Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler Interface Referenceabstract

The IDeviceHandler interface provides a collection of all engine's Input and Output device methods. More...

#include "murl_logic_i_device_handler.h"

Inherited by Murl::Logic::DeviceHandler.

Public Member Functions

virtual Bool Init ()=0
 Initialize the object. More...
virtual Bool DeInit ()=0
 Deinitialize the object. More...
virtual void ConfigChanged (const IAppConfiguration *appConfig)=0
 Notification of changed configuration. More...
virtual IVirtualMouseGetVirtualMouse ()=0
 Get the virtual-mouse device object. More...
virtual Input::IDeviceHandlerGetInputDeviceHandler ()=0
 Get the input devicehandler object. More...
virtual Output::IDeviceHandlerGetOutputDeviceHandler ()=0
 Get the output devicehandler object. More...

The Input::IAccelerometerDevice methods.

To receive data the device must be activated by IAppConfiguration::SetAccelerometerActive().

virtual Bool IsAccelerationAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IAccelerometerDevice is available. More...
virtual Real GetAccelerationX () const =0
 Forward to Input::Input::IAccelerometerDevice::GetAccelerationX() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Real GetAccelerationY () const =0
 Forward to Input::IAccelerometerDevice::GetAccelerationY() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Real GetAccelerationZ () const =0
 Forward to Input::IAccelerometerDevice::GetAccelerationZ() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Input::AccelerationVector GetAcceleration () const =0
 Forward to Input::IAccelerometerDevice::GetAcceleration() if control is available, otherwise a zero vector is returned.

The Input::IGyroscopeDevice methods.

To receive data the device must be activated by IAppConfiguration::SetGyroscopeActive().

virtual Bool IsGyroscopeAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IGyroscopeDevice is available. More...
virtual Real GetAngularVelocityX () const =0
 Forward to Input::IGyroscopeDevice::GetAngularVelocityX() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Real GetAngularVelocityY () const =0
 Forward to Input::IGyroscopeDevice::GetAngularVelocityY() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Real GetAngularVelocityZ () const =0
 Forward to Input::IGyroscopeDevice::GetAngularVelocityZ() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Input::AngularVelocityVector GetAngularVelocity () const =0
 Forward to Input::IGyroscopeDevice::GetAngularVelocity() if control is available, otherwise a zero vector is returned.

The Input::IHeadingDevice methods.

To receive data the device must be activated by IAppConfiguration::SetHeadingActive().

virtual Bool IsHeadingAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IHeadingDevice is available. More...
virtual Double GetMagneticFieldX () const =0
 Forward to Input::IHeadingDevice::GetMagneticFieldX() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Double GetMagneticFieldY () const =0
 Forward to Input::IHeadingDevice::GetMagneticFieldY() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Double GetMagneticFieldZ () const =0
 Forward to Input::IHeadingDevice::GetMagneticFieldZ() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Input::MagneticFieldVector GetMagneticField () const =0
 Forward to Input::IHeadingDevice::GetMagneticField() if control is available, otherwise a zero vector is returned.
virtual Double GetMagneticAngle () const =0
 Forward to Input::IHeadingDevice::GetMagneticAngle() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Double GetTrueAngle () const =0
 Forward to Input::IHeadingDevice::GetTrueAngle() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.

The Input::ILocationDevice methods.

To receive data the device must be activated by IAppConfiguration::SetLocationActive().

