Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
►NMurl | The Murl Engine main namespace |
►NAddons | Namespace containing addon related interfaces |
►NFilepanel | |
CFactory | The Filepanel Factory class to create the Filepanel add-on |
CIAddon | The Filepanel IAddon interface |
CIControl | The Filepanel IControl interface |
►NLua | |
CFactory | The Lua Factory class to create the Lua add-on |
CIAddon | The Lua interpreter addon interface |
CResourceScript | The abstract base class for a Lua script resource |
CResourceScriptFile | The Lua File Script resource class |
CResourceScriptNative | The native Lua File Script resource class |
►NApp | Namespace for application development |
CAppBase | A helper class for simple use of the IApp object |
►NAudio | Namespace containing audio related interfaces |
►NAl11 | Namespace containing OpenAL 1.1 audio related interfaces |
CHandle | The internal handle object for OpenAL 1.1 |
CState | The internal renderer state object for OpenAL 1.1 |
►NDummy | Namespace containing Dummy audio related interfaces |
CHandle | The internal dummy renderer handle object |
CState | The internal dummy renderer state object |
CIBuffer | The IBuffer audio object interface |
CIFactory | The factory used to create and destroy audio renderers |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
CIFactoryRegistry | The IFactoryRegistry interface provides methods to add, remove and query different audio renderer classes that can be instantiated using the Audio::IFactory implementing this interface |
CIListener | The IListener audio object interface |
CIObject | The base interface for all audio objects |
CIPlayable | This interface represents a playable sound object, which can reference a number of IBuffer objects to play back |
CIRenderer | The Audio::IRenderer interface represents a generic audio renderer |
CIRendererRegistry | The IRendererRegistry interface provides methods to add, remove and query different audio renderer objects that can be instantiated using the Audio::IRenderer implementing this interface |
CIView | The IView audio object interface |
CObject | The abstract base class for an audio renderer object |
CState | The internal renderer state object |
►NCore | Namespace containing core related interfaces |
NVersion | The core version namspace |
CIClock | The clock interface |
CStatisticsItem | The StatisticsItem object stores a specific time value in two variants: as recent exact value as well as averaged value |
CIStatistics | The statistics interface |
CITasks | The tasks interface |
►NDebug | Namespace for debugging functions and classes |
CAssert | The assert class |
CLogger | The logger class |
CNewDelete | The new / delete logging class |
►NGraph | Namespace containing scene graph related interfaces |
CController | The base class of all scene graph node controllers |
CGenericNodeTarget | The GenericNodeTarget class |
CGenericResourceTarget | The GenericResourceTarget class |
CIAligner | The IAligner graph node interface |
CIAnchor | The IAnchor graph node interface |
CIAnchorState | The IAnchorState graph node interface |
CIAnchorStateCopy | The IAnchorStateCopy graph node interface |
CIAnimationTimeController | The IAnimationTimeController interface |
CIAttachment | The IAttachment graph node interface |
CIAttribute | The IAttribute interface |
CIFloatAttribute | The IFloatAttribute interface |
CIFloatVector2Attribute | The IFloatVector2Attribute interface |
CIFloatVector3Attribute | The IFloatVector3Attribute interface |
CIFloatVector4Attribute | The IFloatVector4Attribute interface |
CIUInt8Attribute | The IUInt8Attribute interface |
CIUInt8Vector2Attribute | The IUInt8Vector2Attribute interface |
CIUInt8Vector3Attribute | The IUInt8Vector3Attribute interface |
CIUInt8Vector4Attribute | The IUInt8Vector4Attribute interface |
CISInt8Attribute | The ISInt8Attribute interface |
CISInt8Vector2Attribute | The ISInt8Vector2Attribute interface |
CISInt8Vector3Attribute | The ISInt8Vector3Attribute interface |
CISInt8Vector4Attribute | The ISInt8Vector4Attribute interface |
CIUInt16Attribute | The IUInt16Attribute interface |
CIUInt16Vector2Attribute | The IUInt16Vector2Attribute interface |
CIUInt16Vector3Attribute | The IUInt16Vector3Attribute interface |
CIUInt16Vector4Attribute | The IUInt16Vector4Attribute interface |
CISInt16Attribute | The ISInt16Attribute interface |
CISInt16Vector2Attribute | The ISInt16Vector2Attribute interface |
CISInt16Vector3Attribute | The ISInt16Vector3Attribute interface |
CISInt16Vector4Attribute | The ISInt16Vector4Attribute interface |
CIUInt32Attribute | The IUInt32Attribute interface |
CIUInt32Vector2Attribute | The IUInt32Vector2Attribute interface |
CIUInt32Vector3Attribute | The IUInt32Vector3Attribute interface |
CIUInt32Vector4Attribute | The IUInt32Vector4Attribute interface |
CISInt32Attribute | The ISInt32Attribute interface |
CISInt32Vector2Attribute | The ISInt32Vector2Attribute interface |
CISInt32Vector3Attribute | The ISInt32Vector3Attribute interface |
CISInt32Vector4Attribute | The ISInt32Vector4Attribute interface |
CIAttributeContainer | The IAttributeContainer property interface |
CIAudible | The IAudible property interface |
CIAudioSequence | The IAudioSequence graph node interface |
CIAudioSource | The IAudioSource graph node interface |
CIBallJoint | The IBallJoint graph node interface |
CIBlendable | The IBlendable property interface |
CIBody | The IBody graph node interface |
CIBone | The IBone graph node interface |
CIBoneConstraint | The IBoneConstraint graph node interface |
CIBoneIkConstraint | The IBoneIkConstraint graph node interface |
CIBonePathConstraint | The IBonePathConstraint graph node interface |
CIBoneState | The IBoneState graph node interface |
CIBoneStateCopy | The IBoneStateCopy graph node interface |
CIBoneTransformConstraint | The IBoneTransformConstraint graph node interface |
CIBoundingBox | The IBoundingBox graph node interface |
CIBoundingVolume | The IBoundingVolume interface |
CIButton | The IButton graph node interface |
CICamera | The ICamera graph node interface |
CICameraState | The ICameraState graph node interface |
CICameraStateCopy | The ICameraStateCopy graph node interface |
CICameraTransform | The ICameraTransform graph node interface |
CIClip | The IClip graph node interface |
CIClipGeometry | The IClipGeometry graph node interface |
CIClipSequencer | The IClipSequencer graph node interface |
CIClipTransition | The IClipTransition graph node interface |
CICloneTransform | The ICloneTransform graph node interface |
CICollidable | The ICollidable graph node interface |
CICollider | The ICollider graph node interface |
CIColored | The IColored property interface |
CIComplexTransform | The IComplexTransform graph node interface |
CIConfigChangedTracker | The tracker used for "config changed" traversals |
CIConstantBuffer | The IConstantBuffer property interface |
CIConstantBufferContainer | The IConstantBufferContainer property interface |
CIConstantBufferParameter | The IConstantBufferParameter graph node interface |
CIConstantBufferParameterGroup | The IConstantBufferParameterGroup graph node interface |
CIConstantBufferParameters | The IConstantBufferParameters graph node interface |
CIContact | The IContact graph node interface |
CIController | The IController interface |
CICubeCollider | The ICubeCollider graph node interface |
CICubeGeometry | The ICubeGeometry graph node interface |
CICuller | The ICuller graph node interface |
CICullerState | The ICullerState graph node interface |
CICullerStateCopy | The ICullerStateCopy graph node interface |
CIDeInitTracker | The tracker used for deinitialization traversals |
CIDeformable | The IDeformable property interface |
CIDeserializeAttributeTracker | The tracker used for deserializing nodes and their attributes |
CIDrawable | The IDrawable property interface |
CIDrawableContainer | The IDrawableContainer property interface |
CIFactory | The factory class used to create and destroy graph objects |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
