
using GraphNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::INode >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::INode interface.
using ParametersNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IParameters >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IParameters interface.
using ParametersStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IParametersState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IParametersState interface.
using ParametersStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IParametersStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IParametersStateCopy interface.
using PlaneColliderNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IPlaneCollider >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IPlaneCollider interface.
using PlaneGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IPlaneGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IPlaneGeometry interface.
using PlaneSequenceGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IPlaneSequenceGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IPlaneSequenceGeometry interface.
using PlaneTouchAreaNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IPlaneTouchArea >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IPlaneTouchArea interface.
using ProgramNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IProgram >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IProgram interface.
using ReferenceNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IReference >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IReference interface.
using ResetTransformNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IResetTransform >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IResetTransform interface.
using ResourceMeshColliderNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IResourceMeshCollider >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IResourceMeshCollider interface.
using ResourceMeshCullerNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IResourceMeshCuller >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IResourceMeshCuller interface.
using ResourceMeshGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IResourceMeshGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IResourceMeshGeometry interface.
using ResourceMeshTouchAreaNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IResourceMeshTouchArea >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IResourceMeshTouchArea interface.
using ResourceShadowGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IResourceShadowGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IResourceShadowGeometry interface.
using ScaleNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IScale >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IScale interface.
using ShaderNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IShader >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IShader interface.
using ShaderParameterNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IShaderParameter >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IShaderParameter interface.
using ShaderParameterGroupNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IShaderParameterGroup >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IShaderParameterGroup interface.
using ShaderParametersNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IShaderParameters >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IShaderParameters interface.
using ShaderProgramNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IShaderProgram >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IShaderProgram interface.
using ShadowCameraNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IShadowCamera >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IShadowCamera interface.
using ShearNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IShear >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IShear interface.
using SkeletonNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISkeleton >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISkeleton interface.
using SoundNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IAudioSource >
 Deprecated, use Murl::Logic::AudioSourceNode.
using SphereColliderNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISphereCollider >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISphereCollider interface.
using SpringNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISpring >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISpring interface.
using SubStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISubState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISubState interface.
using SubjectNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISubject >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISubject interface.
using SurfaceNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISurface >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISurface interface.
using SurfaceStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISurfaceState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISurfaceState interface.
using SurfaceStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISurfaceStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISurfaceStateCopy interface.
using SwitchNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ISwitch >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ISwitch interface.
using TemplateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITemplate >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITemplate interface.
using TextGeometryNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITextGeometry >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITextGeometry interface.
using TextStyleNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITextStyle >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITextStyle interface.
using TextStyleColorNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITextStyleColor >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITextStyleColor interface.
using TextStyleFontNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITextStyleFont >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITextStyleFont interface.
using TextStyleImageNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITextStyleImage >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITextStyleImage interface.
using TextTextureNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITextTexture >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITextTexture interface.
using TextureNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITexture >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITexture interface.
using TextureStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITextureState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITextureState interface.
using TextureStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITextureStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITextureStateCopy interface.
using TimelineNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITimeline >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITimeline interface.
using TimelineStateNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITimelineState >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITimelineState interface.
using TimelineStateCopyNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITimelineStateCopy >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITimelineStateCopy interface.
using TouchAreaNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITouchArea >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITouchArea interface.
using TransformNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::ITransform >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::ITransform interface.
using VariableNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IVariable >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IVariable interface.
using VideoSequenceNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IVideoSequence >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IVideoSequence interface.
using VideoSourceNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IVideoSource >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IVideoSource interface.
using ViewNode = GraphNodeT< Graph::IView >
 IObservableNode for accessing the Graph::IView interface.
using IntStateMachine = StateMachine< SInt32 >
 Predefined StateMachine using an integer state data type.
using StringStateMachine = StateMachine< String >
 Predefined StateMachine using a string state data type.
using Real = LogicReal
 Generic floating point data type for the Murl::Logic namespace.
using Vector = Math::Vector< Real >
 Math::Vector data type for the Murl::Logic namespace.
using StaticVector = Math::StaticVector< Real >
 Math::StaticVector data type for the Murl::Logic namespace.
using Matrix = Math::Matrix< Real >
 Math::Matrix data type for the Murl::Logic namespace.
using Limits = Math::Limits< Real >
 Math::Limits data type for the Murl::Logic namespace.
using GraphSoundObjectPtr = SharedPointer< GraphSoundObject >
 The GraphSoundObject shared pointer type.
using IAppGraphPtr = SharedPointer< IAppGraph >
 The IAppGraph shared pointer type.
using IAppProcessorPtr = SharedPointer< IAppProcessor >
 The IAppProcessor shared pointer type.
using IAppStagePtr = SharedPointer< IAppStage >
 The IAppStage shared pointer type.
using IAppStepablePtr = SharedPointer< IAppStepable >
 The IAppStepable shared pointer type.
using IAppTimelinePtr = SharedPointer< IAppTimeline >
 The IAppTimeline shared pointer type.
using INodeObserverPtr = SharedPointer< INodeObserver >
 The INodeObserver shared pointer type.
using IObservableNodePtr = SharedPointer< IObservableNode >
 The IObservableNode shared pointer type.
using IProcessorPtr = SharedPointer< IProcessor >
 The IProcessor shared pointer type.
using IStagePtr = SharedPointer< IStage >
 The IStage shared pointer type.
using IStageProcessorPtr = SharedPointer< IStageProcessor >
 The IStageProcessor shared pointer type.
using IStageTimelinePtr = SharedPointer< IStageTimeline >
 The IStageTimeline shared pointer type.
using IStepablePtr = SharedPointer< IStepable >
 The IStepable shared pointer type.
using IStepableObserverPtr = SharedPointer< IStepableObserver >
 The IStepableObserver shared pointer type.
using ITimeframePtr = SharedPointer< ITimeframe >
 The ITimeframe shared pointer type.
using ITimelinePtr = SharedPointer< ITimeline >
 The shared pointer type definition.
using IScrollProcessorPtr = SharedPointer< IScrollProcessor >
 The IScrollProcessor shared pointer type.
using SoundFaderPtr = SharedPointer< SoundFader >
 The SoundFader shared pointer type.

Detailed Description

Namespace containing logic related interfaces.

Copyright © 2011-2025 Spraylight GmbH.