virtual Bool IsLocationAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::ILocationDevice is available. More...
virtual Double GetLatitude () const =0
 Forward to Input::ILocationDevice::GetLatitude() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Double GetLongitude () const =0
 Forward to Input::ILocationDevice::GetLongitude() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Double GetAltitude () const =0
 Forward to Input::ILocationDevice::GetAltitude() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual Util::GeoLocation GetGeoLocation () const =0
 Forward to Input::ILocationDevice::GetGeoLocation() if control is available, otherwise a zero location is returned.
virtual Double GetVelocity () const =0
 Forward to Input::ILocationDevice::GetVelocity() if control is available, otherwise -1 is returned.
virtual Double GetHorizontalAccuracy () const =0
 Forward to Input::ILocationDevice::GetHorizontalAccuracy() if control is available, otherwise -1 is returned.
virtual Double GetVerticalAccuracy () const =0
 Forward to Input::ILocationDevice::GetVerticalAccuracy() if control is available, otherwise -1 is returned.
virtual IEnums::AuthorizationStatus GetAuthorization () const =0
 Forward to Input::ILocationDevice::GetAuthorization() if control is available, otherwise IEnums::AUTHORIZATION_NOT_DETERMINED is returned.
virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices () const =0
 Get the number of Input::IGameControllerDevice devices. More...
virtual Bool IsGameControllerConnected (UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Check if a game controller device is connected. More...
virtual SInt32 GetGameControllerPlayerIndex (UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Get the game controller player index. More...
virtual Bool GetGameControllerDeviceInfo (IGameControllerMapping::DeviceInfo &deviceInfo, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Get the game controller device information. More...
virtual Bool IsGameControllerButtonAvailable (IEnums::GameControllerButton button, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Check if a specified game controller button is available. More...
virtual Bool IsGameControllerButtonPressed (IEnums::GameControllerButton button, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Check if a specified game controller button is pressed. More...
virtual Bool WasGameControllerButtonPressed (IEnums::GameControllerButton button, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Check if a specified game controller button was pressed in the most recent tick. More...
virtual Bool WasGameControllerButtonReleased (IEnums::GameControllerButton button, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Check if a specified game controller button was released in the most recent tick. More...
virtual Bool IsGameControllerControlAvailable (IEnums::GameControllerControl control, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Check if a specified game controller control is available. More...
virtual Bool GetGameControllerShoulder (Float &value, IEnums::GameControllerControl control, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Get the game controller analog shoulder button value. More...
virtual Bool GetGameControllerStick (Float &xAxis, Float &yAxis, IEnums::GameControllerControl control, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Get the game controller analog stick axis values. More...
virtual Bool GetGameControllerGravity (Input::AccelerationVector &gravity, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Get the game controller gravity axes values. More...
virtual Bool GetGameControllerAcceleration (Input::AccelerationVector &acceleration, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Get the game controller acceleration axes values. More...
virtual Bool SetGameControllerTouchOrientationEnabled (Bool isEnabled, UInt32 deviceIndex)=0
 Set the game controller touchpad orientation enabled state. More...
virtual Bool GetGameControllerTouchOrientationEnabled (Bool &isEnabled, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Get the game controller touchpad orientation enabled state. More...
virtual Bool SetGameControllerTouchAbsoluteEnabled (Bool isEnabled, UInt32 deviceIndex)=0
 Set the game controller touchpad absolute enabled state. More...
virtual Bool GetGameControllerTouchAbsoluteEnabled (Bool &isEnabled, UInt32 deviceIndex) const =0
 Get the game controller touchpad absolute enabled state. More...
virtual Bool SetGameControllerVibration (Float intensity, IEnums::GameControllerControl control, UInt32 deviceIndex)=0
 Set a game controller vibration with a specified intensity. More...
virtual IGameControllerMappingPtr GetGameControllerMapping (UInt32 deviceIndex)=0
 Get the game controller mapping interface. More...
virtual Bool IsKeyboardAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IKeyboardDevice is available. More...
virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfKeys () const =0
 Forward to Input::IKeyboardDevice::GetNumberOfKeys() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual const StringGetKey (UInt32 index) const =0
 Forward to Input::IKeyboardDevice::GetKey() if control is available, otherwise an empty string is returned.
virtual const StringArrayGetKeys () const =0
 Forward to Input::IKeyboardDevice::GetKeys() if control is available, otherwise an empty string array is returned.
virtual IEnums::KeyCode GetKeyCode (UInt32 index) const =0
 Get the key code of a key pressed in the most recent tick. More...
virtual SInt32 EditString (String &editString, UInt32 maxLength=0, Bool hideKeyboard=false, const Graph::ITextGeometry *textGeometry=nullptr, String nonPrintableReplacement=String()) const =0
 Edit a UTF8 string using all keys pressed in the most recent tick. More...

The Input::IMotionDevice methods.

virtual Bool IsMotionAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IMotionDevice is available. More...
virtual Bool IsShaken () const =0
 Forward to Input::IMotionDevice::IsShaken() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool WasShaken () const =0
 Forward to Input::IMotionDevice::WasShaken() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.

The Input::IMouseDevice methods.

virtual Bool IsMouseAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IMouseDevice is available. More...
virtual Bool WasMouseMoved () const =0
 Forward to Input::IMouseDevice::WasMoved() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool GetMousePosition (Real &x, Real &y) const =0
 Get the mouse position on the display surface. More...
virtual Bool IsMousePositionInRange () const =0
 Check if the mouse position is in range of the display surface. More...
virtual Bool IsMousePositionXInRange () const =0
 Forward to Input::IMouseDevice::IsPositionXInRange() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool IsMousePositionYInRange () const =0
 Forward to Input::IMouseDevice::IsPositionYInRange() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool IsMouseButtonPressed (IEnums::MouseButton button) const =0
 Check if a specified mouse button is pressed. More...
virtual Bool WasMouseButtonPressed (IEnums::MouseButton button) const =0
 Check if a specified mouse button was pressed in the most recent tick. More...
virtual Bool WasMouseButtonReleased (IEnums::MouseButton button) const =0
 Check if a specified mouse button was released in the most recent tick. More...

The Input::IOrientationDevice methods.