CIFactoryRegistry | The registry interface for managing individual graph node classes |
CIField | The IField graph node interface |
CIFinishInputTracker | The tracker used for input finishing traversals |
CIFinishLogicTracker | The tracker used for logic finishing traversals |
CIFinishOutputTracker | The tracker used for output finishing traversals |
CIFixedParameters | The IFixedParameters graph node interface |
CIFixedProgram | The IFixedProgram graph node interface |
CIFrameBuffer | The IFrameBuffer graph node interface |
CIGenericGeometry | The IGenericGeometry graph node interface |
CIGenericNodeTarget | The IGenericNodeTarget graph node target interface |
CIGenericParameter | The IGenericParameter graph node interface |
CIGenericParameterGroup | The IGenericParameterGroup graph node interface |
CIGenericParameters | The IGenericParameters graph node interface |
CIGenericResourceTarget | The IGenericResourceTarget resource object target interface |
CIHandle | The IHandle interface |
CIHandleInstance | The IHandleInstance interface |
CIHeightField | The IHeightField graph node interface |
CIHingeJoint | The IHingeJoint graph node interface |
CIIndexBuffer | The IIndexBuffer property interface |
CIIndexBufferContainer | The IIndexBufferContainer property interface |
CIIndexed | The IIndexed property interface |
CIInitTracker | The tracker used for initialization traversals |
CIInstance | The IInstance graph node interface |
CIIsland | The IIsland graph node interface |
CIIslandState | The IIslandState graph node interface |
CIIslandStateCopy | The IIslandStateCopy graph node interface |
CIJoint | The IJoint graph node interface |
CILayerState | The ILayerState graph node interface |
CILazyNode | The ILazyNode graph node interface |
CILight | The ILight graph node interface |
CILightState | The ILightState graph node interface |
CILightStateCopy | The ILightStateCopy graph node interface |
CILightTransform | The ILightTransform graph node interface |
CILinkController | The ILinkController interface |
CIListener | The IListener graph node interface |
CIListenerState | The IListenerState graph node interface |
CIListenerStateCopy | The IListenerStateCopy graph node interface |
CIListenerTransform | The IListenerTransform graph node interface |
CILogicController | The ILogicController interface |
CIMaterial | The IMaterial graph node interface |
CIMaterialState | The IMaterialState graph node interface |
CIMaterialStateCopy | The IMaterialStateCopy graph node interface |
CIMultiTouchReporter | The IMultiTouchReporter interface |
CINamespace | The INamespace graph node interface |
CINinePatch | The INinePatch property interface |
CINinePatchPlaneGeometry | The INinePatchPlaneGeometry graph node interface |
CINinePatchPlaneSequenceGeometry | The INinePatchPlaneSequenceGeometry graph node interface |
CINode | The basic scene graph node interface |
CINodeLinkController | The INodeLinkController interface |
CIParameters | The IParameters graph node interface |
CIParametersState | The IParametersState graph node interface |
CIParametersStateCopy | The IParametersStateCopy graph node interface |
CIPlaneCollider | The IPlaneCollider graph node interface |
CIPlaneGeometry | The IPlaneGeometry graph node interface |
CIPlaneSequenceGeometry | The IPlaneSequenceGeometry graph node interface |
CIPlaneTouchArea | The IPlaneTouchArea graph node interface |
CIPlayable | The IPlayable property interface |
CIProcessInputTracker | The tracker used for input processing traversals |
CIProcessLogicTracker | The tracker used for logic processing traversals |
CIProcessOutputTracker | The tracker used for output processing traversals |
CIProgram | The IProgram graph node interface |
CIReference | The IReference graph node interface |
CIResetTransform | The IResetTransform graph node interface |
CIResourceMeshCollider | The IResourceMeshCollider graph node interface |
CIResourceMeshCuller | The IResourceMeshCuller graph node interface |
CIResourceMeshGeometry | The IResourceMeshGeometry graph node interface |
CIResourceMeshTouchArea | The IResourceMeshTouchArea graph node interface |
CIResourceShadowGeometry | The IResourceShadowGeometry graph node interface |
CIRoot | The IRoot interface |
CIRunnable | The IRunnable property interface |
CIScalable | The IScalable property interface |
CIScale | The IScale graph node interface |
CIScriptLogicController | The IScriptLogicController interface |
CIShader | The IShader graph node interface |
CIShaderParameter | The IShaderParameter graph node interface |
CIShaderParameterGroup | The IShaderParameterGroup graph node interface |
CIShaderParameters | The IShaderParameters graph node interface |
CIShaderProgram | The IShaderProgram graph node interface |
CIShadowCamera | The IShadowCamera graph node interface |
CIShear | The IShear graph node interface |
CIShearable | The IShearable property interface |
CISkeleton | The ISkeleton graph node interface |
CISphereCollider | The ISphereCollider graph node interface |
CISpring | The ISpring graph node interface |
CIStateSlot | The IStateSlot property interface |
CIStateUnit | The IStateUnit property interface |
CISubState | The ISubState graph node interface |
CISubject | The ISubject graph node interface |
CISurface | The ISurface graph node interface |
CISurfaceState | The ISurfaceState graph node interface |
CISurfaceStateCopy | The ISurfaceStateCopy graph node interface |
CISwitch | The ISwitch graph node interface |
CITagged | The ITagged property interface |
CITemplate | The ITemplate graph node interface |
CIText | The IText property interface |
CITextGeometry | The ITextGeometry graph node interface |
CITextStyle | The ITextStyle graph node interface |
CITextStyleColor | The ITextStyleColor graph node interface |
CITextStyleFont | The ITextStyleFont graph node interface |
CITextStyleImage | The ITextStyleImage graph node interface |
CITextTexture | The ITextTexture graph node interface |
CITexture | The ITexture graph node interface |
CITextureState | The ITextureState graph node interface |
CITextureStateCopy | The ITextureStateCopy graph node interface |
CITimeController | The ITimeController interface |
CITimeEvaluator | The ITimeEvaluator interface |
CITimeline | The ITimeline graph node interface |
CITimelineState | The ITimelineState graph node interface |
CITimelineStateCopy | The ITimelineStateCopy graph node interface |
CITimelineVariableController | The ITimelineVariableController interface |
CITouchArea | The ITouchArea graph node interface |
CITouchReporter | The ITouchReporter interface |
CITouchReporterTarget | The ITouchReporterTarget interface |
CITouchable | The ITouchable property interface |
CITracker | The tracker base class |
CITrackerResult | The tracker result interface |
CITransform | The ITransform graph node interface |
CITransformable | The ITransformable property interface |
CITraversable | The ITraversable property interface |
CIUniform | The IUniform interface |
CIFloatUniform | The IFloatUniform interface |
CIFloatVector2Uniform | The IFloatVector2Uniform interface |
CIFloatVector3Uniform | The IFloatVector3Uniform interface |
CIFloatVector4Uniform | The IFloatVector4Uniform interface |
CIFloatMatrix2Uniform | The IFloatMatrix2Uniform interface |
CIFloatMatrix3Uniform | The IFloatMatrix3Uniform interface |
CIFloatMatrix4Uniform | The IFloatMatrix4Uniform interface |
CISInt32Uniform | The ISInt32Uniform interface |
CISInt32Vector2Uniform | The ISInt32Vector2Uniform interface |
CISInt32Vector3Uniform | The ISInt32Vector3Uniform interface |
CISInt32Vector4Uniform | The ISInt32Vector4Uniform interface |
CIUniformContainer | The IUniformContainer property interface |
CIUniformTimeController | The IUniformTimeController interface |
CIVariable | The IVariable graph node interface |
CIVariableController | The IVariableController interface |
CIVertexBuffer | The IVertexBuffer property interface |
CIVertexBufferContainer | The IVertexBufferContainer property interface |
CIVideoSequence | The IVideoSequence graph node interface |
CIVideoSource | The IVideoSource graph node interface |
CIView | The IView graph node interface |