To receive data the device must be activated by IAppConfiguration::SetOrientationActive().

virtual Bool IsOrientationAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IOrientationDevice is available. More...
virtual IEnums::SensorOrientation GetOrientation () const =0
 Forward to Input::IOrientationDevice::GetOrientation() if control is available, otherwise IEnums::SENSOR_ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN is returned.
virtual Bool IsRawButtonAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IRawButtonDevice is available. More...
virtual Bool IsRawButtonPressed (RawButtonCode code) const =0
 Forward to Input::IRawButtonDevice::IsButtonPressed() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool WasRawButtonPressed (RawButtonCode code) const =0
 Forward to Input::IRawButtonDevice::WasButtonPressed() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool WasRawButtonReleased (RawButtonCode code) const =0
 Forward to Input::IRawButtonDevice::WasButtonReleased() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool IsRawKeyboardAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IRawKeyboardDevice is available. More...
virtual Bool IsRawKeyPressed (RawKeyCode code) const =0
 Forward to Input::IRawKeyboardDevice::IsKeyPressed() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool WasRawKeyPressed (RawKeyCode code) const =0
 Forward to Input::IRawKeyboardDevice::WasKeyPressed() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool WasRawKeyReleased (RawKeyCode code) const =0
 Forward to Input::IRawKeyboardDevice::WasKeyReleased() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool IsRawMouseAvailable () const =0
 Check if the Input::IRawMouseDevice is available. More...
virtual Bool GetRawMouseDelta (Real &x, Real &y) const =0
 Get the mouse axis delta values in the most recent tick. More...
virtual Bool GetRawWheelDelta (Real &x, Real &y) const =0
 Get the mouse wheel axis delta values in the most recent tick. More...

The Input::ITouchScreenDevice methods.

Multi touch reports can be disabled by IAppConfiguration::SetMultiTouchActive().

virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfTouchDevices () const =0
 Get the number of Input::ITouchScreenDevice devices. More...
virtual Bool IsTouchPressed (UInt32 deviceIndex=0) const =0
 Check if the touch is pressed. More...
virtual Bool WasTouchCancelled (UInt32 deviceIndex=0) const =0
 Check if the touch was cancelled in the most recent tick. More...
virtual Bool WasTouchPressed (UInt32 deviceIndex=0) const =0
 Check if the touch was pressed in the most recent tick. More...
virtual Bool WasTouchReleased (UInt32 deviceIndex=0) const =0
 Check if the touch was released in the most recent tick. More...
virtual Bool WasTouchMoved (UInt32 deviceIndex=0) const =0
 Check if the touch was moved in the most recent tick. More...
virtual Bool GetTouchPosition (Real &x, Real &y, UInt32 deviceIndex=0) const =0
 Get the touch position on the display surface. More...

The IKeyboardControl methods.

virtual Bool IsKeyboardControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the keyboard control is available. More...
virtual IKeyboardControlGetKeyboardControl ()=0
 Get the keyboard control interface. More...
virtual void SetKeyboardType (IKeyboardControl::KeyboardType keyboardType)=0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::SetKeyboardType() if control is available.
virtual void SetReturnKeyType (IKeyboardControl::ReturnKeyType returnKeyType)=0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::SetReturnKeyType() if control is available.
virtual void ShowKeyboard () const =0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::Show() if control is available.
virtual void HideKeyboard () const =0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::Hide() if control is available.
virtual Bool ToggleKeyboard () const =0
 Toggle the show/hide state of the on-screen keyboard. More...
virtual Bool IsKeyboardShowing () const =0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::IsShowing() if control is available, otherwise false is returned. More...
virtual Bool WasKeyboardClosed () const =0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::WasClosed() if control is available, otherwise false is returned. More...
virtual Bool HasKeyboardTextfield () const =0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::HasTextfield() if control is available, otherwise false is returned. More...
virtual void SetKeyboardTitle (const String &title)=0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::SetTitle() if control is available. More...
virtual void SetKeyboardDescription (const String &description)=0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::SetDescription() if control is available. More...
virtual void SetKeyboardText (const String &text)=0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::SetText() if control is available. More...
virtual const StringGetKeyboardText () const =0
 Forward to IKeyboardControl::GetText() if control is available, otherwise an empty string is returned. More...

The IRumbleControl methods.

virtual Bool IsRumbleControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the rumble control is available. More...
virtual void Rumble (Float duration=0.5) const =0
 Forward to IRumbleControl::Rumble() if control is available.

The IAppStoreControl methods.

virtual Bool IsAppStoreControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the app-store control is available. More...
virtual IAppStoreControlGetAppStoreControl ()=0
 Get the app-store control interface. More...
virtual IAppStoreControl::Status GetAppStoreStatus () const =0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::GetStatus() if control is available, otherwise IAppStoreControl::STATUS_IDLE is returned.
virtual Bool RegisterProduct (const String &productId, IAppStoreProduct::ProductType productType)=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::RegisterProduct() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool ConnectToStore ()=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::ConnectToStore() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool DisconnectFromStore ()=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::DisconnectToStore() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool ReconnectToStore ()=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::ReconnectToStore() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool RestoreTransactions ()=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::RestoreTransactions() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool SwitchAppStoreImplementation (SInt32 id)=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::SwitchAppStoreImplementation() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual UInt32 GetNumberOfAvailableProducts () const =0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::GetNumberOfAvailableProducts() if control is available, otherwise 0 is returned.
virtual IAppStoreProductGetAvailableProduct (UInt32 index) const =0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::GetAvailableProduct() if control is available, otherwise null is returned.
virtual IAppStoreProductGetAvailableProduct (const String &productId) const =0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::GetAvailableProduct() if control is available, otherwise null is returned.
virtual Bool CanPurchaseProducts () const =0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::CanPurchaseProducts() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool PurchaseProduct (IAppStoreProduct *product)=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::PurchaseProduct() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool ConsumeProduct (IAppStoreProduct *product)=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::ConsumeProduct() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool ConfirmConsumedProduct (IAppStoreProduct *product)=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::ConfirmConsumedProduct() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool TryCancelProduct (IAppStoreProduct *product)=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::TryCancelProduct() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual const StringGetAppStoreLastError () const =0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::GetLastError() if control is available, otherwise an empty string is returned.
virtual Bool ClearAppStoreLastError ()=0
 Forward to IAppStoreControl::ClearLastError() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.