CIVisible | The IVisible property interface |
CIWaveUniformTimeController | The IWaveUniformTimeController interface |
CLinkController | The abstract base class of all scene graph node controllers that link to a given source node |
CNode | The base class of all scene graph nodes |
CNodeArrayTarget | The NodeArrayTarget class |
CNodeTarget | The NodeTarget class |
CResourceArrayTarget | The ResourceArrayTarget class |
CResourceTarget | The ResourceTarget class |
CTimeController | The abstract base class of all time-based scene graph node controllers |
CTransform | The Transform node class |
CVariableController | The abstract base class of all scene graph node controllers that use variables as input |
CAligner | The Aligner node class |
CAnchor | The Anchor node class |
CAnchorState | The AnchorState node class |
CAnchorStateCopy | The AnchorStateCopy node class |
CAnimationTimeController | The AnimationTimeController class |
CAttachment | The Attachment node class |
CAudioCullerState | The AudioCullerState node class |
CAudioCullerStateCopy | The AudioCullerStateCopy node class |
CAudioSequence | The AudioSequence node class |
CAudioSource | The AudioSource node class |
CBallJoint | The BallJoint node class |
CBody | The Body node class |
CBone | The Bone node class |
CBoneConstraint | The BoneConstraint node class |
CBoneConstraintAnimationTimeController | The BoneConstraintAnimationTimeController class |
CBoneIkConstraint | The BoneIkConstraint node class |
CBonePathConstraint | The BonePathConstraint node class |
CBoneState | The BoneState node class |
CBoneStateCopy | The BoneStateCopy node class |
CBoneTransformConstraint | The BoneTransformConstraint node class |
CBoundingBox | The BoundingBox node class |
CButton | The Button node class |
CCamera | The abstract Camera node class |
CCameraNodeLinkController | The CameraNodeLinkController class |
CCameraState | The CameraState node class |
CCameraStateCopy | The CameraStateCopy node class |
CCameraTransform | The CameraTransform node class |
CClip | The Clip node class |
CClipGeometryController | The ClipGeometryController class |
CClipSequencer | The ClipSequencer node class |
CClipTransition | The ClipTransition node class |
CCloneTransform | The CloneTransform node class |
CCollider | The abstract Collider node class |
CComplexTransform | The ComplexTransform node class |
CConstantBufferParameter | The abstract ConstantBufferParameter node class |
CConstantBufferParameterGroup | The abstract ConstantBufferParameterGroup node class |
CConstantBufferParameters | The abstract ConstantBufferParameters node class |
CContact | The Contact node class |
CContainer | The Container node class |
CCubeCollider | The CubeCollider node class |
CCubeGeometry | The CubeGeometry node class |
CCubemapArrayTexture | The CubemapArrayTexture node class |
CCubemapTexture | The CubemapTexture node class |
CCuller | The abstract Culler node class |
CField | The Field node class |
CFixedParameters | The FixedParameters node class |
CFixedProgram | The FixedProgram node class |
CFlatArrayTexture | The FlatArrayTexture node class |
CFlatTextTexture | The FlatTextTexture node class |
CFlatTexture | The FlatTexture node class |
CFlatVideoSequenceTexture | The FlatVideoSequenceTexture node class |
CFrameBuffer | The FrameBuffer node class |
CFrameBufferTexture | The FrameBufferTexture node class |
CGenericGeometry | The GenericGeometry node class |
CGenericParameter | The GenericParameter node class |
CGenericParameterGroup | The GenericParameterGroup node class |
CGenericParameters | The GenericParameters node class |
CHingeJoint | The HingeJoint node class |
CIndexedNodeLinkController | The IndexedNodeLinkController class |
CInstance | The Instance node class |
CIsland | The Island node class |
CIslandState | The IslandState node class |
CIslandStateCopy | The IslandStateCopy node class |
CJoint | The abstract Joint node class |
CLayerState | The LayerState node class |
CLazyNode | The Lazy node class |
CLight | The Light node class |
CLightState | The LightState node class |
CLightStateCopy | The LightStateCopy node class |
CLightTransform | The LightTransform node class |
CListener | The Listener node class |
CListenerState | The ListenerState node class |
CListenerStateCopy | The ListenerStateCopy node class |
CListenerTransform | The ListenerTransform node class |
CLogicController | The LogicController class |
CMaterial | The Material node class |
CMaterialState | The MaterialState node class |
CMaterialStateCopy | The MaterialStateCopy node class |
CMultiCamera | The MultiCamera node class |
CMultiCuller | The MultiCuller node class |
CMultiLight | The MultiLight node class |
CMultiMaterial | The MultiMaterial node class |
CMultiParameters | The MultiParameters node class |
CMultiTexture | The MultiTexture node class |
CMultiTimeline | The MultiTimeline node class |
CNamespace | The Namespace node class |
CNinePatchPlaneGeometry | The NinePatchPlaneGeometry node class |
CNinePatchPlaneSequenceGeometry | The NinePatchPlaneSequenceGeometry node class |
CNodeLinkController | The NodeLinkController class |
CNormalizationCubemapTexture | The NormalizationCubemapTexture node class |
CParameters | The abstract Parameters node class |
CParametersState | The ParametersState node class |
CParametersStateCopy | The ParametersStateCopy node class |
CPlaneCollider | The PlaneCollider node class |
CPlaneGeometry | The PlaneGeometry node class |
CPlaneSequenceGeometry | The PlaneSequenceGeometry node class |
CPlaneTouchArea | The PlaneTouchArea node class |
CProgram | The abstract Program node class |
CReference | The Reference node class |
CReferenceScale | The ReferenceScale node class |
CReferenceScaleTransform | The ReferenceScaleTransform node class |
CReferenceTransform | The ReferenceTransform node class |
CResetTransform | The ResetTransform node class |
CResourceBspCuller | The ResourceBspCuller node class |
CResourceBspGeometry | The ResourceBspGeometry node class |
CResourceMeshCollider | The ResourceMeshCollider node class |
CResourceMeshGeometry | The ResourceMeshGeometry node class |
CResourceMeshTouchArea | The ResourceMeshTouchArea node class |
CResourceShadowGeometry | The ResourceShadowGeometry node class |
CScalableNodeLinkController | The ScalableNodeLinkController class |
CScale | The Scale node class |
CScaleTransform | The ScaleTransform node class |
CScriptLogicController | The ScriptLogicController class |
CShader | The Shader node class |
CShaderParameter | The ShaderParameter node class |
CShaderParameterGroup | The ShaderParameterGroup node class |
CShaderParameters | The ShaderParameters node class |
CShaderProgram | The ShaderProgram node class |
CShadowCamera | The ShadowCamera node class |
CSkeleton | The Skeleton node class |
CSphereCollider | The SphereCollider node class |
CSpring | The Spring node class |
CStaticGeometryGroup | The StaticGeometryGroup node class |
CSubState | The SubState node class |
CSubjectNodeLinkController | The SubjectNodeLinkController class |
CSurface | The Surface node class |
CSurfaceState | The SurfaceState node class |
CSurfaceStateCopy | The SurfaceStateCopy node class |
CSwitch | The Switch node class |
CTemplate | The Template node class |
CTextGeometry | The TextGeometry node class |
CTextStyle | The TextStyle node class |
CTextStyleColor | The TextStyleColor node class |
CTextStyleFont | The TextStyleFont node class |
CTextStyleImage | The TextStyleImage node class |
CTexture | The abstract Texture node class |
CTextureState | The TextureState node class |
CTextureStateCopy | The TextureStateCopy node class |
CTimeline | The Timeline node class |
CTimelineState | The TimelineState node class |
CTimelineStateCopy | The TimelineStateCopy node class |
CTimelineVariableController | The TimelineVariableController class |
CTouchArea | The TouchArea node class |
CUniformTimeController | The abstract UniformTimeController class |
CVariable | The Variable node class |
CVideoCullerState | The VideoCullerState node class |
CVideoCullerStateCopy | The VideoCullerStateCopy node class |
CVideoSource | The VideoSource node class |
CView | The View node class |
CVolumeCuller | The VolumeCuller node class |
CWaveUniformTimeController | The UniformTimeController class |
►NIEnums | A collection of system-wide constant enumerations |
CStaticEnumContainer | The static enum container in the Murl::IEnums namespace |
►NInput | Namespace containing input related interfaces |
CIAccelerometerDevice | The IAccelerometerDevice interface |
CIDevice | The IDevice interface |
CIDeviceHandler | The IDeviceHandler interface |
CIFactory | The Factory to create input classes |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
CIGameControllerDevice | The IGameControllerDevice interface |
CIGyroscopeDevice | The IGyroscopeDevice interface |
CIHeadingDevice | The IHeadingDevice interface |
CIKeyboardDevice | The IKeyboardDevice interface |
CILocationDevice | The ILocationDevice interface |
CIMesh | The IMesh interface |
CIMotionDevice | The IMotionDevice interface |
CIMouseButtons | The IMouseButtons interface |
CIMouseDevice | The IMouseDevice interface |
CIOrientationDevice | The IOrientationDevice interface |
CIPlane | The IPlane interface |
CIProjection | The IProjection interface |
CIRawButtonDevice | The IRawButtonDevice interface |
CIRawKeyboardDevice | The IRawKeyboardDevice interface |
CIRawMouseDevice | The IRawMouseDevice interface |
CIScreenArea | The IScreenArea interface |
CITouchArea | The ITouchArea interface |
CITouchScreenDevice | The ITouchScreenDevice interface |
CITouchableHandler | The ITouchableHandler interface |
►NLogic | Namespace containing logic related interfaces |
CAnimationKey | A template class to create key objects for the Animation class |
CAnimation | A template class to create an ITimeline object with key animation capabilities |
CBaseNodeObserver | A helper class for simple use of the INodeObserver object |
CBaseProcessor | A helper class for simple use of the IProcessor object |
CBaseStage | A helper class for simple use of the IStage object |
CBaseStageProcessor | A helper class for simple use of the IStageProcessor object |
CBaseStepable | A helper class for simple use of the IStepable object |
CBaseStepableObserver | A helper class for simple use of the IStepableObserver object |
CBaseTimeframe | A helper class for simple use of the ITimeframe object |
CBaseTimeline | A helper class for simple use of the ITimeline object |
CGraphInstanceObjects | Template class controlling multiple replications created by XML <Instance> node |
CGraphNodeT | A template class for safe access of basic graph node properties and for easy use of the GraphObservableNode object in combination with a INodeObserver |
CGraphObservableNode | A template class to create an IObservableNode object for accessing a Graph node |
CGraphPositionInstance | Class controlling a position sub tree for GraphInstanceObjects usage |
CGraphPositionObject | Base class handling position for Graph::ITransform node |
CGraphReplication | Base class for a single replication required by Logic::GraphInstanceObjects |
CGraphSoundInstance | Class controlling a sound sub tree for GraphInstanceObjects usage |
CGraphSoundObject | Class handling the play state and volume of a Graph::ITimelineNode which is enclosing a Graph::IAudioSequenceNode node |
CIAppGraph | The IAppGraph interface |
CIAppProcessor | The IAppProcessor interface |
CIAppStage | The IAppStage interface |
CIAppStepable | The IAppStepable interface |
CIAppTimeline | The IAppTimeline interface |
CIDeviceHandler | The IDeviceHandler interface provides a collection of all engine's Input and Output device methods |
CIEngineFactory | The IEngineFactory interface |
CStaticEngineFactory | To create the IEngineFactory object |
CIEngineProcessor | The IEngineProcessor interface |
CIEngineState | The IEngineState interface |
CIFactory | The IFactory interface to create logic classes |
CStaticFactory | To create logic classes |
CINodeObserver | The INodeObserver interface |
CIObservableNode | The IObservableNode interface |
CIProcessor | The IProcessor interface |
CIScrollProcessor | The IScrollProcessor interface |
CIStage | The IStage interface |
CIStageProcessor | The IStageProcessor interface |
CIStageTimeline | The IStageTimeline interface |
CIState | The IState interface |
CIStepable | The IStepable interface |
CIStepableObserver | The IStepableObserver interface |
CITimeframe | The ITimeframe interface |
CITimeline | The ITimeline interface |
CSoundFader | Animation class for fading the volume of a GraphSoundObject |
CStateMachine | A template class to create a BaseStepable object with simple statemachine capabilities |
CEnumStateMachine | Predefined StateMachine using an enumerated state data type |
CStepable | The IStepable interface implementation |
CTimeframe | The ITimeframe interface implementation |
CTimeline | The ITimeline interface implementation |
►NMath | Namespace containing mathematic related interfaces |
NF32 | |
CVector | A 4-component vector class |
CStaticVector | The static vector class |
CQuaternion | A quaternion class |
CMatrix | A 4x4 matrix class |
CLimits | The limit values class |
CSphere | A sphere class |
CRectangle | A rectangle class with 2D coordinates |
CBox | A box class describing the minimum and maximum coordinate of a 3d-box |
CRay | A ray class |
CPlane | A plane class describing the equation for a plane a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0 |
CCone | A cone class describing a cone by its angle and length |
CCylinder | A cylinder class describing a cylinder by its radius and length |
CFrustum | A frustum describing 6 planes |
CStaticMatrix | The static matrix class |
CBigInteger | An integer of variable capacity |
CEasing | The easing class implements the functions of the predefined IEnums::Interpolation curves |
CMinMax | The minimum maximum values template class |
CSplineKey | A template class to create spline key objects for the spline interpolation classes |
CSplineBase | A template base class for spline interpolations |
►CSplineBezier | A template class to create a Bezier spline interpolation object |
CControlPoint | The control point class |
CSplineHermite | A template class to create a Cubic Hermite spline interpolation (aka as Cardinal Spline / Catmull-Rom spline) object |
CVectorUninitialized | A 4-component uninitialized vector class |
►NNet | Networking classes and functions |
CIFactory | The net IFactory interface |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
CISocket | The socket interface |
CISocketAddress | The socket address interface |
CISocketClient | The socket client thread interface |
CISocketPacket | The socket packet interface |
CISocketServer | The socket server thread interface |
►NOutput | Namespace containing output related interfaces |
CIDeviceHandler | The IDeviceHandler interface |
CIFactory | The Factory to create output classes |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
►NPhysics | Namespace containing physics simulator related interfaces |
►NBuiltin | Namespace containing builtin physics simulator related interfaces |
CObject | The internal base class of all builtin simulator objects |
CIFactory | The factory used to create and destroy physics simulators |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
CIFactoryRegistry | The IFactoryRegistry interface provides methods to add, remove and query different physics simulator classes that can be instantiated using the Physics::IFactory implementing this interface |
CIObject | The base interface for all physics objects |
CISimulator | The Physics::ISimulator interface represents a generic physics simulator |
CISimulatorRegistry | The ISimulatorRegistry interface provides methods to add, remove and query different physics simulator objects that can be instantiated using the Physics::ISimulator implementing this interface |
►NPlatform | Platform-specific classes and functions |
CValidateReceipt | Validation of the app-store copy protection, currently supported on MacOSX only |
CEngineControl | The engine control class |