The ICloudControl methods.

virtual Bool IsCloudControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the cloud control is available. More...
virtual ICloudControlGetCloudControl ()=0
 Get the cloud control interface. More...

The IGameCenterControl methods.

virtual Bool IsGameCenterControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the game-center control is available. More...
virtual IGameCenterControlGetGameCenterControl ()=0
 Get the game center control interface. More...

The ISystemDialogControl methods.

virtual Bool IsSystemDialogControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the system-dialog control is available. More...
virtual ISystemDialogCreateSystemDialog (const String &title, const String &message, const String &button0Label) const =0
 Create a system-dialog object with 1 button. More...
virtual ISystemDialogCreateSystemDialog (const String &title, const String &message, const String &button0Label, const String &button1Label) const =0
 Create a system-dialog object with 2 buttons. More...
virtual ISystemDialogCreateSystemDialog (const String &title, const String &message, const String &button0Label, const String &button1Label, const String &button2Label) const =0
 Create a system-dialog object with 3 buttons. More...
virtual ISystemDialogCreateSystemDialog (const String &title, const String &message, const StringArray &buttonLabels) const =0
 Create a system-dialog object with a variable number of buttons. More...
virtual ISystemDialogCreateSystemDialog (const String &title, const String &message) const =0
 Forward to ISystemDialogControl::CreateSystemDialog() if control is available, otherwise null is returned.
virtual void DestroySystemDialog (ISystemDialog *&dialog)=0
 Forward to ISystemDialogControl::DestroySystemDialog() if control is available.

The IWebControl methods.

virtual Bool IsWebControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the web control is available. More...
virtual Bool OpenUrlInSystemBrowser (const String &url) const =0
 Forward to IWebControl::OpenUrlInSystemBrowser() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual IUrlRequestCreateUrlRequest ()=0
 Forward to IWebControl::CreateUrlRequest() if control is available, otherwise null is returned.
virtual void DestroyUrlRequest (IUrlRequest *&urlRequest)=0
 Forward to IWebControl::DestroyUrlRequest() if control is available.
virtual IEMailCreateEMail (const String &subject, const String &message)=0
 Forward to IWebControl::CreateEMail() if control is available, otherwise null is returned.
virtual IEMailCreateEMail (const String &subject, const String &message, const String &recipientAddress)=0
 Forward to IWebControl::CreateEMail() if control is available, otherwise null is returned.
virtual void DestroyEMail (IEMail *&eMail)=0
 Forward to IWebControl::DestroyEMail() if control is available.

The IScreenshotControl methods.

virtual Bool IsScreenshotControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the screen-shot control is available. More...
virtual Bool CreateScreenshot ()=0
 Forward to IScreenshotControl::CreateScreenshot() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool DestroyScreenshot ()=0
 Forward to IScreenshotControl::DestroyScreenshot() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool IsScreenshotBusy () const =0
 Forward to IScreenshotControl::IsBusy() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool IsScreenshotReady () const =0
 Forward to IScreenshotControl::IsReady() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual const Resource::IImageGetScreenshotImage () const =0
 Forward to IScreenshotControl::GetScreenshotImage() if control is available, otherwise null is returned.

The IPreferencesControl methods.

virtual Bool IsPreferencesControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the preferences control is available. More...
virtual IPreferencesControlGetPreferencesControl ()=0
 Get the preferences control interface. More...
virtual Bool PreferenceExists (const String &key)=0
 Forward to IPreferencesControl::Exists() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual String GetPreferenceValue (const String &key) const =0
 Forward to IPreferencesControl::GetValue(const String& key) if control is available, otherwise an empty string is returned.
virtual Bool GetPreferenceValue (const String &key, String &value) const =0
 Forward to IPreferencesControl::GetValue(const String& key, String& value) if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool SetPreferenceValue (const String &key, const String &value)=0
 Forward to IPreferencesControl::SetValue() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool GetPreferenceData (const String &key, Data &value) const =0
 Forward to IPreferencesControl::GetData() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool SetPreferenceData (const String &key, const Data &value)=0
 Forward to IPreferencesControl::SetData() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool PreferenceRemove (const String &key)=0
 Forward to IPreferencesControl::Remove() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.