►NResource | Namespace containing interfaces for resource management and handling |
►CIAnimation | The IAnimation resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CClipChunk | The IFF clip chunk of a native animation resource |
CCubicBezierParameterSetsChunk | An IFF chunk of a native animation storing an array of cubic bezier curve parameter sets |
CEulerRotationOrderChunk | An IFF chunk of a native animation storing the default Euler rotation order to use |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native animation resource |
CIndexedKeysChunk | An IFF chunk of a native animation storing indexed key types |
CSingleKeysChunk | An IFF chunk of a native animation storing "single" (non-indexed) key types |
►CRaw | Raw data structs |
CAxisAngleKey | An animation key holding an axis/angle rotation vector |
CBoolKey | An animation key holding a single boolean value |
CColorKey | An animation key holding an RGBA color value |
CCubicBezierParameterSet | A set of cubic bezier parameters |
CEulerAngleKey | An animation key holding euler X/Y/Z rotation angles |
CEventTriggerKey | An animation key representing an event trigger |
CFloatKey | An animation key holding a single 32bit floating point value |
CFloatVector3Key | An animation key holding a 3-component float vector |
CFloatVector4Key | An animation key holding a 4-component float vector |
CKey | A generic animation key |
CPositionKey | An animation key holding a 3-component float position vector |
CQuaternionKey | An animation key holding a rotation quaternion |
CScalingKey | An animation key holding a 3-component float scaling vector |
CSInt32Key | An animation key holding a single 32bit signed integer value |
CUInt32Key | An animation key holding a single 32bit unsigned integer value |
►CIArchive | The IArchive resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native archive resource |
►CIAtlas | The IAtlas resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native atlas resource |
CRectangleInfoChunk | An IFF chunk storing additional information about a rectangle |
CRectangleRotationChunk | An IFF chunk storing information whether rectangles are rotated |
CRectanglesChunk | An IFF chunk of a native atlas resource storing multiple rectangles |
►CRaw | Raw data structs |
CRectangle | A single rectangle |
►CIAudio | The IAudio resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CDataChunk | An IFF chunk containing the actual audio stream data |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native audio resource |
CIBinary | The IBinary resource object interface |
CICollection | The resource collection interface |
CICollectionFactory | The resource collection factory interface |
CICollectionFactoryRegistry | The ICollectionFactoryRegistry interface |
CICondition | The ICondition resource interface |
►CIDictionary | The IDictionary resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native dictionary resource |
CTextChunk | An IFF chunk of a native dictionary resource storing multiple texts |
CIFactory | The factory class used to create and destroy any type of resource objects |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
CIFactoryRegistry | The IFactoryRegistry interface |
►CIFont | The IFont resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CGlyphsChunk | An IFF chunk of a native font resource storing multiple glyph structures |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native font resource |
CKerningChunk | An optional IFF chunk of a native font resource storing kerning information |
COutlineChunk | An IFF chunk of a native font resource storing multiple outline structures |
►CRaw | Raw data structs |
CGlyphData | A single bitmap glyph descriptor |
CKerningPair | A single kerning pair descriptor |
►CIGraph | The IGraph resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CAttributesChunk | An IFF chunk of a native graph resource storing multiple node attributes |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native graph resource |
CNodesChunk | An IFF chunk of a native graph resource storing multiple node descriptors |
CStringsChunk | An IFF chunk of a native graph resource storing the string table |
►CRaw | Raw data structs |
CAttribute | A single node attribute |
CNode | A single node descriptor |
CIGraphNode | The IGraphNode resource interface |
CIGrid | |
►CIImage | The IImage resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native image resource |
CMipLevelChunk | An IFF chunk containing the actual image data for a specific MIP level |
CStreamChunk | An IFF chunk containing a single image data stream |
CIInstance | The IInstance resource interface |
►CIMesh | The IMesh resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CAdjacentIndicesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about adjacent indices |
CAdjacentVerticesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about adjacent vertices |
CBoundingLeavesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about bounding volume hierarchy leaves |
CBoundingNodesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about bounding volume hierarchy nodes |
CBoundingVerticesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about bounding volume hierarchy vertices |
CBspFacesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about BSP faces |
CBspLeavesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about BSP leaves |
CBspNodesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about BSP nodes |
CBspPlanesChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about BSP splitting planes |
CBspPvsChunk | An IFF chunk containing the "potentially visible set" BSP information |
CBspSegmentsChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about BSP segments |
CCollisionSurfaceChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about a collision surface |
CDeformAttributeChunk | An IFF chunk containing a single deformed vertex attribute |
CDeformBufferChunk | An IFF chunk containing deforming data for a given vertex buffer |
CDeformEntryChunk | An IFF chunk containing deforming data for a given deform buffer |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native mesh resource |
CIndexBufferChunk | An IFF chunk containing an index buffer |
CIndexSegmentsChunk | An IFF chunk containing information about index buffer segments |
CMorphAttributeChunk | An IFF chunk containing a single morphed vertex attribute |
CMorphBufferChunk | An IFF chunk containing morphing data for a given vertex buffer |
CVertexAttributeChunk | An IFF chunk containing a single vertex attribute descriptor |
CVertexBufferChunk | An IFF chunk containing a vertex buffer |
►CRaw | Raw data structs |
CBoundingLeaf | A bounding volume hierarchy leaf |
CBoundingNode | A bounding volume hierarchy node |
CBoundingVertex | A triangle vertex from the bounding volume hierarchy |
CBspFace | A BSP face |
CBspLeaf | A BSP leaf |
CBspNode | A BSP node |
CBspPlane | A BSP splitting plane |
CBspSegment | A BSP index buffer segment |
CIndexSegment | A single index buffer segment |
CIMetaData | An interface providing meta data to a given resource object or pacakge |
►CIObject | The base interface for all resource objects |
CClassInfo | The class information object |
CIObjectFactory | The IObjectFactory interface |
CIObjectFactoryRegistry | The IObjectFactoryRegistry interface |
CIOutline | The IOutline resource interface |
►CIPackage | The IPackage resource interface |
CClassInfo | The class information object |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native package |
CObjectChunk | An IFF chunk of a native package storing a resource object |
CObjectReferenceChunk | An IFF chunk of a native package storing a reference to a resource object |
CPackageChunk | An IFF chunk of a native package storing a sub-package |
CPackageReferenceChunk | An IFF chunk of a native package storing a reference to a resource package |
CStringChunk | An IFF chunk of a native package storing the attribute string table |
CTextChunk | An IFF chunk of a native package storing a text resource |
CIPackageFactory | The IPackageFactory interface |
CIPackageFactoryRegistry | The IPackageFactoryRegistry interface |
CIRectangle | The IRectangle resource interface |
►CIScript | The IScript resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native archive resource |
►CIShader | The IShader resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CAttributeChunk | An IFF chunk of a native shader resource storing an attribute variable descriptor |
CCodeChunk | An IFF chunk storing a fragment of a shader's source code |
CConstantBufferChunk | An IFF chunk of a native shader resource storing a constant buffer descriptor |
CConstantChunk | An IFF chunk of a native shader resource storing a varying variable descriptor |
CDataChunk | An IFF chunk storing information about a single shader |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native shader resource |
CPrefixChunk | An IFF chunk storing a fragment of a shader's prefix string |
CTextureChunk | An IFF chunk of a native shader resource storing a texture descriptor |
CUniformChunk | An IFF chunk of a native shader resource storing a uniform variable descriptor |
CVaryingChunk | An IFF chunk of a native shader resource storing a varying variable descriptor |
CIText | The base interface for a text resource |
►CIVideo | The IVideo resource object interface |
►CIff | IFF file specific structs |
CDataChunk | An IFF chunk containing the actual video stream data |
CHeaderChunk | The IFF header chunk of a native video resource |
CObject | The abstract base class for a resource object |
CAnimation | The abstract base class for an animation resource |
CArchive | The abstract base class for an archive resource |
CAstcImage | The ASTC image resource class |
CAtlas | The abstract base class for an atlas resource |
CAudio | The abstract base class for an audio resource |
CBinary | The Binary resource class |
CDdsImage | The DDS image resource class |
CDictionary | The abstract base class for a dictionary resource |
CEtc1Image | The ETC1 image resource class |
CFileArchive | The FileArchive resource class |
CFont | The abstract base class for a font resource |
CGlslShader | The GLSL shader resource class |
CGraph | The abstract base class for a graph resource |
CHdrImage | The HDR image resource class |
CHlslShader | The HLSL shader resource class |
CHlslShaderDesktop | The HLSL shader resource class |
CImage | The abstract base class for an image resource |
CInstance | The graph resource instance class |
CJpgImage | The JPG image resource class |
CKtxImage | The KTX image resource class |
CLibgdxAtlas | The LibGDX atlas resource class |
CMesh | The abstract base class for a mesh resource |
CMp4Video | The MP4 video resource class |
CNativeAnimation | The native animation resource class |
CNativeArchive | The native archive resource class |
CNativeAtlas | The native atlas resource class |
CNativeAudio | The native audio resource class |
CNativeDictionary | The native dictionary resource class |
CNativeFont | The native font resource class |
CNativeGraph | The native graph resource class |
CNativeImage | The native image resource class |
CNativeMesh | The native mesh resource class |
CNativeShader | The native shader resource class |
CNativeVideo | The native video resource class |
COggAudio | The OGG audio resource class |
CPackage | The abstract base class for a resource package |
CPfmImage | The PFM image resource class |
CPngImage | The PNG image resource class |
CPvrImage | The PVR image resource class for PVRTC-encoded images |
CShader | The abstract base class for a shader resource |
CText | The text resource class |
CTgaImage | The TGA image resource class |
CVideo | The abstract base class for a video resource |
CWavAudio | The WAV audio resource class |
CWebpImage | The WEBP image resource class |
CWmvVideo | The WMV video resource class |
CXmlAnimation | The XML animation resource class |
CXmlAtlas | The XML atlas resource class |
CXmlDictionary | The XML dictionary resource class |
CXmlGraph | The XML graph resource class |
CXmlImage | The XML image resource class |
CXmlPackage | The XML package class |
CXmlShader | The XML shader resource class |
►NSharedPointerPrivate | |
CCounterBase | The counter base class |
CCounterType | Counter class of a Specified pointer type |
CSharedCounter | The shared pointer counter class |
CWeakCounter | The weak pointer counter class |
►NSystem | System-specific classes and functions |
NCLib | System C-runtime library functions |
CConsole | The console printing class |
CDynamicLibrary | A dynamic library class |
CFile | The system file access class |
CMutex | The mutex class |
CLocker | The locker class for scoped Mutex locking |
CAtomicSInt32 | The atomic integer class |
CSemaphore | The semaphore class for thread synchronization |
CSocket | IPV4 socket class |
CSocketAddress | IPV4 socket address class |
CThread | The thread base class |
CTime | The time class provides high resolution time data |
CDateTime | The date and time class provides date and time members |
►NUtil | Utility classes, templates and functions |
NDeepCopy | Object deep copy functions |
NHash | Basic hash functions |
CAttributes | The attributes class, see IAttributes |
CAttributesBase | The attributes base class, see IAttributes |
CMD5Checksum | The MD5 checksum class |
CCRC32Checksum | The CRC32 checksum class |
CClassInfoRegistry | The class info registration container |
CBase64State | The Base64 state class |
CBase64Encoder | The Base64 encoder class |
CBase64Decoder | The Base64 decoder class |
►CEnvironment | The command arguments parser base class |
CColorParameter | The color parameter class |
CDoubleArrayParameter | The floating point array parameter class |
CDoubleParameter | The floating point parameter class |
CEnumArrayParameter | The enumeration array parameter template class |
CEnumParameter | The enumeration parameter template class |
CParameter | The parameter base class |
CSInt32ArrayParameter | The integer array parameter class |
CSInt32Parameter | The integer parameter class |
CStringArrayParameter | The string array parameter class |
CStringListArrayParameter | The string list array parameter class |
CStringPairArrayParameter | The string pair array parameter class |
CStringParameter | The string parameter class |
CSwitchParameter | The boolean parameter class |
CEvaluator | An expression evaluator |
CEvictableVideoStream | The evictable video stream class, see IVideoStream |
CEvictableVideoSurface | The evictable video surface class, see IVideoSurface |
CFile | Utility class implementing the IFile interface |
CFileInterface | Utility class implementing a IFileInterface base class |
CFileTools | Utility class to read / write binary files |
CFilter | The filter base class |
CBoxFilter | The box filter class has not interpolation |
CBilinearFilter | The bilinear filter class has linear interpolation |
CGaussianFilter | The gaussian filter class has gaussian function interpolation |
CFont | The font rendering class, see IFont |
CFontCollection | A collection of multiple fonts to render, see IFont |
CGeoLocation | The geo location class |
CIFactory | The factory used to create utility objects Use the Util::IFactoryRegistry base interface for managing registered classes |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
CIFactoryRegistry | The IFactoryRegistry interface provides methods to add, remove and query different utility classes that can be instantiated using the Util::IFactory implementing this interface |
CIffHeader | The Interchange File Format header format structure |
CIffChunk | The Interchange File Format chunk format structure |
CIffData | The Interchange File Format data class |
CIffStream | The Interchange File Format stream class |
CMemoryStream | The memory stream class |
CMessage | The message base class |
CMessageCallBack | The message callback base class is used by the MessageDispatch class to deliver received messages by a callback method, see MessageThread |
CMessageMethod | The MessageMethod class delivers a message of a specified type to a class method, see MessageThread |