The ITelephonyControl methods.

virtual Bool IsTelephonyControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the telephony control is available. More...
virtual String GetTelephonyCarrierName () const =0
 Forward to ITelephonyControl::GetCarrierName() if control is available, otherwise an empty string is returned.
virtual String GetTelephonyCountryCode () const =0
 Forward to ITelephonyControl::GetCountryCode() if control is available, otherwise an empty string is returned.
virtual String GetTelephonyNetworkCode () const =0
 Forward to ITelephonyControl::GetNetworkCode() if control is available, otherwise an empty string is returned.

The IAppControl methods.

virtual Bool TerminateApp ()=0
 Forward to IAppControl::TerminateApp() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool IsTerminatingApp () const =0
 Forward to IAppControl::IsTerminatingApp() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool SuspendApp ()=0
 Forward to IAppControl::SuspendApp() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool IsSuspendingApp () const =0
 Forward to IAppControl::IsSuspendingApp() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Bool SetLoadingProgress (Real progress)=0
 Forward to IAppControl::SetLoadingProgress() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.
virtual Real GetLoadingProgress () const =0
 Forward to IAppControl::GetLoadingProgress() if control is available, otherwise 0.0 is returned.

The IMusicPlayerControl methods.

virtual Bool IsMusicPlayerControlAvailable () const =0
 Check if the music player control is available. More...
virtual IMusicPlayerControlGetMusicPlayerControl ()=0
 Get the music player control interface. More...

Detailed Description

The IDeviceHandler interface provides a collection of all engine's Input and Output device methods.

All methods can be called without consideration of the availability of the device, all methods simply return zero, false or empty strings if the corresponding device is not available.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Init()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::Init ( )
pure virtual

Initialize the object.

true if successful.

◆ DeInit()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::DeInit ( )
pure virtual

Deinitialize the object.

true if successful.

◆ ConfigChanged()

virtual void Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::ConfigChanged ( const IAppConfiguration appConfig)
pure virtual

Notification of changed configuration.

The notification is executed in the engine thread context if any configuration item has changed.

appConfigThe application configuration object.

◆ IsAccelerationAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsAccelerationAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IAccelerometerDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ IsGyroscopeAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsGyroscopeAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IGyroscopeDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ IsHeadingAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsHeadingAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IHeadingDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ IsLocationAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsLocationAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::ILocationDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the number of Input::IGameControllerDevice devices.

If an additional controller is connected the number of devices will increase.

The number of game controller devices.

◆ IsGameControllerConnected()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsGameControllerConnected ( UInt32  deviceIndex) const
pure virtual

Check if a game controller device is connected.

If a controller is disconnected, the connected state changes to false and no more events are generated.
If another controller is connected, the controller device will be reconfigured and the connected state changes to true.
A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if a game controller device is connected, if false no controller is connected or the deviceIndex is out of range.

◆ GetGameControllerPlayerIndex()

virtual SInt32 Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerPlayerIndex ( UInt32  deviceIndex) const
pure virtual

Get the game controller player index.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
The zero-based index of the player (typically indicated by lights on the controller), a negative value indicates an unset state (no lights are lit on the controller).

◆ GetGameControllerDeviceInfo()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerDeviceInfo ( IGameControllerMapping::DeviceInfo deviceInfo,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Get the game controller device information.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

deviceInfoThe device information return value.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the device is available, if false the 'deviceInfo' return value stays unchanged.

◆ IsGameControllerButtonAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsGameControllerButtonAvailable ( IEnums::GameControllerButton  button,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Check if a specified game controller button is available.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

buttonThe game controller button identifier.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the button is available.

◆ IsGameControllerButtonPressed()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsGameControllerButtonPressed ( IEnums::GameControllerButton  button,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Check if a specified game controller button is pressed.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

buttonThe game controller button identifier.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the button is pressed.

◆ WasGameControllerButtonPressed()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasGameControllerButtonPressed ( IEnums::GameControllerButton  button,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Check if a specified game controller button was pressed in the most recent tick.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

buttonThe game controller button identifier.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the button was pressed in the most recent tick.

◆ WasGameControllerButtonReleased()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasGameControllerButtonReleased ( IEnums::GameControllerButton  button,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Check if a specified game controller button was released in the most recent tick.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

buttonThe game controller button identifier.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the button was released in the most recent tick.

◆ IsGameControllerControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsGameControllerControlAvailable ( IEnums::GameControllerControl  control,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Check if a specified game controller control is available.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

controlThe game controller control identifier.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the game controller control is available.

◆ GetGameControllerShoulder()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerShoulder ( Float value,
IEnums::GameControllerControl  control,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Get the game controller analog shoulder button value.

The return value is in range [0.0 not pressed .. 1.0 full pressed].
A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

valueThe button return value.
controlThe game controller control identifier.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control and the device is available, if false the 'value' return value stays unchanged.

◆ GetGameControllerStick()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerStick ( Float xAxis,
Float yAxis,
IEnums::GameControllerControl  control,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Get the game controller analog stick axis values.

The return values are in range [-1.0 bottom/left .. 1.0 top/right].
A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

xAxisThe x-axis return value.
yAxisThe y-axis return value.
controlThe game controller control identifier.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control and the device is available, if false all return values stay unchanged.

◆ GetGameControllerGravity()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerGravity ( Input::AccelerationVector gravity,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Get the game controller gravity axes values.

Note that the total acceleration of the controller is equal to gravity plus acceleration.
The values are available if IsControlAvailable(IEnums::GAME_CONTROLLER_CONTROL_ACCELERATION).
A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

gravityThe gravity axes return value in meter per seconds^2.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control and the device is available, if false all return values stay unchanged.

◆ GetGameControllerAcceleration()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerAcceleration ( Input::AccelerationVector acceleration,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Get the game controller acceleration axes values.

Note that the total acceleration of the controller is equal to gravity plus acceleration.
The values are available if IsControlAvailable(IEnums::GAME_CONTROLLER_CONTROL_ACCELERATION).
A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

accelerationThe acceleration axes return value in meter per seconds^2.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control and the device is available, if false all return values stay unchanged.

◆ SetGameControllerTouchOrientationEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::SetGameControllerTouchOrientationEnabled ( Bool  isEnabled,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
pure virtual

Set the game controller touchpad orientation enabled state.

The default value for this state is false, which means that the values of the touchpad are always determined based on the controller’s portrait orientation. If the state is set to true, then the touchpad values are calculated based on its current orientation, either landscape or portrait.
A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

isEnabledThe touchpad orientation enabled state.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control and the device is available.

◆ GetGameControllerTouchOrientationEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerTouchOrientationEnabled ( Bool isEnabled,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Get the game controller touchpad orientation enabled state.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

isEnabledThe touchpad orientation enabled state return value.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control is available, if false the 'isEnabled' return value stay unchanged.

◆ SetGameControllerTouchAbsoluteEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::SetGameControllerTouchAbsoluteEnabled ( Bool  isEnabled,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
pure virtual

Set the game controller touchpad absolute enabled state.

The default value for this state is false, which means that the location where the user first touches the touchpad is assumed to be the neutral (0/0) value for the touchpad. All subsequent values are calculated relative to this position until the user lifts the finger. The next time the user’s finger touches the touchpad, a new origin is chosen. If this state is set to true, then all values are calculated relative to the physical center of the touchpad.
A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

isEnabledThe touchpad absolute enabled state.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control and the device is available.

◆ GetGameControllerTouchAbsoluteEnabled()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerTouchAbsoluteEnabled ( Bool isEnabled,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Get the game controller touchpad absolute enabled state.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

isEnabledThe touchpad absolute enabled state return value.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control is available, if false the 'isEnabled' return value stay unchanged.

◆ SetGameControllerVibration()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::SetGameControllerVibration ( Float  intensity,
IEnums::GameControllerControl  control,
UInt32  deviceIndex 
pure virtual

Set a game controller vibration with a specified intensity.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

intensityThe intensity of the vibration in range [0.0 none .. 1.0 full].
controlThe game controller control identifier.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
true if the control and the device are available.

◆ GetGameControllerMapping()

virtual IGameControllerMappingPtr Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameControllerMapping ( UInt32  deviceIndex)
pure virtual

Get the game controller mapping interface.

Gamecontroller mapping is supported for USB HID game controller devices only, e.g. XBox controller or iOS controllers do not support mapping and return null.
A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfGameControllerDevices() - 1].

deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the game controller device.
The game controller mapping interface if the device is available or null if mapping is not supported by the game controller.

◆ IsKeyboardAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsKeyboardAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IKeyboardDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ GetKeyCode()

virtual IEnums::KeyCode Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetKeyCode ( UInt32  index) const
pure virtual

Get the key code of a key pressed in the most recent tick.

A valid key buffer index is [0 .. GetNumberOfKeys() - 1].

indexThe zero-based index of the key buffer.
The key code of the key or IEnums::KEYCODE_NONE if the key is not in the set of IEnums::KeyCode.

◆ EditString()

virtual SInt32 Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::EditString ( String editString,
UInt32  maxLength = 0,
Bool  hideKeyboard = false,
const Graph::ITextGeometry textGeometry = nullptr,
String  nonPrintableReplacement = String() 
) const
pure virtual

Edit a UTF8 string using all keys pressed in the most recent tick.

This method supports the IEnums::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE key to remove UTF8 characters from the end of the string.

editStringThe string to edit.
maxLengthMaximum number of UTF8 characters to put into the string or zero for unlimited number of characters.
hideKeyboardIf true hide the on screen keyboard if the IEnums::KEYCODE_RETURN key was pressed.
textGeometryA textgeometry node to add printable characters only.
nonPrintableReplacementIf a text geometry node is given, any non-printable characters are replaced by this string if it is not empty.
1 if a character was added to the string or removed from the string, -1 if IEnums::KEYCODE_RETURN key was pressed or 0 if the string is unchanged.

◆ IsMotionAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsMotionAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IMotionDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ IsMouseAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsMouseAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IMouseDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ GetMousePosition()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetMousePosition ( Real x,
Real y 
) const
pure virtual

Get the mouse position on the display surface.

The return values are in range [-1.0 bottom/left .. 1.0 top/right].

xThe x-position return value.
yThe y-position return value.
true if the device is available, if false all return values stay unchanged.

◆ IsMousePositionInRange()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsMousePositionInRange ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the mouse position is in range of the display surface.