CMessageDispatch | The message dispatch class is used to deliver messages to a callback method by message identifier, see MessageThread |
CMessageQueue | The message queue class is used to send and wait for Message objects, see MessageThread |
CMessageThread | Implements a thread with a ready to use MessageQueue and MessageDispatch class |
CMethodCall0 | The method call object |
CMethodCall1 | The method call object with 1 method parameter |
CMethodCall2 | The method call object with 2 method parameters |
CMethodCall3 | The method call object with 3 method parameters |
CMethodCall4 | The method call object with 4 method parameters |
CMethodCall5 | The method call object with 5 method parameters |
CMethodCall6 | The method call object with 6 method parameters |
CMethodCall7 | The method call object with 7 method parameters |
CMethodCall8 | The method call object with 8 method parameters |
CMethodCall9 | The method call object with 9 method parameters |
CMethodCall10 | The method call object with 10 method parameters |
CMethodCall11 | The method call object with 11 method parameters |
CMethodCall12 | The method call object with 12 method parameters |
CMethodCall13 | The method call object with 13 method parameters |
►COutlineRasterizer | A class for rasterizing vector outlines |
CHandle | A handle for rasterizing individual vector outlines |
CPixelConverter | Pixel format conversion class |
CPolygonManipulator | A class for mainpulating simple polygons |
CRng | The random number generator base class |
CMarsaglia | The marsaglia random number generator |
CTT800 | The TT800 random number generator |
CWell1024 | The Well random number generator |
CRsa | The rsa crypto class |
CSampleConverter | Sample format conversion class |
CCompareFunction | The compare functions |
CTimeline | The timeline base class |
CToolsFileInterface | Utility class implementing the IFileInterface class |
CVideoScaler | The video scaler class |
CNearestVideoScaler | The nearest video scaler class simply samples single points without filtering |
CBoxVideoScaler | The box video scaler class uses the BoxFilter and supports optimized scaling to half of the size |
CBilinearVideoScaler | The bilinear video scaler class uses the BilinearFilter |
CGaussianVideoScaler | The gaussian video scaler class uses the GaussianFilter |
CVideoStream | The video stream class, see IVideoStream |
CVideoSurface | The video surface class, see IVideoSurface |
CVideoSurfaceTools | The video surface tools class |
CXmlParser | The XML parser base class |
►NVideo | Namespace containing video related interfaces |
►NDx111 | Namespace containing DirectX 11.1 video related interfaces |
CHandle | The internal handle object for DirectX 11.1 |
CState | The internal renderer state object for DirectX 11.1 |
►NDx90 | Namespace containing DirectX 9.0 video related interfaces |
CHandle | The internal handle object for DirectX 9.0 |
CState | The internal renderer state object for DirectX 9.0 |
►NGlEs20 | Namespace containing OpenGL|ES 2.0 video related interfaces |
CHandle | The internal handle object for OpenGL|ES 2.0 |
CState | The internal renderer state object for OpenGL|ES 2.0 |
►NGlEs30 | |
CState | The internal renderer state object for OpenGL|ES 2.0 |
►NVulkan | |
CState | The internal renderer state object for vulkan |
CIAttribute | The IAttribute video object interface |
CIFloatAttribute | The IFloatAttribute video object interface |
CIFloatVector2Attribute | The IFloatVector2Attribute video object interface |
CIFloatVector3Attribute | The IFloatVector3Attribute video object interface |
CIFloatVector4Attribute | The IFloatVector4Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt8Attribute | The IUInt8Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt8Vector2Attribute | The IUInt8Vector2Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt8Vector3Attribute | The IUInt8Vector3Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt8Vector4Attribute | The IUInt8Vector4Attribute video object interface |
CISInt8Attribute | The ISInt8Attribute video object interface |
CISInt8Vector2Attribute | The ISInt8Vector2Attribute video object interface |
CISInt8Vector3Attribute | The ISInt8Vector3Attribute video object interface |
CISInt8Vector4Attribute | The ISInt8Vector4Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt16Attribute | The IUInt16Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt16Vector2Attribute | The IUInt16Vector2Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt16Vector3Attribute | The IUInt16Vector3Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt16Vector4Attribute | The IUInt16Vector4Attribute video object interface |
CISInt16Attribute | The ISInt16Attribute video object interface |
CISInt16Vector2Attribute | The ISInt16Vector2Attribute video object interface |
CISInt16Vector3Attribute | The ISInt16Vector3Attribute video object interface |
CISInt16Vector4Attribute | The ISInt16Vector4Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt32Attribute | The IUInt32Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt32Vector2Attribute | The IUInt32Vector2Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt32Vector3Attribute | The IUInt32Vector3Attribute video object interface |
CIUInt32Vector4Attribute | The IUInt32Vector4Attribute video object interface |
CISInt32Attribute | The ISInt32Attribute video object interface |
CISInt32Vector2Attribute | The ISInt32Vector2Attribute video object interface |
CISInt32Vector3Attribute | The ISInt32Vector3Attribute video object interface |
CISInt32Vector4Attribute | The ISInt32Vector4Attribute video object interface |
CIBatch | This interface represents a statically grouped set of render state objects and drawables |
CIBone | The IBone video object interface |
CICamera | The ICamera video object interface |
CIComputeJob | The IComputeJob video object interface |
CIConstantBuffer | The IConstantBuffer video object interface |
CIConstants | The IConstants video object interface |
CIDrawable | The IDrawable video object interface |
CIFactory | The factory used to create and destroy video renderers |
CStaticFactory | To create the IFactory object |
CIFactoryRegistry | The IFactoryRegistry interface provides methods to add, remove and query different video renderer classes that can be instantiated using the Video::IFactory implementing this interface |
CIFixedTechnique | The IFixedTechnique video object interface |
CIFrameBuffer | The IFrameBuffer video object interface |
CIIndexBuffer | The IIndexBuffer video object interface |
CIIndices | The IIndices video object interface |
CILight | The ILight video object interface |
CIMaterial | The IMaterial video object interface |
CIObject | The base interface for all video objects |
CIProgram | The IProgram video object interface |
CIRenderer | The Video::IRenderer interface represents a generic video renderer |
CIRendererRegistry | The IRendererRegistry interface provides methods to add, remove and query different video renderer objects that can be instantiated using the Video::IRenderer implementing this interface |
CISampler | The ISampler video object interface |
CIShader | The IShader video object interface |
►CIShaderTechnique | The IShaderTechnique video object interface |
CAttributeVariableDeclaration | A declaration of a predefined attribute variable |
CUniformVariableDeclaration | A declaration of a predefined uniform variable |
CITexture | The ITexture video object interface |
CIUniform | The IUniform video object interface |
CIFloatUniform | The IFloatUniform video object interface |
CIFloatVector2Uniform | The IFloatVector2Uniform video object interface |
CIFloatVector3Uniform | The IFloatVector3Uniform video object interface |
CIFloatVector4Uniform | The IFloatVector4Uniform video object interface |
CIFloatMatrix2Uniform | The IFloatMatrix2Uniform video object interface |
CIFloatMatrix3Uniform | The IFloatMatrix3Uniform video object interface |
CIFloatMatrix4Uniform | The IFloatMatrix4Uniform video object interface |
CISInt32Uniform | The ISInt32Uniform video object interface |
CISInt32Vector2Uniform | The ISInt32Vector2Uniform video object interface |
CISInt32Vector3Uniform | The ISInt32Vector3Uniform video object interface |
CISInt32Vector4Uniform | The ISInt32Vector4Uniform video object interface |
CIVertexBuffer | The IVertexBuffer video object interface |
CIVertices | The IVertices video object interface |
CIView | The IView video object interface |
CObject | The abstract base class for a video renderer object |
CState | The internal renderer state object |
CIfFixedProgramBranch | The IfFixedProgramBranch video object interface |
CArray | A generic array template class for moveable objects eg. structs or fundamental data types like UInt32, Real, etc |
►CAttributeInfo | A container for storing attribute information about a class |
CItem | A single attribute information item |
CAutoPointerRef | A wrapper class to provide AutoPointer with reference semantics |
CAutoPointer | A simple smart pointer providing strict ownership semantics |
CBitfield | The bitfield class |
CChangeInspector | Inspector for observing ChangeController classes |
CChangeController | The change controller template class to control changes of an object's value |
CColor | A color class |
CCustomControlable | The CustomControlable default implementation class |
CConstData | The ConstData object holds a pointer and size information to a read-only memory data location |
CMutableData | The MutableData object holds a pointer and size information to a mutable memory data location |
CData | The Data object holds a pointer and size information to an allocated memory data location |
CBufferedData | The BufferedData object extends the Data object for appending data portions to pre-allocated memory |
CDeleter | The default delete functor |
CArrayDeleter | The default array-delete functor |
CNoDeleter | The no-delete functor |
CDoubleBuffer | A double buffer template class |
CEngine | The engine class used to initialize the engine |
►CEnum | Enumeration string mapping template class |
CItem | Definition of an Enum initialization item |
CEnumContainer | A container holding individual enumeration objects by name |
CStaticEnumContainer | The static enum container in the Murl namespace |
CFactory | The factory class used to create and initialize the engine, configuration and device handler instances |
CField | A generic field template class for fixed-size arrays |
CHash | A hash class |
CStdHash | The default hash functor for objects |
CPtrHash | The default hash functor for pointers |
CIAccelerometer | The accelerometer device interface |
CIAddon | The add-on interface |
CIApp | The application interface |
CIAppAddonRegistry | The add-on registry interface |
CIAppConfiguration | The application configuration interface defines the application-specific settings which can be modified during runtime |
CIAppControl | The IAppControl interface |
CIAppFactoryRegistry | The app factory registry interface |
CIAppModuleRegistry | The app module registry interface |
CIAppState | The application state interface |
CIAppStoreControl | The IAppStoreControl interface |
CIAppStoreProduct | The IAppStoreProduct interface |
CIAttributes | The XML attributes interface |
CIAudioInterface | The audio interface |
CIAudioStream | The audio stream interface |
CICloudControl | The ICloudControl interface |
CICloudRecord | The ICloudRecord interface |
CIControlable | The IControlable interface |
CICustomControlable | The ICustomControlable interface |
CIDeviceHandler | The main device handler interface |
CIEMail | The e-mail interface |
CIEngine | The main engine interface |
CIEngineConfiguration | The engine configuration interface defines the engine-specific settings which can be modified prior to starting the engine only, e.g |
►CIFactoryObject | The factory object interface |
CClassInfo | The class information object |
CIFeatureSet | The IFeatureSet interface |
CIFile | The file interface provides access to a single file |
CIFileInterface | The file access interface |
CIFilter | The filter interface |
CIFont | The font interface |
CIGameCenterControl | The IGameCenterControl interface |
CIGameCenterPlayer | The player entry interface |
CIGameCenterLeaderboardEntry | The leaderboard entry interface |
CIGameCenterAchievementEntry | The achievement entry interface |
CIGameController | The game controller device interface |
►CIGameControllerMapping | The game controller mapping interface |
CAxisMapping | The raw axis mapping |
CAxisRawData | The raw axis data |
CButtonMapping | The button mapping |
CDeviceInfo | Device information data |
CPovMapping | The point of view mapping |
CRawData | The game controller raw data |
CRawMapping | The game controller mapping data |
CIGyroscope | The gyroscope device interface |
CIHeading | The heading device interface |
CIKeyboard | The keyboard device interface |
CIKeyboardControl | The IKeyboardControl interface |
CILoader | The loader interface |
CILocation | The location device interface |
CIMediaControl | The IMediaControl interface |
CIMethodCall | The method call interface |
CIMotion | The motion device interface |
CIMouse | The mouse device interface |
CIMovieStream | The movie stream interface |
CIMusicPlayerControl | The IMusicPlayerControl interface |
CIOrientation | The orientation device interface |
CIPackage | The package interface |
CIPlatformConfiguration | The platform configuration interface defines the immutable platform-specific settings |
CIPreferencesControl | The IPreferencesControl interface |
CIRawButton | The raw-button device interface |
CIRawKeyboard | The raw-keyboard device interface |
CIRawMouse | The raw-mouse device interface |
CIRumbleControl | The IRumbleControl interface |
CIScreenshotControl | The IScreenshotControl interface |
CISystemDialog | The system-dialog interface |
CISystemDialogControl | The ISystemDialogControl interface |
CISystemFontControl | The system font control interface |
CITelephonyControl | The ITelephonyControl interface |
CITouchScreen | The touch screen device interface |
CIUrlRequest | The url request interface |
CIVideoInterface | The video interface |
CIVideoScaler | The video scaler interface |
CIVideoStream | The video stream interface |
CIVideoSurface | The video surface interface |
CIVirtualMouse | The virtual mouse device interface |
CIWebControl | The IWebControl interface |
CIndex | A generic index template class for moveable objects eg. structs or fundamental data types like UInt32, Real, etc |
CIndexBase | A generic index template base class |
CMap | A generic map template class for moveable objects eg. structs or fundamental data types like UInt32, Real, etc |
CMapBase | A generic map template base class |
►CObjectArray | A generic array template class for non-moveable objects eg. NonCopyable classes |
CConstIterator | Definition of the const iterator |
CIterator | Definition of the iterator |
CObjectIndex | A generic index template class for non-moveable objects eg. NonCopyable classes |
CObjectMap | A generic map template class for non-moveable objects eg. NonCopyable classes |
►CObjectQueue | A generic queue template class for non-moveable objects eg. NonCopyable classes |
CConstIterator | Definition of the const iterator |
CIterator | Definition of the iterator |
CPool | A pool template class |
►CPropertyInfo | A container for storing property information about a class |
CItem | A single property information item |
►CQueue | A generic queue template class for moveable objects eg. structs or fundamental data types like UInt32, Real, etc |
CConstIterator | Definition of the const iterator |
CIterator | Definition of the iterator |
CResult | A class for retrieving the result of some operation |
CRingBuffer | A ringbuffer template class |
CSharedArray | A proxy class contaning a shared pointer to an array |
CWeakPointer | The WeakPointer class |
CSharedPointer | The SharedPointer class |
CString | A string class |
CAutoPointerArray | An array of AutoPointer<AutoPointerType> objects |
CSharedPointerArray | An array of SharedPointer<SharedPointerType> objects |
CNonCopyable | A base class for implementing non-copyable objects |
CIWindowInterface | The window interface |