If the mouse cursor is moved out of the display surface (e.g. the window), the mouse positions are clipped to range [-1.0, 1.0]. This method can be used to detect this case.

true if the mouse position is in range.

◆ IsMouseButtonPressed()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsMouseButtonPressed ( IEnums::MouseButton  button) const
pure virtual

Check if a specified mouse button is pressed.

buttonThe mouse button identifier.
true if the button is pressed.

◆ WasMouseButtonPressed()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasMouseButtonPressed ( IEnums::MouseButton  button) const
pure virtual

Check if a specified mouse button was pressed in the most recent tick.

buttonThe mouse button identifier.
true if the button was pressed in the most recent tick.

◆ WasMouseButtonReleased()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasMouseButtonReleased ( IEnums::MouseButton  button) const
pure virtual

Check if a specified mouse button was released in the most recent tick.

buttonThe mouse button identifier.
true if the button was released in the most recent tick.

◆ IsOrientationAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsOrientationAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IOrientationDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ IsRawButtonAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsRawButtonAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IRawButtonDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ IsRawKeyboardAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsRawKeyboardAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IRawKeyboardDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ IsRawMouseAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsRawMouseAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the Input::IRawMouseDevice is available.

true if the device is available.

◆ GetRawMouseDelta()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetRawMouseDelta ( Real x,
Real y 
) const
pure virtual

Get the mouse axis delta values in the most recent tick.

xThe x-axis return value.
yThe y-axis return value.
true if the device is available, if false all return values stay unchanged.

◆ GetRawWheelDelta()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetRawWheelDelta ( Real x,
Real y 
) const
pure virtual

Get the mouse wheel axis delta values in the most recent tick.

xThe x-axis return value.
yThe y-axis return value.
true if the device is available, if false all return values stay unchanged.

◆ GetNumberOfTouchDevices()

virtual UInt32 Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetNumberOfTouchDevices ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the number of Input::ITouchScreenDevice devices.

Multi touch devices represents each single touch by a separate device.

The number of touch devices.

◆ IsTouchPressed()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsTouchPressed ( UInt32  deviceIndex = 0) const
pure virtual

Check if the touch is pressed.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfTouchDevices() - 1].

deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the touch device.
true if the touch is pressed.

◆ WasTouchCancelled()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasTouchCancelled ( UInt32  deviceIndex = 0) const
pure virtual

Check if the touch was cancelled in the most recent tick.

A touch controller typically cancel multi touch inputs if too much simultaneous touches are present. A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfTouchDevices() - 1].

deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the touch device.
true if the touch was cancelled in the most recent tick.

◆ WasTouchPressed()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasTouchPressed ( UInt32  deviceIndex = 0) const
pure virtual

Check if the touch was pressed in the most recent tick.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfTouchDevices() - 1].

deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the touch device.
true if the touch was pressed in the most recent tick.

◆ WasTouchReleased()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasTouchReleased ( UInt32  deviceIndex = 0) const
pure virtual

Check if the touch was released in the most recent tick.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfTouchDevices() - 1].

deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the touch device.
true if the touch was released in the most recent tick.

◆ WasTouchMoved()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasTouchMoved ( UInt32  deviceIndex = 0) const
pure virtual

Check if the touch was moved in the most recent tick.

A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfTouchDevices() - 1].

deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the touch device.
true if the touch was moved in the most recent tick.

◆ GetTouchPosition()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetTouchPosition ( Real x,
Real y,
UInt32  deviceIndex = 0 
) const
pure virtual

Get the touch position on the display surface.

The return values are in range [-1.0 bottom/left .. 1.0 top/right]. A valid device index is [0 .. GetNumberOfTouchDevices() - 1].

xThe x-position return value.
yThe y-position return value.
deviceIndexThe zero-based index of the touch device.
true if the device is available, if false all return values stay unchanged.

◆ IsKeyboardControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsKeyboardControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the keyboard control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ GetKeyboardControl()

virtual IKeyboardControl* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetKeyboardControl ( )
pure virtual

Get the keyboard control interface.

Use this interface to use on-screen keyboard with text fields.

The keyboard control interface or null if not available.

◆ ToggleKeyboard()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::ToggleKeyboard ( ) const
pure virtual

Toggle the show/hide state of the on-screen keyboard.

true if the on-screen keyboard is showing.

◆ IsKeyboardShowing()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsKeyboardShowing ( ) const
pure virtual

Forward to IKeyboardControl::IsShowing() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.

true if the on-screen keyboard is showing.

◆ WasKeyboardClosed()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::WasKeyboardClosed ( ) const
pure virtual

Forward to IKeyboardControl::WasClosed() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.

true if the on-screen keyboard was closed.

◆ HasKeyboardTextfield()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::HasKeyboardTextfield ( ) const
pure virtual

Forward to IKeyboardControl::HasTextfield() if control is available, otherwise false is returned.

true if the on-screen keyboard has a text field for editing.

◆ SetKeyboardTitle()

virtual void Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::SetKeyboardTitle ( const String title)
pure virtual

Forward to IKeyboardControl::SetTitle() if control is available.

titleThe title string.

◆ SetKeyboardDescription()

virtual void Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::SetKeyboardDescription ( const String description)
pure virtual

Forward to IKeyboardControl::SetDescription() if control is available.

descriptionThe description string.

◆ SetKeyboardText()

virtual void Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::SetKeyboardText ( const String text)
pure virtual

Forward to IKeyboardControl::SetText() if control is available.

textThe editing string.

◆ GetKeyboardText()

virtual const String& Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetKeyboardText ( ) const
pure virtual

Forward to IKeyboardControl::GetText() if control is available, otherwise an empty string is returned.

The editing string from the text field.

◆ IsRumbleControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsRumbleControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the rumble control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ IsAppStoreControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsAppStoreControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the app-store control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ GetAppStoreControl()

virtual IAppStoreControl* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetAppStoreControl ( )
pure virtual

Get the app-store control interface.

The app-store control interface or null if not available.

◆ IsCloudControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsCloudControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the cloud control is available.

The cloud control must be enabled during IApp::Configure() by setting IEngineConfiguration::SetCloudControlEnable().

true if the control is available.

◆ GetCloudControl()

virtual ICloudControl* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetCloudControl ( )
pure virtual

Get the cloud control interface.

The cloud control must be enabled during IApp::Configure() by setting IEngineConfiguration::SetCloudControlEnable().

The cloud control interface or null if not available.

◆ IsGameCenterControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsGameCenterControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the game-center control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ GetGameCenterControl()

virtual IGameCenterControl* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetGameCenterControl ( )
pure virtual

Get the game center control interface.

The game center control interface or null if not available.

◆ IsSystemDialogControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsSystemDialogControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the system-dialog control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ CreateSystemDialog() [1/4]

virtual ISystemDialog* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::CreateSystemDialog ( const String title,
const String message,
const String button0Label 
) const
pure virtual

Create a system-dialog object with 1 button.

titleThe title string for the system-dialog object.
messageThe message string for the system-dialog object.
button0LabelThe button label string for the system-dialog object.
The system-dialog object or null if creation failed.

◆ CreateSystemDialog() [2/4]

virtual ISystemDialog* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::CreateSystemDialog ( const String title,
const String message,
const String button0Label,
const String button1Label 
) const
pure virtual

Create a system-dialog object with 2 buttons.

Button appearance is right to left or bottom up.

titleThe title string for the system-dialog object.
messageThe message string for the system-dialog object.
button0LabelThe 1st button label string for the system-dialog object.
button1LabelThe 2nd button label string for the system-dialog object.
The system-dialog object or null if creation failed.

◆ CreateSystemDialog() [3/4]

virtual ISystemDialog* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::CreateSystemDialog ( const String title,
const String message,
const String button0Label,
const String button1Label,
const String button2Label 
) const
pure virtual

Create a system-dialog object with 3 buttons.

Button appearance is right to left or bottom up.

titleThe title string for the system-dialog object.
messageThe message string for the system-dialog object.
button0LabelThe 1st button label string for the system-dialog object.
button1LabelThe 2nd button label string for the system-dialog object.
button2LabelThe 3rd button label string for the system-dialog object.
The system-dialog object or null if creation failed.

◆ CreateSystemDialog() [4/4]

virtual ISystemDialog* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::CreateSystemDialog ( const String title,
const String message,
const StringArray buttonLabels 
) const
pure virtual

Create a system-dialog object with a variable number of buttons.

Button appearance is right to left or bottom up.

titleThe title string for the system-dialog object.
messageThe message string for the system-dialog object.
buttonLabelsThe button label strings for the system-dialog object.
The system-dialog object or null if creation failed.

◆ IsWebControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsWebControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the web control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ IsScreenshotControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsScreenshotControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the screen-shot control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ IsPreferencesControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsPreferencesControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the preferences control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ GetPreferencesControl()

virtual IPreferencesControl* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetPreferencesControl ( )
pure virtual

Get the preferences control interface.

The preferences control interface or null if not available.

◆ IsTelephonyControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsTelephonyControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the telephony control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ IsMusicPlayerControlAvailable()

virtual Bool Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::IsMusicPlayerControlAvailable ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the music player control is available.

true if the control is available.

◆ GetMusicPlayerControl()

virtual IMusicPlayerControl* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetMusicPlayerControl ( )
pure virtual

Get the music player control interface.

The music player control interface or null if not available.

◆ GetVirtualMouse()

virtual IVirtualMouse* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetVirtualMouse ( )
pure virtual

Get the virtual-mouse device object.

The virtual-mouse device object.

◆ GetInputDeviceHandler()

virtual Input::IDeviceHandler* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetInputDeviceHandler ( )
pure virtual

Get the input devicehandler object.

The input devicehandler object.

◆ GetOutputDeviceHandler()

virtual Output::IDeviceHandler* Murl::Logic::IDeviceHandler::GetOutputDeviceHandler ( )
pure virtual

Get the output devicehandler object.

The output devicehandler object.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
  • murl_logic_i_device_handler.h

Copyright © 2011-2025 Spraylight GmbH.